Axial Skeleton Flashcards
There are 8 cranial bones.
What are they:
mnuenomic device:
Frontal bone Parietal bone Occipital bone Temporal bone Sphenoid bone Ethmoid bone
what type of cranial bone is this? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ large flat convex anterior roof of cranium and contains air filled sinuses connected to nasal cavity Features in the Frontal Bone: * Squama Supraorbital foramen zygomatic process Supraorbital margin
Frontal bone
In the frontal bone
_____- flat region of the bone forming the forehead
In the frontal bone
______- upper edge of orbit (eye socket)
Supraorbital margin
In the frontal bone
_____ Opening in center of supraorbital margin contains opthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve ( sensory information from superior regions of the face)
Supraorbital foramen
In the frontal bone
________ articulates with frontal process of zygomatic bone
Zygomatic process
What type of cranial bone is this? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (2)- large flat convex superior lateral walls of cranium Features of the parietal bones; *Grooves for meningeal vessels- *Parietal eminence * Surrounded by 4 major sutures --Coronal suture --Squamous suture --Sagittal suture --lambdoid suture
Parietal bones
On the parietal bones
_____- depressions on the deep surface that
contour to the blood vessels in the membranes surrounding the brain.
Grooves for meningeal vessels-
On the parietal bones
_____- central region on exterior with greatest convex
Parietal eminence
On the parietal bone.
Surrounded by 4 major sutures
5)______________________-between frontal and parietal
6)______________________-between temporal and parietal
7)______________________-between left and right parietal
8)______________________-between occipital and parietal
- Coronal suture
- squamous sutures
- Sagittal sutures
- lambdoid suture
What type of cranial bone is this? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_- large flat convex posterior wall and base of cranium Features of the occipital bone; *Foramen magnum *Occipital condyles *hypoglossal canals *External occipital crest, protuberance, and nuchal lines *Fossa for cerebrum *Fossa for cerebellum *Jugular notch
Occipital bone
On the occipital bone?
_____contains medulla oblongata that attaches to spinal cord
Foramen magnum
On the occipital bone?
_____-smooth extensions lateral to foramen magnum that
articulate with the first cervical vertebrae (atlas).
Occipital condyles
On the occipital bone?
______-lateral to foramen magnum contains a
cranial nerve that excites muscles of tongue
Hypoglossal canals
On the occipital bone?
_____-attachment for
muscles and ligaments that extend and stabilize the neck
External occipital crest, protuberance, and nuchal lines
On the occipital bone?
_____-smooth convex deep surface contours to occipital lobe
of cerebrum
Fossa for cerebrum
On the occipital bone?
______-smooth convex deep surface contours to cerebellum
Fossa for cerebellum
On the occipital bone?
_____-forms the medial side of jugular foramen that is origin of
jugular vein draining blood from the brain
Jugular notch
What type of cranial bone is this? 11)\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (2)- medium sized irregular shape forms the inferior lateral wall & floor of cranium has 2 major parts: *squamous part *petrous part Fetures of the temporal bone; *zygomatic process *Madibular fossa *External acoustic (auditory) meatus *Internal acoustic (auditory) meatus *Mastiod process *styloid process *Stylomastoid foramen *Carotid foramen ( Canal)
Temporal bone
Major Part of temporal bone
_____-is the flat region that forms the
squamous suture.
squamous part
Major Part of temporal bone
______-is the inferior part that has a complex
shape and contains middle ear with auditory ossicles (malleus, incus, and
stapes) & inner ear with cochlea, vestibule, & semicircular canals
petrous part
Part of temporal bone
____-articulates with temporal process of zygomatic bone
zygomatic process
Part of temporal bone
______-articulates w/ condylar p. of mandible to form only mobile skull joint
Madibular fossa
Part of temporal bone
______- opening for air in external ear vibrate
the tympanic membrane and ossicles of the middle ear
External acoustic (auditory) meatus
Part of temporal bone
______-vestibular cochlear nerve travels from
inner ear
Internal acoustic (auditory) meatus
Part of temporal bone
______-insertion for sternocleidomastoid
muscle that flex and rotates neck
Mastiod process
Part of temporal bone
______-origin of styloglossus and stylohyoid muscles
styloid process
Part of temporal bone
______-located between the styloid and
mastoid processes this opening contains the facial nerve
Stylomastoid foramen
Part of temporal bone
_____-contains internal carotid
artery supplying blood to the brain
Carotid foramen ( Canal)
What type of cranial bone is this? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_-medium sized irregular shape forms anterior floor of cranium and articulates with all seven of the other cranial bones. Contains air filled sinuses that connect to nasal cavity. Features of the sphenoid bone; *pterygoid processes *Greater wings: Foramen spinosum Foramen ovale Foramen rotundum *Lesser wings: Optic canals *Superior orbital fissure Sella turcica
Sphemoid bone
In the sphenoid bone.
_____-inferior extensions that provide
attachment for the pterygoid jaw muscles
pterygoid processes
In the sphenoid bone.
______- majority of bone extending lateral from the central body and
Within the greater wing three types of foramen:
§ _______- furthest posterior and lateral opening in greater
wing, small round opening that contains meningeal vessels
§ _____- oval shaped opening on the posterior of the greater
wing contains mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
§ ______- round opening on the medial to ovale in the greater wing contains maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve
Greater wings
Foramen spinosum
Foramen ovale
Foramen rotundum
In the sphenoid bone.
______- broad regions on anterior superior to the greater wings
within the lesser wing there is one foramen;
§ ______- contains optic nerve that carries vision from the eyes
Lesser wings:
Optic canals
In the sphenoid bone.
______-large elongated opening between the
lesser wing and greater wing, contains several nerves traveling to/from eyes
Superior orbital fissure
In the sphenoid bone.
______-cup shaped depression posterior and medial
to the lesser wings that protects the pituitary gland
sella turcica
What type of cranial bone is this? \_\_\_\_\_\_-small irregular bone that forms the roof of nasal cavity. Contains air filled sinuses that connect with nasal cavity. Feature of the ethmoid bone; *Crista galli *Cribriform plate *perpendicular plate *Nasal concha *Cranial Fossa anterior Middle posterior *Fontanelles anterior fontanelle posterior fontanelle sphenoidal fontanelle Mastoid fontanelle
Ethmoid bone
Part of Ethmoid bone:
______________________- “rooster comb” anterior attachment of falx
cerebri (meninges that stabilize brain).
Crista galli
Part of Ethmoid bone:
________-numerous small foramina lateral to the crista gali that contain branches of the olfactory nerve.
Cribriform plate
Part of Ethmoid bone:
______-forms superior portion of nasal septum dividing the nasal cavity into left and right
perpendicular plate
Part of Ethmoid bone:
_____-superior and middle nasal concha are scroll shaped extensions of the ethmoid that project into the nasal cavity lateral to the perpendicular
plate and produce turbulence that helps warm and humidify incoming air.
Nasal concha
Part of Ethmoid bone:
_____-smooth convex surfaces on floor of cranium contour around the brain
• Anterior- formed from the Frontal, Ethmoid, and Sphenoid bones.
• Middle- formed from the Sphenoid, Temporal, and Parietal bones.
• Posterior- formed from the Occipital, Temporal, and Parietal bones
Cranial Fossa
Part of Ethmoid bone:
_____-fibrous CT between cranial bones of an infant
• 23__________fontanelle- junction of sagittal and coronal sutures
where left and right halves of frontal bone merge together
• 24)_________fontanelle- junction of lambdoid and sagittal sutures
• 25)________ fontanelle- junction of squamous and coronal sutures
• 26)_______ fontanelle- junction of squamous and lambdoid
Fontanelles: Anterior Posterior Sphenoidal Mastoid
Facial bones: 14 bones
mnemonic device
Virgil Can Not Make My Pet Zebra Laugh
Vomer (1) Nasal Concha (2) Nasal Bones (2) Maxilla (2) Mandible (1) Palatine (2) Zygomatic bone (2) Lacrimal (2)
Facial bones
____-small flat shape resembles a plow forms the inferior portion of nasal septum
Facial bones
______-(2)- small irregular bones that form scroll shaped
extension from the inferior lateral walls of nasal cavity to produce turbulence
that helps warm and humidify incoming air.
Nasal concha
Facial bones
____-(2)- small flat forming bridge of nose
Nasal bones
Facial bones
____- (2)- medium sized irregular shape forms upper jaw and medial margin of orbit. Contains air filled sinuses that connect to nasal cavity
* Infraorbital foramen and inferior orbital fissure- contain a divisions of the
maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve
* Palatal (palatine) process- forms anterior 2/3 of hard palate
* Zygomatic process- articulates with zygomatic bone
*Frontal process- articulates with the frontal bone
o Alveolar process- ridges around upper teeth
Facial bone:
_______-medium sized irregular bone forms lower jaw
o B____- major region contains
§ A____- ridge around lower teeth
§ M______- opening on the anterior
surface of the body that contains a division of mandibular branch of
trigeminal nerve.
*R____- process that projects superior from the mandibular angle
*C______- articulates with mandibular
fossa to form only mobile skull joint
*C_____- insertion for temporalis
muscle that closes jaw
*M_____- smooth concave curve at end of ramus between condylar and coronoid processes
*M______- opening on the medial surface of the ramus that contains a division of mandibular branch of
trigeminal nerve carrying sensory information from lower jaw (site for
Novocain injections)
Mandible Body Alveolar process Mental foramen Ramus Condylar process Coronoid process Mandibular Notch Mandibular foramen
Facial bones
______-(2)- small irregular bones that resemble the letter
L with a horizontal plate that form the posterior 1/3 of hard palate
Palatine bones
Facial bone
_____- (2)- medium sized irregular bones that form the
cheeks located lateral to the maxillae and anterior to the temporal and sphenoid
*______- articulates with zygomatic process of temporal bone
* _______- articulates with zygomatic process of frontal bone
Zygomatic bones
- Temporal process
- Frontal process
Facial bone
_____- (2)- the smallest bones of the face have a flat
shape and are located in the medial orbits.
* Lacrimal groove- forms nasolacrimal duct draining tears
Lacrimal bone
____- small irregular horseshoe shape located inferior to mandible has no bony joints
What bones have Orbital complex:
Frontal bone Zygomatic bone Maxilla bone Palatine bone Lacrimal bone Ethmoid bone Sphenoid bone
Orbital complex:
____-forms the roof and supraorbital margin
Frontal bone
Orbital complex:
____-forms the lateral wall and lateral floor
Zygomatic bone
Orbital complex:
_____-has a frontal process that forms the medial margin and majority of the medial floor
Maxilla bone
Orbital complex:
_____-has a superior orbital process forming a small portion of the medial floor
Palatine bone
Orbital complex:
_____-forms the portion of the medial wall just lateral to the frontal process of the zygomatic bone
Lacrimal bone
Orbital complex:
_____-Forms the portion of the medial wall just medial to the sphenoid bone
Ethmoid bone
Orbital complex:
______-forms the majority of the posterior wall containing the
optic canal (foramen) and superior orbital (supraorbital) fissure.
Sphenoid bone
_____ (26 bones)- medium to small size and irregular shape, located along
midline from base of skull to the pelvis and forms the vertebral cavity. 7 cervical, 12
thoracic, 5 lumbar, 1 sacrum, 1 coccyx
Vertebral column
______- Present at birth are in the thoracic and sacral regions
Primary curves
_____-Develop with upright posture, found in cervical and
lumbar regions
Secondary curves
Abnormal curvatures: \_\_\_\_- lateral curve; \_\_\_\_\_- exaggerated thoracic curve; \_\_\_\_\_- exaggerated lumbar curve (sway back)
Typical body of a vertebra
The body is the large anterior region and the vertebral arch is the posterior
region surrounding the vertebral canal that contains the spinal cord.
•P_______- lateral walls of the vertebral foramen
• L_____- posterior walls of the vertebral foramen
• S_____- extends posterior from the lamina
• T_____- extend lateral from the pedicles
• Superior and inferior _______- extend from lamina and have facets to
form joints between adjacent vertebrae.
Typical body of a vertebra; • Pedicles • Lamina • Spinouus process- • Transverse processes- • Superior and inferior articular processes-
____-formed by two adjacent vertebrae located between the
articular processes and bodies where spinal nerves connect to the spinal cord
Intervertebral foramen
____- pad preventing contact between adjacent vertebral bodies
• Annulus fibrosus- outer ring of fibrocartilage
• Nucleus pulposus- jelly-like core of loose CT
Intervertebral discs
Characteristics of cervical vertebrae (7) (C1-C7)
Transverse foramina in _____ processes
• ____ spinous process (split tip)
• Small body and large _______ foramen
• C1 is also known as ____ : no body, anterior & posterior arch
attach to lateral masses w/ articular facets
• C2 is also known as _____: the odontoid process or dens develops
from what would have been the body of atlas and enables the rotation of atlas
as occurs when you shake from side to side to say no.
• C7 is also known as ____: - generally has the overall appearance
similar to thoracic vertebrae with a long slender spinous process that is not bifid
but C7 does not have costal facets that would be found on thoracic vertebrae.
Transverse Bifid Vertebral Atlas Axis Vertebra Prominens
Characteristics of thoracic vetebrae (12) ( T1- T12)
____on the body and transverse processes articulate with
the ribs.
______ spinous process points inferior
Costal facets
• Long slender
Characteristics of lumbar vertebrae (5) ( L1-L5)
____shaped body and small vertebral foramen
____ square shaped spinous process
Large oval
• Blunt
_____- large irregular bone that forms the posterior wall of the
pelvic cavity and formed from the fusion of 5 vertebrae.
• ___- wide superior end articulates with L5
-Sacral Promontory- anterior rim of base.
• ___- narrow inferior end articulates with coccyx
• ____- contains spinal nerves that extend down from the spinal cord through the
vertebral foramen and exit through the 4 pairs of sacral foramina
Sacrum Base -Sacral Promontory Apex Canal
in Sacrum
______crest- ridge on the posterior down midline
resulting from fused spinous processes
58)___________ “tail” bone made of 3-5 small vertebrae that fuse together late
in life.
Median sacral crest
______-Large flat bone along midline on anterior thorax
• ____–broad superior part
o ____(suprasternal) notch- curved superior edge on midline between
• ____- large middle portion
• _____- “sword-like” small inferior pointed tip that is originally
made of cartilage but gradually ossifies during adult life.
Sternum Manubrim Jugular Body Xiphoid process
_____- medium sized flat bones extending lateral and anterior
from the thoracic vertebrae, the superior ten curve medial at the anterior of the thorax
to form cartilaginous articulations with the sternum (costal cartilage).
• Numbered in pairs starting from superior 1-12
• _____- numbered 1-7 attach to sternum directly through
distinct costal cartilages.
• ____ 8-10 attach to the costal cartilage of rib 7.
• _____ 11 & 12 have no costal cartilage
True Ribs
Flase Ribs
Floating Ribs
Features of ribs
_____-articulates with the costal facets of vertebral body
o ____- articulates with the costal facets on the transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae
o ____- region between head and tubercle
o ____- point of greatest curvature
o ___– long narrow depression on the inferior surface that contains costal nerves and blood vessels
Head- o Tubercle o Neck- o Angle- o Costal groove