B3 Reproduction Flashcards
What is puberty?
This is when your body goes through physical changes during adolescence.
Between what ages does puberty take place?
Around 9-14
Do girls generally start puberty before boys?
What are 3 changes that happen to both boys and girls during puberty?
Your pubic and underarm hair grows, body odour, growth spurt, emotional changes.
What happens to girls during puberty?
Breast develop, ovaries start to release eggs, periods start, hips widen.
What happens to boys during puberty?
Voice breaks- gets deeper, testes and penis get bigger, testes start to produce sperm, shoulders widen, hair grows on face and chest.
Where are female sex hormones made?
In the ovaries.
Where are male sex hormones made?
In the testes.
What is the testes and what do they do?
There are 2 testes contained in a bag of skin called the scrotum. The testes produce sperm cells and the male sex hormones.
What is the glands and what do they do?
They produce nutrients that help to keep sperm alive.
What is the semen?
The mixture of sperm and fluid.
What is the urethra?
A tube that carries urine from the bladder out of body or sperm from the sperm duct.
What causes all the changes in your body during puberty?
Sex hormones
What do the ovaries do?
They contain egg cells. One egg cell is released every month.
What do the oviducts do?
They carry an egg to the uterus.
What does the uterus do?
This is where a baby develops until it is born.
What does the cervix do?
This is a ring of muscle at the entrance to the uterus. It keeps the baby in place while the woman is pregnant.
What does the vagina do?
This receives the sperm during sexual intercourse.
What is the technical term for reproductive cells?
What is the name of the process when the nucleus of the sperm joins the nucleus of the egg?
What is the name of the process when sperm is released?
What is the name of the process when an embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus?
What is the name given to the length of time from fertilisation to birth?
How long is gestation for an average human?
9 months or 40 weeks
After 8 weeks the embryo is now called a ?
What is the purpose of the placenta?
To pass substances between the mother and baby. It stops infections from teaching the fetus.
What is the purpose of the umbilical cord?
Connects the fetus to the placenta
What is the purpose of the amniotic fluid?
Acts as a shock absorber protecting the fetus
How long does the menstrual last on average?
28 days
What happens on day 1 of the menstrual cycle?
Blood from the uterus lining leaves the body through the vagina
What day does ovulation happen in the menstrual cycle?
14th day
Name two forms of contraception
Condom and contraceptive pill
What is a disadvantage of taking the contraceptive pill?
You can still catch STIs
What is the underneath of a flower called?
What is male reproductive part of the plant called?
How many parts does the stamen have?
Two parts
What are the two parts of the stamen?
Anther and filament
Where is pollen found on a plant?
What is the female sex part of a plant?
How many parts does the carpel have?
Three parts
What are the three parts of the carpel?
Stigma, style and ovary
How can seeds be fertilised?
By insects or by wind
After fertilisation the ovarys develop into ?..
What are the three main parts of a seed?
Seed coat, embryo and food store
What do seeds need for growth?
Water, oxygen, warmth
What is the name of the process where seeds start to grow?
What are the four ways to disperse seeds?
Animal, water, explosive and wind