Axilla/arm Flashcards
Axilla anterior wall
pec majorpec minor
axilla medial wall
ribs, serratus anterior
axilla posterior wall
Teres major, latissimus dorsi, subscapularis
Pec major N
lateral and medial pectoral nerves
Pec major fxn
flexion of arm, adduction and medial rotation
pec minor N
lateral and medial pectoral nerves
pec minor fxn
protraction of scapula
Serratus anterior N
long thoracic N
serratus anterior fxn
protraction of scapula
keeps medial border and inferior angle of scapula opposed to thoracic wall
“Raise arms above the head”
Branch of brachial plexus root
Long thoracic nerve (C5 6 7)
Musculocutaneous components
C5 6 7
Median nerve components
C5 to T1union of lateral and medial cords
Ulnar nerve components
C7 8 T1
Brachial plexus components
ventral rami of C5 to C8, greater part of anterior raus of T1
Axillary nerve components
C5 6
Axillary nerve supply
teres minor
skin overlying the deltoid muscle
Radial nerve components
C5 to T1
C5 movement
shoulder abduction (deltoid, axillary)
C6 movement
wrist extension
C7 movement
wrist fleixion
C8 movement
finger flexion
T1 movement
finger abduction
C5 reflex
C6 reflex
C7 reflex
bursa related to the shoulder joint
subscapular bursa
subacromial bursa
subdeltoid bursa