B-737Aircraft Limitations: Flashcards
Memorize SCA 73 limits "COLD!"
Runway Slope
Maximum Takeoff Tailwind Component
10 or 15 knots (Depending on ship number)
Maximum Landing Tailwind Component
10 knots
Maximum Autoland Headwind Component
25 knots
Maximum Takeoff and Landing X-wind Component
34 knots [w/ Winglets] / 36 knots [w/o Winglets]
Maximum Autoland Crosswind Component
15 knots
With the exception of flights between 80°W and 130°W ando/or flights between 120°E and 160°E, the operational limitation for the maximum flight operating latitude is:
82°N or 82°S
Maximum Operating Altitude
41,000 ft
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude
8,400 ft pressure altitude
The maximum allowable in-flight difference between CA & FO alt displays for RVSM ops
200 feet
The max alt display dif on-the-ground for RVSM ops are: Max Dif between CA & FO
50 feet
The max alt display dif on-the-ground for RVSM ops are: Max Dif between (CA or FO) & Field Elevation
75 feet
Max Allowable Load Factor: Flaps Up
+2.5g to -1.0g
Max Allowable Load Factor: Flaps DOWN
+2.0g to 0.0g
Largest Dimensions: Nose to tail
Largest Dimensions: Wingtip to wingtip
Largest Dimensions: Main Gear width (L to R)
Largest Dimensions: Tail Height
Largest Dimensions: (1) Wingtip turn radius (2) Minimum width of pavement for 180° turn
(1) 77.9’ (2) 79.6’
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
138,300 lbs. (138,276 lbs.)
Maximum Ramp Weight
174,700 lbs. (174,670 lbs.)
Maximum Taxi Weight
174,700 lbs.
Maximum Takeoff Weight
174,200 lbs. (174,170 lbs.)
Maximum Landing Weight
146,300 lbs. (146,275 lbs.)
VFE: 1
VFE: 2
VFE: 5
VFE: 10
VFE: 15
VFE: 25
VFE: 30
VFE: 40
Max flap extension altitude
20,000 ft.
Holding in icing condition with flaps extended is: PERMITTED or PROHIBITED
During climb and/or descent, only, the sever turbulence penetrations speed is:
280 KIAS or .76 Mach, whichever is lower
Flap requirement for CAT II/III
Flaps 40 required for Category II/III
270 K / .82 M
320 K / .82 M
Flight Crew O2 Requirements: 2 Person Crew
735 PSI
Flight Crew O2 Requirements: 3 Person Crew
1055 PSI
T/O is prohibited in conditions of (____1____) or (__2___) (________ 3 ____), (___ 4 _______). and (__5__)
- moderate 2. heavy 3. freezing rain 4. ice pellets 5. hail
Min Alt w/ A/P engaged: Takeoff
1,000 feet AGL
Min Alt w/ A/P engaged: Enroute
1,000 feet AGL
Min Alt w/ A/P engaged: ILS coupled approach
50 feet AGL
Min Alt w/ A/P engaged: ILS coupled approach (Autoland)
After Touchdown
Min Alt w/ A/P engaged: Non-precision approach
50 feet below MDA(H), VNAV DA(H)
Use of aileron trim w/ the A/P engaged is: PERMITTED or PROHIBITED
Arming VNAV on the ground is…
Boom mics must be used below (__,___) ft, except as permitted by SCA MEL
[Engine Limits Display Markings]
Max and Min limits are: (1)
Caution limits are: (2)
Normal operating range is marked by: (3)
- red
- amber
- a white arc
Engine EGT Limits: Takeoff
950ºC for 5 Mins.
Engine EGT Limits: Max Cont.
Engine EGT Limits: Starting
Do not T/O if… (oil PX range color)
…engine oil px is in the AMBER band w/ T/O thrust set
Operations with amber oil temp indications is limited to…
…45 mins.
Min Oil Quantity for Dispatch
12 quarts (prior to engine start)
Engine ignition must be one for:
1) T/O
2) Landing
3) operations in heavy rain
4) anti-ice operation
5) severe turbulence (SCA)
When is reverse thrust is prohibited…
…in flight
Reduced (SEL TEMP in FMC) or derated thrust is not allowed when…
…EEC is in Alternate Mode.
Reduced thrust (SEL TEMP in FMC) is not allowed when:
- (antiskid)
- (runway contamination)
1) antiskid is inoperative or off
2) runways are contaminated with standing water, ice, slush, or snow
Inflight, APU bleed + electrical load:
max alt 10,000 ft.
Ground only, APU bleed + electrical load:
max alt 15,000 ft.
APU bleed:
max alt 17,000 ft.
Starting the APU:
Max alt 25,000 ft.
APU electrical load:
max alt 41,000 ft.
APU bleed valve must be closed when:
1) ground air connected & isolation vlv open
2) engine #1 bleed vlv open
3) isolation & engine #2 bleed vlv open Note: APU bleed vlv may be open during engine start, but avoid engine pwr above idle.
After (#) consecutive aborted start attempts, a (##) min cooling period is required.
- 3
- 15
Do not deploy the speedbreaks…
…in flight at radio altitudes less than 1,000 ft.
In flight, do not extend the SPEED BREAK lever beyond…
Large alternating control inputs (in combination with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw) may result in…
…structural failure at any speed (which include below VA).
The use of wide cut Jet B fuel is: PERMITTED or PROHIBITED
Max tank fuel temp
Min tank fuel temp prior to T/O and inflight
- 43ºC or 3°C above the freezing point of the fuel.
Lateral imbalance between main tanks 1 & 2 must be scheduled to…
Random lateral fuel imbalance must not exceed (#,###) lbs for taxi, T/O, flight or landing.
Allowable fuel density range per gallon.
6.3 - 7.1 lb/gal.
Main tanks #1 and #2 must be full if center tank contains more than (#,###) lbs.
Both CENTER TANK FUEL PUMP switches must be off: • Ground ops - • Ground AND Flight ops -
- unless the center take fuel quantity exceeds 1,000 lbs, except when defueling or x-fering fuel
- when the first center tank fuel pump low px light illuminates, if the center tank is empty.
Intentional dry running of a center tank fuel pump (LOW PRESSURE light illuminated) is: PERMITTED or PROHIBITED
PBE provides approx __ - __ mins of O2.
15 - 20
Do standby altimeters meet altimeter accuracy standards for RVSM airspace?
The max allowable in-flight difference between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM ops is:
From sea level to 5,000 ft, the max allowable on-the-ground altitude display differences between the Captain and First Officer for RVSM ops is:
Even VFE for flaps 1, 2, and 5 is 350 KIAS, do not exceed ___ KIAS if flaps are extended using the alternate (Standby) system.
Only the 737-800 w/o winglets is the max turning arc determined by the tail swing.
“Noted!” *Okay (For informational purposes)
The CB panel directly aft of the FO is referred to as the:
“P6 panel”
The O2 mask regulator automatically supplies ___% O2 under positive px when cabin alt is above a preset value.
When a halon fire extinguisher is discharged, the flight deck crew members are to wear O2 masks and use 100% O2 w/ emergency selected.
“Noted!” *Okay (For informational purposes)
What is the configuration of flight deck equipment?
“321” (3321111) [33-2-11:11] 3 Life vests 3 Smokes goggles 2 Flashlights 1 PBE 1 Crash axe 1 Halon extinguisher 1 EMGK
Do not operate entry or cargo doors with winds at or above __ knots, and do not keep doors open when wind gusts are more than __ knots.
40 65
Do not operate wing anti-ice on the ground when the OAT is above __°C (50°F)
Takeoff are prohibited in what weather conditions? (*Hint: 3 Hs)
- (Moderate or) heavy freezing rain. 2. Heavy ice pellets. 3. Hail.
How are the Engine Anti-ice valves controlled?
Electrically controlled and operated.
Fuel tank capacities (Usable Fuel)

How many pounds of fuel in the related main tank will trigger a fuel LOW alert?
2000 lbs.
When both a fuel imbalance and a low wing tank fuel occur at the same time, which fuel alert takes precedence?
When airborne, a fuel imbalance (IMBAL) alert is displayed when the main tanks differ by how many pounds of fuel?
1000 lbs.
The limitation for maximum altitude with the flaps extended is:
20,000 ft.
The SPEEBRAKES EXTENDED light illuminates to warn the crew that the speed brakes are extended while in the landing configuration or below ___ feet.
The minimum fuel for grounde operations of any electric motor-driven hydraulic pump is ____ lbs. in the related main fuel tank.
Normal HYD SYS px
3000 psi

Leaks in HYD systems A and B reduces the systems to what quantities respectivly?
20% and 0
What four conditions must exist simultaneously for the PTU to operate automatically?
1) In-flight
2) Flaps not up (some a/c)
3) Flaps less than 15, but not up
4) SYS B engine-driven hydraulic px drops below limits
What four conditions must exist simultaneously for the LGTU to operate?
1) In-flight.
2) No. 1 engine RPM drops below a limit value.
3) LANDING GEAR lever is positioned UP.
4) Either main landing gear is not up and locked.
If the actual a/c landing weight exceeds the max permissible quick turn-around weight, a waiting period of __ mins is required before any subsequent T/O is permitted.
Landing autobrake settings may be selected after touchdown prior to decelerating through __ knots of ground speed.
The cabin altitude warning light (CABIN ALTITUDE) illuminates simultaneously w/ the cabin altitude warning horn at what altutude?
10,000 ft cabin alt.
The cockpit voice recorder uses 4 independent channels to record flight deck adoro for ___ mins.
During an autoland, at what altitude will the autopilots disengage if FLARE is not armed?
350 ft.
How many DC motors are able to control the OFV?
When does the cruise phase of the pressurization system start?
When the a/c is w/in 0.25 PSI of the selected FLT ALT.
Are QFE ops prohibited?