B1 Je déménage à l'étranger - Je dois trouver un appartement !(3) Flashcards
ouvrir un compte bancaire
to open a bank account
I want to open a bank account.
remplir des formulaires
to fill out forms
Please fill out these forms.
papiers d’identité
You must provide two types of identification.
louer un appartement
to rent an apartment
I will rent an apartment in Seville during my year abroad.
payer un loyer
to pay rent
I pay rent on the first day of the month.
to sign
You must sign a tenancy agreement before you receive the keys.
prendre un abonnement téléphonique
to get a phone contract
I will get a phone contract when I arrive in Colombia.
to look up
I will look up the meaning of the word.
I need to find the embassy.
Je payais le loyer à la fin du mois.
I paid rent at the end of the month.
Ma sœur paie un loyer hebdomadaire.
My sister pays rent weekly.
J’ai signé mon contrat de travail hier.
I signed my employment contract yesterday.
Vous devez signer votre carte bancaire avant de l’utiliser.
You must sign your credit card before using it.
Je viens de déménager à Istanbul, donc j’ai une nouvelle routine.
I’ve just moved to Istanbul, so I have a new routine.