Ayurvedic (indian hindu) medicine Flashcards
what type of medicine is Ayurvedic med similar to?
chinese med: it is holistic in approach and stresses the importance of integration and balance in life.
has two treatment levels:
the ministerial level
sovereign level
ministerial level
provides a herbal remedy for each ailment (like western med)
sovereign level
provides a herbal mixtures or potions to defeat all ministries of illness
(cures are needed to treat the root causes)
three stages of treatment
-herbal preparations play a critical role in all three treatment stages
includes purging, blood cleansing, and nasal cleansing in order to remove bodily toxins
involves the taking of herbs, fasting, chanting, yoga, meditation and sunning to achieve a balance of doshas (these are types of body structures and metabolisms which are determined individually by an ayurvedic practitioner prior to treatment)
treatment involves the use of herbal tonics to revitalize the metabolism,
an ancient repository of human knowledge likely written between 1700-1100BCE.
consists of 1028 hymns, many praising the virtues of the divine soma
-written on the high plateaus of central asia and brought to the indian subcontinent by the aryan ppls about 3500 years ago
a bloomless, rootless and leafless plant (or substance) having divine and mystical properties
the foundation of ancient medical science in hindu india
-detailed account of plant drugs and their uses
-consists of 8 sections dealing with internal med, surgery, head and neck, toxicology, mental disorders, pediatrics, geriatrics and aphrodisiacs
the ayurveda was followed by two expanded works
(2500 years ago)
the susruta
the charaka
text on surgery, therapeutics and med plants
12 chapters on the med plants known to the ancient hindus
Dioscorides mentions a number of plants not known in europe
datura (leaves smoked by asthmatics)
strychnos ( containing strychnine and used to induce paralysis)
croton (a powerful purgative)
the romans later developed an extensive trade in indian drugs
to comment on the high cost of importing drugs and spices from the indian subcontinent
advent of buddhism in india
250BCE brought about many changes to ayurvedic med. surgery was seen as a form of biolence and banned. with this cam further additions to herbal lore and the establishment of medical plant gardens
-this started a slow but steady decline of ayurvedic med