B.2 New Accounting, Long Duration Contracts Flashcards
TI: Traditional Contract requirements
- net level premium approach
- reserve premiums = constant % of GP
- BenLiab = PVFB - NPR*PVGP
- Net Premium Ratio (NPR) is calculated at policy issue
- represents the ratio of the PV (actual and future expected benefits) over the PV (actual and future expected GPs)
- use at inception discount rates
- benefits do not include acquisition costs
- maintenance and admin expenses are expensed when incurred
- cannot be grouped with contracts in different issue years
- Discount Rates should be updated quarterly to reflect current upper-medium grade yields
- changes to income due to updated IRs is recorded in OCI
- OCI is based on comparing to at-inception discount rates
TI: DAC rules
- DAC is amortized at a constant level, straight line
- no interest accretion
- recognize experience adjustments immediately in income
- DAC is written off immediately on death/lapse
- no impairment testing required
- deferrable acquisition costs are not capitalized until incurred
- modified retro approach: Opening DAC balance = existing DAC balance, then amortized prospectively using straight line method
TI: Market Risk Benefits
ex: GMxBs
ASU 2018-12 requires additional benefit features classified into 3 categories:
- Market risk Benefits (GMxBs)
- significant Capital market risk
- offers insured protection from capital market loss. transfers potential loss from policyholder AV to insurer
- does not include DBs - Bifurcated embedded derivatives
- index credits on indexed annuities and IUL - Annuitization, death
- excess annuitization or DBs continue using benefit ratio model
- measure MRBs at fair value and record FV changes
- FV measurement should reduce accounting mismatch compared to legacy approach
- can be an asset or liability
- MRB can be calculated as an option, G/L = 0 at issue
- MRB liability is released on annuitization
- MRBs are required to be FULLY retro approaches
TI: Transition Requiremetns
fully retroactive and modified retroactive approaches at transition
fully retro:
- recalc all balances under ASU 2018-12
- bring all balances from issue to the transition date and record the AOCI reflecting the difference in IRs at transition vs issue
modified retro:
- insurers may not have enough data for fully retro, or may be too costly/impractical
- open reserves at trans date = closing rsv before trans date
- remove items previously recorded in AOIC related to shadow loss rsv
- the revised amount is called the carryover basis
- the NPR will pivot off the carryover basis
- initial NPR = (PVFB - Carryover Basis) / PVGP
- NPR = 100% cap, can be negative
- transition date = issue date under mod retro
TI: Presentation/disclosure requirements
- separate presentation of liability remeasurement gain/loss
- separate presentation of MRBs and changes in FV
- disaggregated roll forwards
- key judgement and assumptions disclosures
- transitiions disclosures
TI: Changes from FAS 60
- Assumptions are not locked in at issue
- revise NPR using historical experience
- can update NPR every quarter but must update NPR at least once per year
- TI: assumptions are best estimates
- FAS 60: assumptions are best estimates + PADs
- TI does not require premium deficiency testing, NPR capped at 100%
- TI liability for policy benefits is floored at zero (not floored under FAS 60)
- more detailed records and disclosures
- Only non-level claims-related expenses are included in the benefit liability
- FAS 60: al expected expenses are reflected in liability
- DPL% has to be updated each reporting date to reflect actual experience
TI: Discount Rate Assumptions
Discount rates reflect A-grade upper medium bonds
- reflect duration characteristics of the liability (yield curve, not a single discount rate)
- maximize use of observable inputs, minimize use of unobservable inputs
- long duration liabilities may exceed longest asset yields available and require judgement
- discount rates should be updated quarterly to reflect latest A-grade bonds
- the impact of updating discount rates is captured in OCI
- the difference in discount rates is compared with the original discount rates at issue