B3 - Living and Growing Flashcards
Explain why liver and muscle cells have large
numbers of mitochondria.
Mitochondria is where respiration takes place; respiration provides energy for cell processes. Therefore, areas of the body that needs lots of energy will have large numbers of mitochondria.
- In the liver, lots of energy-demanding metabolic reactions take place. Lots of mitochondria are needed to provide that energy.
- Muscle cells need lots of energy to contract; mitochondria provide this energy.
Where does protein synthesis take place?
They happen in ribosomes, which are found in the cell’s cytoplasm.
Describe the basic structure of DNA.
- Two strands coiled together to form of a double helix.
- Each strand contains chemicals called bases.
- Cross-links between the strands formed by complimentary base pairs.
What is a chromosome?
A long-coiled molecule of DNA, divided up into regions called genes.
List the four bases of DNA and their complimentary base pairings.
A + T
G + C
Explain how a unique protein structure is determined by the
DNA base code.
- The order of the bases in a gene determines the order in which the amino acids join together in a protein.
- Each amino acid is coded for by a sequence of three bases.
- Each gene contains a different sequence of bases, allowing each gene to code for a unique protein.
Explain how code is carried from the nucleus to the ribosomes.
- DNA can’t move out of the nucleus because it is too large.
- mRNA is a messenger that copies the code from the DNA and transports it back to the ribosome.
- The ribosome then can use the bases from the copied genes to produce amino acids and proteins.
Explain how DNA controls cell function by controlling protein production.
- Some proteins determine cell structure, others (such as enzymes) control cell reactions.
- Different cells have different functions because they make different proteins.
- This is because only certain genes are used in any one cell. For example, muscle cells only use the genes that code for muscle proteins.
How did Watson and Crick build a model of DNA? Why wasn’t this model widely accepted straight away?
- X-rays showed that two chains were wound together to form DNA.
- Data showed that bases occurred pairs.
This model wasn’t accepted right away, as it was necessary for other scientists to repeat and test their work.
Describe the functions of different proteins (using examples where possible).
Structural proteins - e.g. collagen
Hormones - e.g. insulin
Carrier molecules - e.g. haemoglobin
Explain why different proteins have different shapes and functions.
Each protein has its own number and sequence of amino acids, resulting in each protein having a different shape/structure. This is why different proteins are better suited to different functions.
What is a substrate?
The molecule changed by catalyzed reaction involving enzymes.
Describe key features of enzymes.
- Biological catalysts
- Catalyze chemical reactions such as respiration and protein synthesis.
- They are highly specific to their substrate (the chemical they are acting upon).
Explain the specificity of enzymes in terms of the
‘lock and key’ mechanism.
- Each enzyme has an active site, which is the part that connects/joins on to the substrate.
- Enzymes are highly specific - usually only working for one substrate.
- The active site has a very specific shape; if the substrate’s shape doesn’t match the shape of the enzyme’s active site, the reaction won’t be catalysed.
Explain how enzyme activity is affected by pH and
- Lower collision rates at lower temperatures, meaning the substrate is less likely to meet up with the active site of the enzyme.
- At extremes of pH and high temperatures, the enzymes become denatured.
- This is an irreversible change that alters the enzyme’s function.
- Denaturing changes the shape of the active site, often meaning that it is no longer able to catalyse reactions as it does not match up with the substrate.
What is the Q10 value for a reaction? How can it be calculated?
The Q10 value for a reaction shows how much the rate of reaction changes when the temperature is raised by 10 degrees.
Q10 = rate at higher temperature / rate at lower temperature
Explain how changes to genes alter, or prevent the
production of the protein which is normally made.
- A mutation is a change in the DNA base sequence.
- If the DNA base sequence changes, a different sequence of amino acids will be produced, resulting in a different protein is produced (or no proteins at all).
Mutations occur randomly, but how can their frequency be increased?
- Ionising radiation from EM waves can increase the chance of mutation.
- Chemicals, called mutagens, can increase the chance of a mutation occurring.
What is the symbol equation for respiration?
C6H12O6 + 6O2 —-> 6H2O + 6CO2
In what form does respiration produce energy for the body?
Respiration results in the production of ATP - ATP is used as the energy source (fuel) for lots of processes in cells.
Why can oxygen consumption be used an estimate for metabolic rate?
The metabolic rate is the rate at which energy is used by the body. Since aerobic respiration needs oxygen, the rate of oxygen consumption can be used as an estimate of metabolic rate.
Explain why the rate of respiration is influenced by
changes in temperature and pH.
The rate of respiration is controlled by enzymes. Therefore, at extremes of pH or high temperatures, the enzymes become denatured.
This means that their active sites can change shape and stop interlocking with the substrate. As a result, the reaction can no longer be catalysed as effectively, slowing it down.
Explain why anaerobic respiration takes place during
hard exercise in addition to aerobic respiration.
When you are exercising vigorously, your muscles need a lot more energy. This means more respiration needs to take place; anaerobic respiration requires oxygen. As a result, your body is unable to supply enough oxygen to your body.
Therefore, anaerobic respiration begins to take place - a form of respiration that doesn’t require oxygen.
Explain why anaerobic respiration is less efficient than aerobic respiration.
Anaerobic respiration produces much less energy per glucose molecule than aerobic respiration.
Explain fatigue in terms of lactic acid build up.
- Hard exercise causes a lack of oxygen in cells.
- As a result, glucose can only be partially broken down (incomplete) via anaerobic respiration.
- Lactic acid is built-up, and must be transported back to the liver to be broken down. This means that your heart rate remains high.
- To break down this lactic acid, extra oxygen is needed. This is why you continue breathing heavily (panting) after exercise - in order to repay your oxygen debt.
List the advantages of being multicellular.
- Allows organism to be larger.
- Allows for cell differentiation (specific cells can carry out specific jobs).
- Organism can become more complex.
Explain why becoming multicellular requires the
development of specialised organ systems.
- A system (e.g. a central nervous system) is needed to facilitate the communication between cells.
- A system is needed to supply the cells with nutrients (e.g. circulatory system).
- A system needs to control the exchange of substances with the environment (e.g. respiratory system).
In mammals, why are body cells described as diploids?
There are two copies of each chromosome.
Describe DNA replication prior to mitosis.
- The double helix DNA unzips to form single strands.
- New nucleotide bases (freely floating in the nucleus) join with up with their complimentary base pairs on the strands.
- The end result is two double-stranded molecules of DNA that are genetically identical.
Describe mitosis in terms of the chromosomes.
- The chromosomes line up along the centre of the cell.
- Next, the chromosomes divide.
- The two arms of each chromosome go to opposite poles of the cell.
- The cytoplasm then divides, leaving two identical cells.
Describe meiosis in terms of the chromosomes.
- one chromosome from each pair separate to
opposite poles of the cell in the first division - chromosomes divide and the copies move to
opposite poles of the cell in the second division.
Why does fertilisation result in genetic variation?
- Two gametes combine to form a diploid zygote.
Genes on the chromosomes combine to control the characteristics of the zygote.
Why are gametes described as haploid?
They contain half the number of chromosomes (one from each pair).
Explain how the structure of a sperm cell is adapted
to its function.
- Lots of mitochondria to provide the energy needed to move large distances toward the egg.
- Acrosome on the front of the ‘head’ that releases enzymes to digest the egg membrane.
Describe the function of plasma in the blood.
- Carries white blood cells (immune system).
- Carries platelets (used in blood clotting).
- Carries red blood cells.
- Carries CO2, urea, hormones and antibodies.
Explain how the structure of a red blood cell is
adapted to its function.
- They are small and have a biconcave shape, giving them a large surface area to volume ratio for absorbing and releasing oxygen.
- They contain haemoglobin (this makes blood red) which combines with oxygen to become oxyhaemoglobin. In body tissues, the reverse happens to release oxygen to the cells.
- Red blood cells don’t have a nucleus, freeing up space for haemoglobin.
- Red blood cells are very flexible, allowing them to travel through small capillaries.
Describe how the parts of the circulatory system work
together to bring about the transport of substances
around the body.
- Arteries transport blood away from heart.
- Veins transport blood to the heart.
- Capillaries exchange materials between tissues.
How are arteries adapted to their function?
They have a thick muscular and elastic wall to allow blood to be pumped at high pressures.
How are veins adapted to their function?
Veins have a large lumen (less resistance) to help the blood flow despite the lower pressure.
Furthermore, veins have valves to ensure blood flows in the right direction - especially when working with low pressures against gravity.
How are capillaries adapted to their function?
- They have thin permeable walls that allow substances to diffuse in and out.
- Their walls are only one cell thick, allowing diffusion to happen more quickly.
Explain the advantages of a double circulatory system.
- Blood can be pumped at a higher pressure around the body.
- Therefore, the flow of blood toward tissues is greater. This means nutrients can be transported to cells on a bigger scale.
What is the role of the semilunar, tricuspid and bicuspid valves?
To prevent the backflow of blood.
What is the role of the vena cava?
The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the body.
What is the role of the pulmonary artery?
Deoxygenated blood can be pumped from the right ventricle to the lungs.
What is the role of the aorta?
Blood is pumped from the left ventricle to around the body.
What is the role of the pulmonary vein?
Oxygenated blood is pumped from the lungs into the left atrium.
Why does the left ventricle have a much thicker muscle wall than the right ventricle?
The left ventricle has to pump blood around the entire body, whereas the right ventricle only needs to pump blood to the lungs.
Describe the process of differentiation.
Initially, humans are made of up embryonic cells.
These cells are undifferentiated, meaning they can develop into a variety of different types of cells depending on the type of instructions they are given. These are stem cells.
Eventually, these stem cells begin to divide and specialize (differentiate) into certain roles (e.g. tissue cells).
Describe the difference between the arrangement
of DNA in a bacterial cell and a plant/animal cell.
- Bacterial cells do not contain a nucleus.
- Instead, DNA exists in the membrane as plasmid DNA and chromosomal DNA.
Bacterial cells lack the following…
- A traditional nucleus.
- Mitochondria
- Chloroplasts
How many stages of rapid growth occur throughout a human’s lifetime? When do they occur?
Two. One period right after birth, and another period of growth during adolescence.
Explain why the growth of parts of an organism may
differ from the growth rate of the whole organism.
The head of a human foetus in the womb grows faster than the rest of the body for the first two months. This is because certain areas of the body, such as the head, need extra growth to support their special function.
Explain the difference between adult and embryonic
stem cells.
Embryonic stem cells are completely undifferentiated, meaning that they can differentiate into almost any type of cell. Adult stem cells are more limited in their differentiating ability, meaning they can only turn into tissues of a similar origin to the stem cell.
Explain why plant growth differs from animal growth
- Animals grow to a finite size and then stop, whereas plants can grow continuously.
- Plant cell division is restricted to specific areas called meristems, whereas animal cell division happens everywhere.
- Cell enlargement is the main form of growth for plants.
- Plant cells retain the ability to differentiate, but animal cells lose that ability at an early age.
Explain how a selective breeding programme
may reduce the gene pool leading to problems of
- Through inbreeding, harmful recessive characteristics may be accumulated. This can cause hugely negative health impacts for the animal.
- Inbreeding results in a loss of natural variation, meaning that populations will be more vulnerable to sudden climate changes or new diseases.
Describe an advantage and risk associated with genetic engineering.
Advantage – organisms with desired features are
produced rapidly.
Risk – inserted genes may have unexpected
harmful effects.
List the basic principals of genetic engineering.
- Ideal characteristics selected.
- The genes responsible for those characteristics are then isolated.
- These genes are then inserted into other organisms.
- These organisms are then replicated.
What is gene therapy?
Changing a person’s genes in attempt to cure a disorder.
What is cloning?
Asexual reproduction to produce genetically identical copies of the same organism.
List possible uses of cloning.
- Mass-producing animals with desired characteristics.
- Producing human embryos for stem cell therapy.
- Producing animals that have been genetically engineered to provide human products.
Describe in outline the cloning technique used to
produce Dolly
- Nucleus removed from egg cell.
- Egg cell nucleus replaced with nucleus from udder cell.
- Cell given an electric shock to make it divide.
- Embryo implanted in surrogate sheep.
- Embryo grows into clone of the sheep from which the udder cell came.
Explain the possible implications of using genetically
modified animals to supply replacement organs for
Animals such as pigs have organs suitable for transplantation into human bodies. By cloning this animals, we can create a constant supply of organs to help meet the growing demand. However, it is possible that viruses could be passed from animals to humans by doing this.
Describe plant cloning by tissue culture.
- Desired characteristics selected.
- Large number of small pieces of tissue taken from a plant with those desired characteristics.
- An aseptic technique is used.
- The tissue is then placed in a suitable growth medium with suitable conditions for plant growth.
Why is cloning plants easier than cloning animals?
Plant cells retain their ability to differentiate, whereas animal cells lose that ability from an early stage.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages
associated with the commercial use of cloned plants
- Can be sure of plant characteristics as they will be genetically identical.
- It is possible to mass produce plants that may not grow very well from seeds.
- If the climate changes, or a new disease arises, the lack of natural variation will mean all plants will be impacted.
- Lack of genetic variation.