B. The Bible (WCF 1; WLC 1-6, 154-160; WSC 3, 88-90) Flashcards
Define and distinguish “general revelation” and “special revelation.”
- General – the light of nature given by God in the works of creation and providence (Ps 19, Rom 1)
- Special – the Bible, Christ incarnate (Heb 1)
Define and defend (including Scripture proofs) the “inspiration” of Scripture.
God used the intellect, skills, and personality of fallible men, moved by the Holy Spirit, to write the Bible.
* 2 Peter 2:19, 21 (Men of God spoke moved by the Holy Spirit)
* 2 Timothy 3:16 (God-breathed)
Define and defend the “necessity” of Scripture.
The Bible is necessary for knowing the gospel, for maintaining spiritual life, and for knowing God’s will, but is not necessary for knowing that God exists or for knowing something of God’s character and moral laws (Grudem)
* Romans 10:13-17 “how are they to believe…”
- Matthew 4:4 (Man does not live on bread alone)
What is the “canon”? Defend it scripturally.
The list of all the books that belong in the Bible
- Jesus’ view of the OT (John 10 - unbreakable, Matt 5:17-18 - Jesus fulfills, Heb. 1:1 - God spoke by prophets; Mt. 4 - Temptation)
- NT quotations on of the OT (Heb 10 - Holy Spirit speaks)
- 2 Timothy 3:14-16 - indicates OT is breathed out by God
- 1 Timothy 5:18 - qoutes OT as Scripture.
- 1 Tim. 5:18 qoutes Jesus from Mt 10/Lk 10 as Scripture
- Holy Spirit will teach you (John 14)
- 2 Peter 3:16 (Paul’s writings as Scripture)
Define and defend the “authority” of Scripture.
All the words in Scripture are God’s words in such a way that to disbelieve or disobey any word of Scripture is to disbelieve or disobey God (Grudem)
* This is what the Bible Claims for itself (2 Timothy 3:16)
* We are convinced as we read
* “The heavenliness of the matter, the majesty of style, the consent of all the parts, the scope of the whole, etc.” (WCF I:V)
* Self-attesting- prophecies, etc.
Define and defend the “sufficiency” of Scripture.
Scripture contained all the words of God He intended his people to have at each stage of redemptive history, and that it now contains all the words of God we need for salvation, for trusting Him perfectly, and for obeying Him perfectly (Grudem)
* 2 Timothy 3:16
Define and defend the “perspicuity” (clarity) of Scripture.
“All things in Scripture are not alike plain in themselves, nor alike clear unto all: yet those things which are necessary to be known, believed, and observed for salvation, are so clearly propounded, and opened in some place of Scripture or other, that not only the learned, but the unlearned, in a due use of the ordinary means, may attain unto a sufficient understanding of them” (WCF I:VII)
* Psalm 119:130 “imparts understanding to the simple”
What is distinctive about Reformed interpretation of Scripture?
• The infallible rule of interpretation of Scripture is Scripture
• Scripture is the supreme judge in matters of faith and practice
- All men can read it
What principles should guide our interpretation of Scripture?
• Scripture interprets Scripture; the clear illumines the unclear
- We should read it with a high esteem that this is indeed the word of God
Define and defend (including Scripture proofs) the “inerrancy” of Scripture.
“God’s authoritative Word is wholly true and trustworthy in everything it claims about what was, what is, and what will be.” (Vanhoozer)
* Numbers 23:19 - (God does not lie),
* John 10:35 - (Scripture cannot be broken)
What do the Scriptures principally teach (Q3)?
- The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God and what duty God requires of man.