B Flashcards
Arguments for abortion
- rape
- life is associated with breath, until birth it doesn’t have a potential life
-Judaism an unborn child is not more valuable than a mother “anyone who saves a life … is as if he saved an entire world”. foetus isn’t seen as a human until birth
arguments against abortion
-Christians, psalms “my unformed body”. embryo is seen as a human life. therefore abortion isa destruction of potential life”
- Muslims, life is sacred, given to by Allah. no one can die without Allah’s permission
argument for euthanasia
Christians “love thy neighbour”. if it is the most loving action and would cause the least amount of suffering to everyone who is involved
argument against euthanasia
Muslims , against Allahs word “ do not take life which Allah has made sacred”. Allah would not want them to remove life
argument for animal usage
Muslims dominion “it is god who provided livestock for you”. god put animals on the earth to provide for them
Christianity - “have dominion over the fish in the sea
argument against animal usage
Christians, stewardship “put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it”. humans should care and look after animals not use them
argument for afterlife
Christianity people go to heaven if they lived a life according to Jesus. “for it is grace you have been saved”. if you are good you will receive god’s grace and spend eternity with him in heaven
argument against the afterlife
Muslims ,after a person dies their soul goes to bar zakh. they will wait for the soul to be judged, before they get placed in heaven or hell
Christians views on creation
- fundamentalist Christians, world was created in six days
- liberal Christians believe it was created over a longer period of time “ in the beginning god create the heavens and the earth
Muslims views on creation
created the world ex-nihlo “its Allah who created the heavens and the earth”. designed and created the universe
big bang theory
universe was created with a singularity that expanded over 13.8 billion years. led to the universe being formed it is still expanding
life evolved over millions of years and we adapted by “survival of the fittest”
Christianity on creations of humans
-“god formed a man from the dust” “the breath of life”. have non-physical connection with god
-god created mankind in his own image. not physically but share characteristics
Islam on creation of humans
- “created man from sounding clay”. humans have a fundamental attachment on the earth
- created by Allah. they are unique and unlike any other
what is the sanctity of life?
all life is created by god, therefore it belongs to him and is holy