A. Introduction Flashcards
What is the “Reformed Faith?”
(Explain as to a new Christian)
- Historically it comes from the Reformers and the five solas
- Theologically it emphasizes:
1) The bigness and sovereignty of God,
2) The Priority of Grace,
3) and Covenant Theology
What is “Covenant Theology?” Why is it important?
(Explain as to a new Christian)
- God relates to people through covenants which have promises and responsibilities, blessing and cursing
- When man broke the first covenant, God graciously made a covenant to restore relationship
- God makes a series of related covenants in Scripture with a final covenant seal by Jesus.
Covenant theology then:
- Helps us understand our relationship with God
- Helps us understand all that God has done in Scripture/history
What are the five points of Calvinism and where did the they come from?
- TULIP: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints
- The Synod of Dort (1618-19) in response to the five points of the Remonstrants
Total Depravity
Radical Corruption
* Gen 6:5 - thoughts were only evil;
* Ps 51:5 - born in sin
* Rom 3:23 - all have sinned
* Eph 2:1-3 - we all once lived…
Not born morally neutral but under the consequence of sin and influence of evil.
Not utter depravity - Man is not as bad as he could possibly be and is not all bad but every faculty and part of him is tainted with sin down to its roots.
Unconditional Election
Sovereign Election
* Deut 7:7 - God’s choosing of Israel;
* Rom 5:8 - While we were sinners;
* Eph 1:4 - chose us… before…
* Rom 9:10-13 - purpose of election… not because of works
* Titus 3:5 - He saved us not because of works, but because of mercy
God’s election is not based on human merit, but on God’s grace.
God does not foresee an action or condition on our part.
Rests on God’s sovereign decision
Limited Atonement
Definite/Particular Redemption
* Matt 1:21 - He will save his people;
* Eph 5:25 - Christ gave himself up for the church;
* John 6:37 - all who the Father gives me will come to me
* 2 Peter 3:8-9 - God is unwilling that any elect should perish
Christ’s died only for the elect. His death was sufficient for all but efficacious only for the elect.
If His work was not limited in extent then it must be limited in effectiveness.
Irresistible Grace
Effectual Grace
* John 6:37 - all who the Father gives to me will come to me
* Rom 8:28–30 - Those he predestined …
Regeneration precedes faith and is effective in bringing people to faith
Not irresistible in that it runs against our will but in that it effectively changes it
His grace enables and ensures we come to Christ
Perseverance of the Saints
- Mat 24:12–13 - the one who endures to the end will be saved;
- John 6:39 - I will lose no one
- Phil. 1:6 - will bring it to completion
Those who are truly converted will persevere until the end.
What were the “solas” of the Reformation?
▪ Sola scriptura
▪ Sola gratia
▪ Sola fide
▪ Solus Christus
▪ Soli Deo Gloria
What is sola scriptura?
Scripture is our ultimate authority and sufficient for life and salvation in Christ
* councils, creeds, catechisms, etc are not on equal footing but are helpful to the degree they accurately summarize Scripture
* Scripture defines the church, not the church defining scripture.
* The apostles laid a one time foundation for the church (Eph 2:20) and no man’s words since can be considered God’s Word (Heb. 1:1-2)
What is sola gratia?
Basis for salvation is entirely God’s grace
* it is not God taking what I can offer and then adding his share to it
* it is not salvation accomplished by God in a general sense and we must apply it to ourselves
* Romans 9:15-16, 22-23
What is sola fide?
- God graciously justified us apart from our works
- Not by the sacraments (ala RCC) but by faith (which God also gives).
- Rom. 3:23-26; Gal. 2:16
- it isn’t our faith, plus the things we do—works are an evidence of faith
- therefore, works are necessary but not meritorious
What is Solus Christus?
- salvation is in Christ alone
- our relationship with God is mediated by no one but Jesus and no one in addition to Jesus
- especially interested in taking down RCC sacramental system necessitating extra actions and priests as sole dispensers of grace
(1 Tim. 2:5)
What is Soli Deo Gloria?
- God’s glory above all else
- If all the other solas are true then in the work of redemption all the glory and credit belongs to God
- Salvation is the Lord’s
Briefly discuss the development of covenant theology
- The ideas are present in Augustine’s City of God: “All humans have broken God’s covenant in that one in whom all have sinned.” Recognizes a first covenant made with Adam.
- Came to the forefront in the Reformation - Jonhannes Oecolampadius identifies three covenants
- Calvin - Federal Theology and the covenant of grace; Law and Gospel
- Developed by Ursinas, Olevianus, Cocceius, Turretin, and Witsius in the the 16th and 17th Centuries
- 18th and 19th Centuries Hodge, Warfield, Vos, Machen, and Bavinck
- Barth: No covenant of works
- Murray and Shepherd - no covenant of works
- Kline Classic view, but negative take on Mosaic law as covenant of works