B2 - Cells and Control Flashcards
a coiled up length of DNA molecules
What is a
diploid cell?
a cell which has two copies of each chromosone
What is
used for? (2)
- growth in multicellular organisms
- replacing cells that have been damaged in multicellular organisms
asexual reproduction.
the use of mitosis to reproduce
What are the
main stages of the cell cycle?
(6 stages)
International - Interphase
Propaganda - Prophase
Makes - Metaphase
Animals - Anaphase
Telecommunicate - Telophase
Cylently - Cytokinesis
What occurs during
(2 things)
- the cell grows and increases the amount of subcellular structures (e.g. mitochondria and ribosomes)
- the DNA is duplicated and forms X-shaped chromosones
each ‘arm’ (chromatid) of the chromosone is an exact duplicate of the other
What are the
four stages of mitosis?
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
What occurs during
(2 things)
- the chromosones condense, getting shorter and fatter
- the membrane around the nucleus breaks down and the chromosones lie free in the cytoplasm
What occurs during
(1 thing)
the chromosones line up at the centre of the cell
What occurs during
(2 things)
- spindle fibres pull the chromosones apart
- the chromatids are pulled to opposite ends of the cell
What occurs during
(2 things)
- membranes form around each of the sets of chromosones
- cytokinesis occurs
these become the nuclei of the two new cells - the nucleus has divided
What occurs during
the cytoplasm and cell membrane divide to form two separate cells
(this is part of telophase)
What is produced at the end of
two genetically identical diploid daughter cells which are genetically identical to the parent cell
What equation allows you to calculate
number of cells after multiple divisions of a cell by mitosis?
number of cells = 2^number of divisions
N = 2^n
an increase in size or mass
cell differentiation.
the process by which a cell changes to become specialised for its job
What are the benefits of
specialised cells?
they allow multicellular organisms to work more efficiently
cell elongation.
the expansion of a plant cell, making the cell bigger and so making the plant grow
How does
cancer occur?
(4 steps)
- The rate at which cells divide by mitosis is controlled by the chemical instructions (genes) in an organism’s DNA.
- If there’s a change in one of the genes that controls cell division, the cell may start dividing uncontrollably.
- This can result in a mass of abnormal cells called a tumour.
- If the tumour invades and destroys surrounding tissue it is called cancer.
When might a doctor choose to investigate a baby’s size?
- if they are above the top percentile line
- if they are below the bottom percentile line
- if their size increases or decreases by two or more percentile lines over time
- if there’s an inconsistent pattern
stem cell.
an undifferentiated cell
Where are
stem cells found in adults?
bone marrow
What are the differences between
adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells?
(and why?)
adult stem cells aren’t as versatile, they can only produce certain cell types
this is because in adults, the stem cells are used to replaced damaged cells (e.g. to make new skin cells or blood cells)
Where are
meristems found in plants?
and why?
in the areas of the plant that are growing ( tips of the roots and shoots)
(this is because they are the only cells that divide by mitosis)
What are the differences between
adult stem cells and meristems?
unlike human stem cells, the meristems produce unspecialised cells that can divide and differentiate into any type of cell for as long as the plant lives
What are the
three main risks of stem cells in medicine?
- tumour development
- disease transmission
- rejection
Describe the risk that
tumour development
from stem cells poses.
Stem cells divide very quickly. If scientists are unable to control the rate at which the transplanted cells divide inside a patient, a tumour may develop.
Describe the risk that
disease transmission
from stem cells poses.
Viruses live inside cells. If donor stem cells are infected with a virus and isn’t picked up, the virus could be passed on to the recipient and so make them sicker.
Describe the risk that
from stem cells poses.
If the transplanted cells aren’t grown using the patient’s own stem cells, the patient’s body may recognise the cells as foreign and trigger an immune response to try to get rid of them. The patient can take drugs to suppress this response, but this makes them susceptible to diseases.