axial appendicular skeleton (8) Flashcards
skeletal is divided into two sections
axial and appendicular
axial skeleton
-80 bones
-arranged along the longitudinal axis of the body.
These bones support and protect the organs of the head, neck, chest, and pelvis and provide attachment sites for the muscles that move the head, neck, and trunk.
appendicular skeleton
-consists of the 126 bones
make up the upper and lower extremities (limbs or appendages), shoulder (pectoral) and hip (coxal or pelvic) bones (girdles), and attach the limbs to the trunk.
The 22 bones that make up the skull, can be subdivided by both location and function.
bones of the cranium
1 frontal bone
2 parietal bones
2 temporal bones
1 occipital bone,
1 sphenoid bone,
1ethmoid bone.
The cranium houses brain and special sensory organs.
located through the spinal cords exits the skull
The other foramina in the skull
allow the blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels to pass through.
largest formina
foramen magnum
break in a cranial bone
facial bones
14, attachment sites for the muscles of chewing and facial expression
2 maxillae (singular is maxilla),
2 zygomatic bones,
2lacrimal bones,
2 nasal bones,
2 inferior nasal conchae,
2 palatine bones,
1 mandible, and
1 vomer.
skull sinuses
small air-filled cavities lined with mucus membrane
frontal sinuses, ethmoidal sinuses, sphenoidal sinuses, and maxillary sinuses.
The______ s are completely fused into a single bone with is no visible suture.
frontal bones
the fetal skull shows spaces between the skull bone
vertebral column
provides strength, support and balance to the body
vertebral column curvatures
2 primary curvatures - concave
2 secondary - convex
hunchback, spine is outward
Intervertebral discs
holds successive vertebrae together, resists tension, and allows various movements of the spine
thick in lumbar and cervical regions, make up 25% of the length of the spine.
inner semifluid nucleosus pulposus
outer annulus fibrosus
inner semifluid nucleosus pulposus,
allows elasticity and compressibility to the spine,
outer annulus fibrosus
a strong collar made of collagen and fibrocartilage
vertebral column
vertical series of bones stacked on top of each other
protects both the spinal cord and serves as an attachment site for the back muscle
7 cervical vertebrae,
12 thoracic vertebrae,
5lumbar vertebrae,
the sacrum,
and the coccyx.
first two cervical vertebrae’s
atlas and axis
dont have the same structures as other vertebraes
atlas (C1)
large superior facets
articulates with another bone. In this case, the skull “sits” on them, and allows a ‘yes’ joint.
axis (c2)
dens (odontoid process)
serves as the pivot point for turning the skull, and allows rotation or a ‘no’ joint.
five separate vertebrae in the fetus that fuse into a single plate-like bone in the adult
articulates with the coxal bones to form the pelvis.
mostly consists of three to four small, not fully formed vertebrae that fuse into a single bone. It is commonly called the tailbone.
hyoid bone
does not articulate with any other bones of the skeleton.
serves as the attachment site for muscles of the tongue and throat.
rib cage
thoracic vertebrae,
the ribs,
the sternum,
the costal cartilages.
Of the 12 pairs of ribs, 1-7 are true ribs, 8-10 are false ribs, and 11-12 are floating ribs
bones of rib cage
form a flexible, protective cage around the organs of the thoracic cavity
appendicular skeleton
126 bones
bones provide important joints and muscle attachments that allow the wide variety of arm and leg movements.
the pectoral (shoulder) girdles, upper (limbs) extremities, pelvic (hi) girdles,
lower (limbs) extremities.
pectoral girdle
connect the upper extremity to the axial skeleton
two girdles, consist of - collar bone clavicle (anterior) and shoulder -scapula (posterior)
upper arm
radius and ulna
forearm bones
8 wrist bones
hamate, capitate, trapezoid, scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform and trapezium
5 hand bones
14 fingers
pelvic girdle
left and right coxal bones,
also called ossa coxae or hip bones.
hip bones
formed from the fusion of the ilium, ischium, and pubis.
ilium is the largest
The paired hip bones articulate with the sacrum and coccyx to form the ___.
lower extremity (leg)
femur - thigh bone
tibia and fibula - lower leg bones (tibia is weight bearing; fibula is non-weight bearing)
tarsals - ankle bones
metatarsals - foot bones
phalanges - toes or digits
patella - kneecap
provides attachment site for several skeletal muscles important in maintaining posture and locomotion.
stout bone forming the lower part of the leg
feebly developed bone
tarsals, Metatarsals, and Phalanges
seven tarsals forming the ankle and part of the foot
Calcaneus is the largest of all the tarsals, and projects posteriorly as ‘heel bone’