B-Cell activation, differentiation + memory Flashcards
Name the 5 stages in B-cell activation + differentiation.
1) Activation + antigen presentation
2) B-cell receptor clustering
3) Plasma cell differentiation
4) Somatic hypermutation (SHM)
5) Class switch recombination (CSR)
Name the modes of activation.
a) T-cell dependent antigens presented to T(H) cells
b) T-cell independent antigens stimulate PRR on B-cell
c) other antigen fixes complement fragment C3d + binds complement receptors on B-cell
Activated-B-cell response
~ activated B-cell goes to germinal centre where proliferation, SHM and CSR occurs
~ cells w/ correct affinity differentiate + exit germinal centre
~ cell become:
1) plasma cells
2) IgM+/IgD+ memory cells
3) class-switch memory B-cell
Name the methods of antigen presentation to B-cells in lymph node.
1) antigen squeeze between sub capsular sinus (SCS) macrophages that line lymph node
2) leaky network of conduits, antigen sampled by follicular B-cells
3) taken up by SCS macrophage or follicular dendritic cell + passed on to B-cell
B-cell receptor clustering
1) BCR recognises it’s specific antigen
2) receptors on B-cell surface membrane spread over antigen surface + then contract
3) causes internalisation of receptor-antigen complex + antigen presentation by B-cell to T-cell in lymph node
Where do B-cells and T-cells interact in lymph node?
border between follicles (B-cell) and paracortex (T-cell)
Somatic hypermutation (SHM)
~ occurs in germinal centres
~ B-cell differentiation continues w/ generation of somatically hyper mutated receptors that are subjected to antigen selection = high affinity to antibodies
~ SHM affects mutational hot sports in variable region genes in antibodies
~ mediated by enzyme AID
a.k.a. activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID)
~ causes little breaks in the DNA through converting C to U
~ U gets removed causing abasic sites
~ this creates little changes when repaired
Class switching recombination
~ initiated by AID altering cytosines to U in donor + acceptor switch (S) regions
~ causes abasic sites which are converted to ds break by mismatch repair proteins
~ DNA repair mechanisms ligase strands together but excise an intervening DNA sequence (changes the class)
Name the 3 ways in which T-cells physically interact with B-cells.
1) binding to processed antigen with TCR
2) interactions between CD28 (T), CD80 (B) and CD86 (B)
3) interactions between CD40L (T) and CD40 (B)
~ this facilitates directional T-cell cytokine secretion which causes full B-cell activation
Plasma cell differentiation
~ stimulation of primary B-cells at B/T border = some cells differentiate into plasma cells
~ plasma cells form primary foci + secrete IgM antibodies
~ other B-cells from antigen-stimulated clones migrate to primary follicles + form germinal centres
Plasma cell
~ a fully differentiated B-lymphocyte which continually secretes antibodies (e.g. IgM)
~ ensure they constantly encounter antigens w/in blood
~ found in bone marrow
Name the two types of memory B-cell.
~ memory B-cell
~ plasma cell
Memory B-cell
~ produced during primary response from naïve B-cell that don’t differentiate into plasma cells
~ recirculating memory B-cells must be reactivated by antigen = higher, faster + stronger secondary response