B&C: Recording Neuronal Activity Flashcards
what was the most important advance in neurophysiology
the development of methods to record the activity of single neurons in laboratory animals.
What did this development allow?
Single-cell recording enabled research- ers to describe the response characteristics of individual elements.
How does single cell recording work?
a thin electrode is inserted into an animal’s brain. When the electrode is in the vicin- ity of a neuronal membrane, changes in electrical activity can be measured
Is it injected into or extracellularly and why?
Although the surest way to guarantee that the electrode records the activity of a single cell is to record intracellularly, this technique is difficult, and penetrating the membrane frequently dam- ages the cell. Thus singlecell recording is typically done extracellularly
What problem arises from injecting the electrode extracellulary?
There is no guarantee that the changes in electrical potential at the electrode tip reflect the activity of a single neuron. More likely, the tip will record the activity of a small set of neurons.
What can be done to resolve this?
Computer algorithms are used to differentiate this pooled activity into the contributions from individual neurons.
What is the primary goal of single-cell recording?
to determine what experimental manipulations produce a consistent change in the response rate of an isolated cell.
What kind of graph is used to display neuronal activity over time?
Histogram (Raster Plot)
What can be obtained from recordings obtained from a series of cells in a targeted area of interest?
a functional map can describe similarities and differences between neurons in a specified cortical region.
What is meant by a receptive field?
all visually sensitive cells respond to stimuli in only a limited region of space. This region of space is referred to as that cell’s receptive field.
How can these receptive field spatially relate to the external world
External space is represented in a continuous manner across the cortical surface: Neighbouring cells have receptive fields of neighbouring regions of external space
How are topographic representations referred to in vision?
retinotopic maps
How are these retinotonic maps similar to auditory cells?
auditory areas in the subcortex and cortex contain tonotopic maps, in which the physical dimension reflected in neural organization is the sound frequency of a stimulus, neighboring cells tend to be tuned to similar frequencies.
What else can tonotopic maps be referred to as?
cochleotopic because the cochlea
How may neuron function be better understood than simply the sum of its parts?
by iden- tifying the correlations in the firing patterns of groups of neurons rather than identifying the response properties of each individual neuron.
What did this lead neuroscientists to develop?
new techniques that allow recordings to be made in many neurons simultaneously— what is called multiunit recording.
When and why is single-cell recordings in humans utilised?
surgical procedures are required to treat cases of epilepsy or to remove a tumour intracranial electrodes may be inserted as part of the procedure to localise the abnormality in preparation of the surgical resection.
Where do people with epilepsy have electrodes placed and how does this assist neuroscience?
in the medial temporal lobe (MTL), where the focus of generalised seizures is most frequent. Many patients with implanted electrodes have given generously of their time for research purposes, engaging in experimental tasks so that researchers can obtain neurophysiological recordings in humans.
What have neuroscientists found out about MTL neurons in humans?
MTL neurons in humans can respond selectively to specific familiar images. (single neuron specifically for Jennifer Aniston and other specific actresses be it their name or picture etc)
How can the electric potential of surface electrodes be recorded through electroencephalography (EEG)
because the tissues of the brain, skull, and scalp passively conduct the electrical currents produced by synaptic activity. The fluctuating voltage at each electrode is compared to the voltage at a refer- ence electrode, which is usually located on the mastoid bone at the base of the skull.
Why is EEG recordings effective at detecting abnormalities in brain function
Because normal EEG patterns are well established and consistent among individuals
Why does EEG reveal very little about cognitive processes? What process improves upon this
because the recording tends to reflect the brain’s global electrical activity. Event-Related Potential (ERP) focuses on how brain activity is modulated in response to a particular task.
What do ERP graphs show?
The average of EEG waves time-locked to specific events such as the onset of a stimulus or response.
In a ERP graph what would P150 mean?
A positive wave 150ms after the stimulus
What are wave that occur after 100ms modulated by?
Waves that occur 100 ms after the stimulus
presentation are no longer solely derived from sensory processing, but are modulated by attention
What is the logic behind ERP?
EEG traces recorded from a series of trials are averaged together by aligning them relative to an external event, such as the on- set of a stimulus or response. This alignment eliminates variations in the brain’s electrical activity that are unrelated to the events of interest. The evoked response, or event-related potential (ERP), is a tiny signal embedded in the ongoing EEG that was triggered by the stimulus.
How can ERP be used to diagnose multiple sclerosis?
When demyelination occurs in the optic nerve, the electrical signal does not travel as quickly, and the early peaks of the visual evoked response are delayed in their time of appearance.
What can be used to localise tumours that compromise hearing? How is this?
tumors that compromise hearing by compress- ing or damaging auditory processing areas can be local- ized by the use of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) because characteristic wave peaks and troughs in the AEP are known to arise from neuronal activity in specific anatomic areas of the ascending auditory system.
What AEP waves indicate what localised spot?
The earliest of these AEP waves indicates activity in the audi- tory nerve, occurring within just a few milliseconds of the sound. Within the first 20 to 30 ms after the sound, a series of AEP waves indicates, in sequence, neural firing in the brainstem, then midbrain, then thalamus, and finally the cortex
How are these localisation claims based on indirect methods?
because the electrical recordings are actually made on the surface of the scalp
What produces rhythms in brain recording?
neurons fire in a coherent manner. This coherent firing is what produces the rhythms of the brain. The rhythms are defined by the frequency of the oscillations; thus, alpha refers to frequencies around 10 Hz, or 10 times per second
What is meant by time-frequent analysis?
Time-frequency analysis refers to the fact that the amplitude of a wave in different frequency regions varies over the course of processing. Thus time-frequency analysis is a way to char- acterize two-dimensional signals that vary in time.
Name another technique related to the ERP method, how is it related?
magneto- encephalography, or MEG. As with EEG, MEG traces can be recorded and averaged over a series of trials to obtain event-related fields (ERFs).
How does MEG work?
The electrical current as- sociated with synaptic activity produces small magnetic fields that are perpendicular to the current.
What advantage does MEG have over ERPs?
MEG provides the same temporal resolution as with ERPs, but it can be used more reliably to localize the source of the signal. (magnetic fields are not distorted as they pass through the brain, skull, and scalp.)
What does the reliability of spatial resolution with MEG make it useful in? Give an example
neurosurgery, where it is employed to identify the focus of epileptic seizures and to locate tumors in areas that present a surgical dilemma.
What are the two drawbacks of MEG?
it is able to detect current flow only if that flow is oriented parallel to the surface of the skull and the magnetic fields generated by the brain are extremely weak
Why is MEG only able to detect current flow only if that flow is oriented parallel to the surface of the skull?
Most cortical MEG signals are produced by intracellular current flowing within the apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons. For this reason, the neurons that can be recorded with MEG tend to be located within sulci, where the long axis of each apical dendrite tends to be oriented parallel to the skull surface.
What requirements are needed in MEG due to the weak signals?
To be effective, the MEG device requires a room that is magnetically shielded from all external magnetic fields, including the Earth’s magnetic field.
How do electrocortograms (ECoGs) differ to EEG?
the electrodes are placed directly on the surface of the brain, either outside the dura or beneath it. Thus, ECoG is appropriate only for people who are undergoing neurosurgical treatment.
How long are ECoGs left in the brain?
a week
What is the benefit of electrocortograms (ECoGs) in comparison to previous methods? (3)
ECoG electrodes measure electrical signals before they pass through the scalp and skull. Thus, there is far less signal distortion compared
with EEG. This much cleaner signal results in excellent spatial and temporal resolution. The electrodes can also be used to stimulate the brain and to map and localise cortical and subcortical neurologic functions, such as motor or language function. ECoG is able to detect high-frequency brain activity, information that is attenuated or distorted in scalp EEG recordings.
What do short and small spikes represent on a neuron activity display?
nearer and further neurons
What is meant by Schmidt triggering?
Using a threshold to ‘isolate’ spikes from single units and converting them into ‘events’
Distinguish between a highest and lowest threshold in spike recording
Highest threshold is for single unit recording (only closest spikes count) Lowest threshold is for multi unit recording (also distant spikes count)
What is the function of a joint PSTH?
Calculates the synchrony of two neurons firing (indicates they are related to each other)
What happens when dendrites are going in all directions (closed fields)?
Electric activity from synaptic activity will cancel each other out, these fields can only be recorded with electrodes inside the field not outside
What is the exception to this
When axons are lying parallel to one another (apical) they can form dipoles and summate to form fields that are strong enough to propagate through the electrical conductors such as the brain, skull and scale. (what we measure in EEG)