Axial Skeleton Muscles Flashcards
What determines the line of force of a muscle?
the orientation of its fibers
If the line of force is oriented in the horizontal plane, what motion will occur?
If fibers are parallel to the vertical plane, what motions will they favor?
What two muscles are parallel to the sagittal plane, making them excellent flexor/extendors?
- longissimus thoracis
- rectus abdominus
Can a muscle produce torque if its line of force is parallel to the axis of rotation?
T/F: External oblique favors rotation.
false, actually 86% flexion/extension, and 50% rotation b/c closer to sagittal plane
- not a pure rotator or flex/extender
Does rectus abdominus produce rotation?
T/F: Unilateral contraction of abdominal muscles produces pure flexion/extension.
false- must be bilateral contraction to be pure flex/extend, otherwise some side-bending or rotation occurs
T/F: Muscles that produce internal torque for concentric activity also resist external torque eccentrically.
true - trunk extensors eccentrically control flexion
T/F: Axial muscle function is dependent upon degree of fixation.
true - some motion at pelvis, some at spine; just depends what is fixed
If the moment arm is longer, what happens to torque?
longer moment arm = more torque produced
Muscles have different moment arms depending on their length. What is advantageous for a long moment arm, as well as a short moment arm?
- long moment arm = these muscles are great movers
- short moment arm = these muscles are more for stabilization, not as good at moving
What are the actions of the transversospinal muscles?
(interspinalis, rotators, multifidus, levator costarum, intertransversarii)
- do contralateral rotation, ipsilateral side bend, and extension
- but MOSTLY proprioception
T/F: Shorter segmented muscles have fewer muscle spindles than long muscles.
false; they have more spindles, allowing greater proprioception
Which area of the spine has the most highly developed short segmented muscles?
cervical area -> since head is constantly moving, need constant feedback (proprioception), so these muscles are highly developed