B-130 Engine Company Operations Flashcards
When two engine companies arrive at approximately the same time, but out of response sequence, they shall be guided by ____
the zone engine company and operate in accordance with that company’s direction
Unless otherwise directed, if the first due engine company has arrived, the second due engine company will ____
determine the best option of a forward or reverse hydrant lay and stage at the nearest uncommitted position, awaiting confirmation of a needed continuous water supply.
If it is the determination that a forward lay is indicated, the staging point should be ____
at the closest working fire hydrant.
If a reverse lay is indicated, the staging point will be ____
at the address of the working incident
In instances where the closest continuous water supply exceeds 1000 feet, consideration for ____
a reverse lay must be given.
The officer will decide where to position the apparatus once the fire location has been determined. This decision must be based on several factors, such as ____
overall objectives, water source, type of fire, how close to the fire building the apparatus will be, the type of stretch to be made, and if the apparatus will block out or be blocked out by other incoming units.
Initial Radio Reporting Benchmarks
a. Announce arrival on scene.
b. Building/area description (examples: “We have a small single family home”, “We have a small strip mall with fire showing in a compartment three units from the Delta end”, etc.).
c. Problem description (example: “Working fire with fire and smoke showing from the second floor, Bravo side”).
d. Initial Action Plan (IAP) (examples: “Rescue mode”, “Fast attack mode”, “Investigative mode”).
e. Declaration of strategy (example: “Offensive” or “Defensive”).
f. Assumption and naming of command (example: “Quint 17 will be establishing Southwest Second Street Command”).
g. Resource determination – Extra units, special units, second alarm, etc.
When high conditions are present, the incident commander will ____ The primary goal in this step is to ____
- determine the safest and most direct way to apply water to the superheated space, or directly on the fire when available.
- reduce the thermal threat to firefighters and potential occupants as soon as reasonably possible.
Salvage - Firefighters should use ____ to control fire spread and smoke whenever possible.
The transitional attack is accomplished by ____
placing a straight stream of water into a heavily involved fire compartment from the exterior of the structure at a high angle 65-80 degrees for approximately 15 seconds to achieve a quick knockdown. This must be followed up with a rapid entry into that fire compartment via the interior to complete fire attack and extinguishment.
Selection and implementation of any strategic plan and its supporting tactics is dependent upon ____
an accurate and ongoing size up of the fire situation.
Size up starts with the receipt of the alarm and continues ____
until the fire is under control
Actions that the officer of the first arriving engine company can implement to protect endangered occupants include:
a. Position a hose line between the fire and the endangered occupants.
b. Ventilate to draw fire, heat and smoke away from the endangered occupants.
c. Give verbal instructions and assurances to the occupants.
d. Close doors to limit the spread of smoke.
e. Ensure that incoming units are informed of the location of endangered occupants.
the second stage of the fire suppression effort
Confining and controlling a fire
the first stage of the fire suppression effort.
Determining the exact location of the fire
clues to helping identify flow path include:
a. Wind direction.
b. Smoke discharge opening location, especially when this is at a higher elevation than the actual fire.
c. Direction of visible air/smoke tracks within the building.
d. Thermal imaging (indication flow direction of heat currents).
e. Smoke velocity as it exits the building.
f. Smoke volume as it exits the building.
g. Smoke density as it exits the building.
h. Smoke color as it exits the building.
the third stage in the fire suppression effort.
Initial extinguishment includes ____. Final extinguishment means ____.
- “knock down” of visible flames and readily apparent burning and smoldering material debris
- that any fire uncovered by “opening up” and overhauling procedures has been extinguished
The ____ will have more influence on the outcome of a fire operation than any other member on the scene.
engine company officer
Properly trained firefighters should be able to perform the following tactics without the officer’s personal supervision:
a. Hose estimate and removal from the apparatus.
b. Positioning the apparatus at a serviceable hydrant.
c. Connection of the apparatus to the hydrant.
d. Stretching a hose line.
e. Supplying booster water if ordered.
f. Operation of apparatus mounted large caliber stream devices (master streams).
g. Supplying standpipe and sprinkler systems.
h. Deploying the “flying standpipe” whereby 2 1⁄2” hose is hoisted up the outside of a building from a balcony and secured to the balcony railing at the fire level, with a high rise kit attached to effect a fire attack.
If persons were reported trapped on the initial alarm, or if information or statements indicate this possibility, the engine officer should determine the following:
a. Where are the people trapped?
b. How many people are trapped?
c. Are the trapped persons children or adults?
d. Are the occupants normally home at this time of day?
All CAN reports should start with ____
the tactical objectives that have been completed prior to giving the report.
Examples of Conditions for a CAN report.
- Where you are
- Any obstacles
- Smoke conditions
- Int visibility
- Fire conditions
- Heat conditions
- Interior layout
- Fire separation
- Fuel loads
- Whats burning
- What’s not burning
Examples of Actions for a CAN report.
- A/C progress
- F/C progress
- Can’t find the fire
- Checking for ext
- Concealed space info
- PAR’s
- All clears
- Under controls
- Loss Stopped
Examples of Needs for a CAN report
- Reinforcement
- Relief
- Support work
- Tools or Equipment
- Cover other areas
- Urgent help
The following system of touch signals can be used in conjunction with verbal commands to relay orders:
a. Opening or closing the nozzle – One or two slaps on the back or shoulder.
b. Direction of stream – Tug or pull on the arm or nozzle, either left or right.
c. Advancement of hose line – Steady push on the back or SCBA cylinder.
d. Halt or stop advance – Pull back on shoulder, bunker coat or SCBA harness.
If an emergency situation develops which requires the immediate withdrawal of the nozzle team, the officer or other member aware of the situation should indicate this fact by using ____
four (4) strong slaps on the shoulder of the other members and then pull them in the direction of retreat.
The following listed tactics are of such importance to fire control efforts that the decision to implement them is reserved for the engine company officer alone:
a. Calling of water (charging the line).
b. Opening the nozzle.
c. Initial stream direction (at ceiling, seat of fire, etc.).
d. Direction of team advance.
e. Initiating line advance.
f. Stopping line advance.
g. Stream shut down.
h. When adequate “knock down” has been achieved.
i. Use of stream for cooling.
j. Use of fog for attack.
k. Use of fog or broken stream for venting.
l. Amount of water used.
m. Assignment of engine firefighter for venting or search.
n. Relief of nozzle team.
o. Need for relief of the unit.
p. Necessity to back the hose line out.
Decisions that may be delegated by the engine company officer to the nozzle firefighter include:
a. Direction of stream.
b. Rate of advancement.
c. Opening nozzle in an emergency.
d. Partial shutdown of nozzle to reduce nozzle reaction and regain control.
e. Calling for more line.
f. Sweeping floors with stream.
When stretching hose lines off the apparatus, the apparatus should be positioned so that it will not interfere with ____.
ladder company positioning
The stream should not be operated directly overhead. This can cause hot water and debris to fall on the firefighters below. There area, however, several emergency situations which may justify this attack:
i. When the room “lights up” overhead.
ii. Fire rolls overhead or from behind.
If rooms to either side of a hallway must be extinguished while advancing toward the main area of involvement, the stream should be ____
operated well ahead of the line prior to turning to operate into the side rooms. This action is necessary in order to push back the advancing fire sufficiently to allow the nozzle team to safely reposition and operate into the side rooms.
As the attack hose line is advanced through the fire area all doors must be ____
opened to assure that the nozzle team does not unknowingly pass an area involved in fire.
If it becomes necessary to withdraw an attack hose line from a position due to fire intensity, the stream must be ____
kept in operation and the line should be backed out. Firefighters withdrawing a hose line from an interior position should never turn their backs on fire.
A major function of the officer is to ____ hose line while waiting for water and to ____
- flake out the
* facilitate the hose line’s advance once it is charged.
The specific duties of the second due engine company officer include:
a. Determine the deployment of a forward or reverse supply line hose lay.
b. Water Resource Officer for the first hose line.
c. Provide a communication link between first due engine company and the Incident Commander.