Axial skeleton Flashcards
Forehead. A part of cranial bones.
Frontal bone
Lower jaw/jaw. A part facial bones.
Cheekbones. A part of facial bones. Lump of bone behind ear; contains air cells which link up to middle ear.
Zygomatic bones & zygomatic process
Superior sides of face. A Part of cranial bones. Forms part of the lateral walls of the cranium inferior to the parietal bones.
Temporal bone
these bones make up the majority of the inferior view of the skull. Forms the posterior part and most of the base of the cranium. Nodding head requires this condyle.
Occipital bones & occipital condyles.
A bat shaped bone located posterior to the frontal bone, (inferior view of skull). Spans entire width + cranial floor. Another structure/bone houses pituitary gland.
Sphenoid bone
Large opening on the inferior surface of the skull where the brain and spinal cord meet.
Foramen= hole through bone magnum= big
Foramen magnum
A jagged opening that serves as a passageway for small arteries supplying blood to the inner surface of the cranium. Of temporal bone.
Foramen= hole through bone
Foramen lacerum
A passageway for 3 cranial nerves as well as internal jugular vein, which drains blood from the brain. Of temporal bone.
Foramen= hole through bone
Jugular foramen
A saddle-shaped area in the mid-line of the sphenoid bone which houses the pituitary gland. *Origin; think of a little boat?
Sella turcica
Of the temporal bone. Conducts sound waves toward the eardrum. Internal is a passageway for two cranial nerves.
External acoustic meatus
Inferior to the mandible, in upper neck. A unique c-shaped bone that does not articulate with any other bone but is suspended by styloid processes of the temporal bone by ligaments and muscles. Attached to tongue, larynx; used for swallowing & speech.
Hyoid bone
A facial bone. Forms the upper jaw, articulate with all other facial bones except mandible. Contains upper teeth sockets.
Base of the skull, nasal region. Located on either side (between the ridge; crista galli, which anchors folds of the dura mater which help to separate cerebral hemispheres.) is the cribriform plates; studded with olfactory foraminas that serve as passageways for fibers of the olfactory cranial nerves.
Ethmoid bone
Part of temporal bone. Allows internal carotid arteries + nerve fibers from parasympathetic NS to pass through. (Delivers blood to brain.)
Carotid canal
Or hard palate (bony roof of the mouth)
Palatine bone
Smallest bones in the skull (facial bone) located in the medial portion of eye orbit. Sac within collects tears and drains the fluid into the nasal cavity.
Lacrimal bones