AWW Setpieces Flashcards
DIE NE, 50nm, NS profile
Assess DIE conducting patrol profile, not aware of own force presence in AO,
Own force ahead in DIODE having detected possible MACs strength X N/NE/NW
Surface units continue current MLA while maintaining strict EMCON
Watch DIE criss cross to sb assimilate SLOC traffic and head S once there is indicator of DIE inbound
Surveillance priority LION XXX DRAG XXX
Ask TPS watch crisscross of DIE, report at 40nm (TPS and SAM prep for opportunistic engagement of DIE)
Direct AC for resolving ID priority
Once DIE heads inbound,
Assess DIE alerted of own force presence, inbound to investigate
expect ID compromised in next 15min
Expect DIE cue of air raids/bulldog threats from N/S/E/W. TA..
Ships make MLA 200 spd 15kn to assimilate sloc traffic
Force priority now delay D&I and avoid fighting info uncert
A1 sb conduct opportunistic SAM trap on DIE once in range
(PPR) or
Tps transmit mfr brg xxx sector xx
Sam sb engage
DIE wont die. So
Internally order oow mla and tps mfr all rd first
Last engagement no joy
Expect DIE cue airstrikes bruiser TA XXX bulldog TA XXX
A1 ID now compromised
A1 make MLA XXX spd 27kn standoff
B2 continue assimilate sloc
Surf subsurf tw white
Hush Glenda-A1 in force
When B2 ID compromised then
Hush L
ID compromised
DIE/surf TRU within range, assess ID compromised OR
Assess enemy and own force at parity, both likely orientating towards targeting and engagement
Expecting DIE to cue
- air strikes on own force, given A1 B2 not within any PA, bruiser TA _
- strickes on own force, bruiser TA _ bulldog TA _
Surf units make MLA XXX, charlie speed, priority exit PA of MACXXX OR/AND
Identify AM to hug for counter-E
NH priority remains paint SURPICXX/ resolve ID and targeting of PHXX
Direct OOW change MLA, identify AM for hugging
APC/EW watch air TA, standby upgrade air TW
WEAV/NH holding PH, p. MAC
B2 de A1
surf subsurf tw white
Hush XXX
Surv priority to localise or get strong indicators of 3 MACs, so as to identify breakout axis
Therefore intend maximise coverage over resolution
WEAV no intention resolve ID XXX, now PHXX based on PX, assess likely MAC. To focus on painting surpic NW
LION to resolve ID XXX before continuing w SURPIC NE, now PHXX based on PX
<once holding 2 likely MACs can assess fluor likely in surv gap further N. Declare phase 1 completed, enemy weaker axis ___. Force now in phase 2, intend breakout XXX… then focus surv and engagement efforts thr>
Sb for engagement plan
(May not plan xx CB or mark/saga plan yet)
MACs strength 2 one in KTW one hugging AM on 035 SLOC (CG NE)
Force holding MACs strength 2 one in KTW one hugging AM on 035 SLOC, fluor likely further N within surv gap
Assess enemy force conforming to ECA A Strong forward
Disposition 1E
Weaker axis NW
Force priority to breakout thru NW
Skirt subprobarea/ min transit thru subprobarea while skirting FACG (at BF) PA
WEAV to swing W paint surpic in preparation for breakout
Engagement priority XXX
XXX resolve ID XXX conduct marking/ SAGA Plan G on XXX with A1/B2
Surface units make MLA 330 spd 17kn (in TDA)
MACs str 2 one in BF one on 350 SLOC (CG NW)
Force holding MACs strength 2 one in cover of BF, one hugging AM on 350 SLOC, fluor likely further N within surv gap
Assess enemy force conforming to ECA A Strong forward
Disposition 1W
Weaker axis NE
Force priority to breakout thru NE
Skirt subprobarea/ min transit thru subprobarea while skirting XXX (at KTW) PA
WEAV to swing E paint surpic in preparation for breakout
Engagement priority XXX
XXX conduct SAGA Plan G on XXX with A1/B2
Surface units make MLA 030 spd 17kn (in TDA)
No clear CG, MACs all over N part
Force holding MACs strength 2 one in cover of BF, one coming down 035 SLOC/ in KTW cover, fluor likely further N within surv gap
Assess enemy force conforming to ECA A Strong forward
Disposition 2
Intend to breakout thru NW (usually most risky to breakout center cos kena squeezed, and NW more space)
Skirt subprobarea/ min transit thru subprobarea while skirting XXX (at KTW) PA
WEAV to swing W paint surpic in preparation for breakout
Engagement priority XXX
XXX conduct SAGA Plan G on XXX with A1/B2
Surface units make MLA 330 spd 17kn (in TDA)
Other assessments of new POSHOS
- Operating in sensor-shooter pair
- XXX as TRU for MACs in cover of BF/SLOC/QF
- Poised for multiaxis strike (with FLUOR likely within surv gap up N/NE/NW)
- in wide surf disposition to stretch force surveillance
Remaining <enemy> likely within surv gap in <where></where></enemy>
- Surf units head S to avoid entering multiple PAs to b saturated by enemy force
- Surf units head S while MPA NHs paint surpic 50nm N ETC XXX, enable subsequent fight in info certainty
- Prioritise engagement of TRU DIE/FAC to disrupt enemy kill chain
- Head _ to skirt MAC PA while drawing XXX out of cover
Esp when enemy force in position of strength cos poised for multiaxis strike:
Own force to regain initiative by
- sequencing attacks first XX then XX, or
- eliminating TRU to disrupt enemy kill chain
Assess enemy exploiting own force’s aversion to draw BLACK into conflict to retard I and E of their forces, while presenting alternate axis of attack by own force
ETC for PH to arrive within visual range of KTW line XXXX, as such MPA/NH to proceed __ first; ETC for engagement XXX
In view of likely delay to mission time, Force to request ROE from HHQ for NH to enter KTW for ID and subsequent engagement within KTW where required
(ID tactic 1?)
Assess Likely MAC presenting alternate axis of attack while under cover of TIG
Enemy force poised for coordinated attack on own force
Enemy within rain cloud
Enemy using weather to counter-I, but also sacrificing their own D.
Enemy (within SA) is likely at high readiness for missile threat.
MPA/NH to close in to stand-off range and assess ability to resolve ID PH
ETC for PH exit rain cloud XXX
ID tactics 1 and 2?
If unable:
NH unable to tesolve ID without compromising safety
All units to maintain out of PA, XX to watch and plan X CB on PH. ETC for PH exit rain cloud XX (guard and come back later)
MAS surv efforts delayed
Assess FACG strength 3 positioned to deny own force MAS from pushing further N; force D&I now impeded
Own force surface combatants to turn N NLT H+45min to make gd mission time
A1/B2 to engage XXX(FACG) to open up space for LION/WEAV to swing further N for SURPIC, priority to enable surf units to fight in info certainty upon heading up 020 SLOC
Enemy air surv RTB or splashed, or any situation no TRU
Enemy DIODE now reset at D&I, assess opp for own force to gain initiative
Assimilate traffic, strict EMCON
EW indicators of MAR
MAR launched from OAP, p. MAC or VOLK <in>
Enemy alerted to own force presence, launched MAR for last-mile ID OR
Enemy launching MAR on LSF profile to conduct last-mile ID or pop-up raid on own force, retard our DIODE progress offguard</in>
APC plant manual contact MAR, report at 15nm
AAWO, APC, rec RSA brg XXX sectors 30
Adjust ship heading if need to shift mfr blind arc
At 15nm
FCS EO brg XXX sector 30
OOW tune NR to SP
Ultra/victorduff transmission
If range >20nm, assess ID not compromise, enemy likely upgraded own force classification to PH High
If <20nm, assess TRU conducting targeting, ID compromised
Not compromised: Priority remains preserve force ID thru assimilating SLOC and strict EMCON
Do the ID compromised stuff (MLA and spd, seek opp to hug AM for counter-E)
SB Bulldog threat axis XXX (based on PA), or expect enemy to cue air strikes from NW/W, or NSM raids from FLUOR likely within surv gap ___
DIE now inbound
Assess alerted of own force presence, likely proceeding to investigate
Both forces now at parity, within D&I phases
ETC for own force ID compromised XX
(EMCON MIKE but got crisscross)
(Prev heading N) surf units make MLA 200 spd 15kn assimilate sloc to delay D&I
A1 sb conduct opportunistic SAM trap on DIE once in range
Internal priority:
TPS report once DIE criss-cross 40nm, SB
TPS transmit MFR brg XXX sector 30
(once hold skin) (AAWO)
SAM engage XXX now DIE
Expecting DIE to cue raids thereafter
Bruiser TA _ Bulldog TA_
Surface units SB to break EMCON and SLOC cover to exit PA of XXX (or identify AM for hugging)
Surveillance/NH priority remains..
ID minor in the open
Actl main thing is to localise MACs to ident breakout axis. The rest below are supporting reasons
(Give time for NH to make sure to QF with smaller IRDR)
Holding XXX N/S/E/W, Force in SA assess no direct threat, Force ID not yet compromised
Intend to Delay engagement in order not to accelerate enemy’s DIODE, (1) direct NH to continue focus on localising major combatants and (2) Seek opportunity for simultaneous engagement to maximise element of surprise
(How do u do this, A1 plan X CBs on XXX, B2 plan Y CBs on XXX, make TOT XXX; A1 engage _ B2 engage _ per planned CBs and TOT)
If enemy heading into cover:
(Decisively give up force ID)
Exploit window of opportunity to engage at expense of giving away D&I
Aircraft adhering/not adhering to air lanes, emergency IFF. Not adhering to warning
Possible enemy ftrs deployed for tactical air raid via spoofing OR
Assess hijacked a/c OR defective comair (based on VHR)
APC readback VHR
TPS issue AW
If likely defective comair
surf ships SB to conduct zigzag manoeuvres once comair height descends, priority now to avoid crashondeck
Hugging situation
Enemy adopting counter-E measures
(Or if all hugging) assess enemy prioritising force preservation
Send AIREQ for SEACAT (SEACATS also can be used for opportunistic strike on DIE/MAR)
Manoeuvre to draw enemy out of cover, NH hail AM to manoeuvre away
(Last resort) Explore ceasing NH transmission to present enemy with window of opportunity to break cover
Based on T&S on when to turn N, determine whether: (AL5 + dist/3 min)
(1) SEACAT will arrive on time
Extended mission time insufficient or seacat tot beyond mission time and no extension
(Request for mission time extension (rule of thumb as at least [time to SEACAT TOT] x 2: this is for SEACAT to arrive, and to allow ships to move back N to original posit)
Break through 1 axis by entering 1 x 40nm PA
OOW manoeuvre to leapfrog AM (if available) for counter-E
Declare ZIPPO T, APC/EW watch msl threat axis from Ided LRS
Air raids incoming
Assess TRU cue air strikes from on own force, to put own force on a defensive posture, while MACs us opportunity to break cover to and put own force in engagement range
Surface forces to seek opportunities to hug AM for counter-E, Sb for bruiser threats from NW/W, watch PH in N possibly breaking cover to create opp for engagement
NH/SPC to watch and report when PH alter spd/course, to break cover.
LRM continue to assess PACQ/HEC of PH
FACG inbound, no need conserve bangers for air threat (enuf SAMs)
Surf TW now yellow
(2 concerns MAC to NE and FACG closing in. Priority to sequence engagements
First accelerate CB engagement on MAC before engaging in gun battle w FACG)
(NH report once SAGA plan completed on MAC with XX, XX report once X CB affirmed)
FACG not legitimate missile target/ intend to conserve cowbells for MACs
A1 B2 to preposition for frontal attack at 8.7nm from FAC
B2 immediate execute form stbd Y, dist apart 5nm, MLA XXX, spd C
(At 8.8nm) SB conduct frontal attack at 8.7nm, 1st salvo for , 2nd salvo for
Transition to RAT attack:
(at around 5.6nm) SB transition to RAT attack at 5.4nm from FACG, sector XX for _ XX for _, 1st salvo for , 2nd salvo for
Sectors to block T but if get to blind arc can say change intention, priority now conduct firing from FAC’s a gun blind arc to maximise survivability
normal firing: 4 per salvo
fire for effect: 8 per salvo
(Gun flare sighted) weaving
After air raid
SAM count low?
A1 SAM count low,
A1 maintain MLA/make MLA XX to maintain MFR arc towards bruiser/bulldog axis
B2 to make MLA XX decisively close in 2.7nm NW/W of A1, for air protection
Where there is opportunity, ships to hug AM for counter-E
Check beancount
MAC now gunboat, priority now accelerate engagement on XX. NH cease SAGA plan on YY, conduct SAGA plan on XX with A1 on YY, A1 plan __ CB on __
Assessing likely non-MAC
No bulldog raid in the last X min altho within 40nm, OR
Unlikely to position two MACs in same axis
FACG inbound, air weapon priority now bangers
FACG breaking cover
Priority conserve bangers for air threat in lieu of low SAM count (or to use on lampwick), surf ships make MLA E/W to draw FACG further from cover and open up range to employ CB (more than 5.1nm)
Air threat all round, NH safety all need NH to punch thru
NH go low to avoid
Limited CBs per ship to meet salvo size
A1 plan X CB, B2 plan Y CB on ___, make DTOT X (9nm per min), NH conduct SAGA plan G with A1 and B2 on ___
AAWO: Zippo 3, never negate line F
Turn 90deg or direct OOW Co and spd to get out of area with AM
Enemy air bubbles/PA blocking NH or own ships breakout
Assess enemy established blockade to deny own force MAS efforts/against own force breakout, intend break enemy system by sequential engagement
Priority XX, YY then ZZ. NH saga plan..
Remaining enemy force HEL and FLUO, HEL remains in cover, PA blocking break out axis
Remaining enemy combatants – HEL & FLO. HEL remains in cover, CSOM TOT at XX
Assess enemy now prioritising force preservation; FLO likely positioned NW of force, correlate with surveillance gap and last NSM raid from NW.
Intention is to breakthrough NW upon destruction of HEL to destroy FLO. Surveillance priority now NW to localise FLO
FTRs marshalling for raid; MACs breaking cover
Enemy fighters now on-station, likely marshalling for raid; MACs have increased C. spd
Assess enemy transitioning to engagement phase; and has deployed FTRs to disorientate own force to allow surface combatants to position for strike
Intention remains unchanged – complete engagement on MACs before own force enters PA
Holding FACGs strength 3 in vicinity of CP1, blocking MAS
Assess FACGs are positioned to deny own force’s MAS assets to proceed further N
Intention is to conduct sequential engagement on FACGs, prioritising XXX first, to allow WEAVER to breakthrough N, localise remaining enemy combatants in surv gap N
Force ID not yet compromised but ready to engage
If non-MAC:
Own force ahead in DIODE, ready for engagement on FACG N/S/E/W
Intend to hold engagement
Enemy still at D&I, TRU beyond range to resolve ID of own force
Intend to hold engagement on FACG to maintain own force edge over enemy force in DIODE, force priority to localise MAC likely in surv gap towards N/S/E/W. Orientate towards concurrent strikes on multiple enemy combatants to maximise element of surprise
Tell AC direct MPA elsewhere while NH continue hold skin of this FACG
Own force ahead in DIODE, ready for engagement on MAC N/S/E/W
Enemy still at D&I, TRU beyond range to resolve ID of own force
Assess able to maintain edge thru engagement of MAC while giving away own D&I
A1 to plan.. NH to conduct saga..
Surface units make MLA.. spd..
Hush lisa
MACs in Multi axis
Holding p MACs strength X under cover of BF/KTW/SLOC
Whilst both enemy and own force are in targeting and E phase, enemy is poised for multiaxes coordinated raids on own force while under cover. Assess enemy in position of strength
Force priority to stand off from Y junc (or killzone in N etc) to avoid entering multiple PA and saturation by enemy force
Own force will sequence encounters, priority _, _, then _
NH saga plan..
Surface units make MLA XXX skirt _ PA and draw _ out of cover
Breakfast seacat for _ (or if done, seacat TOT for _ min _)
Credible subthreat indicator at Y junc, datum XX in force
Surf TW white subsurf TW now yellow, ac policy passive
Datum XX
Assess FOC will grow to close own force opp to breakout..
Intend to decisively punch thru weaker axis NE/NW, while minimising time and maximising readiness in TDA
Surf units conduct SLZZ make MLA XXX spd 17kn
(whr relevant) leverage SLOC E of force to delay SSK approach towards and ID of own force
LION paint SURPIC (up MLA) in prep for breakout NE/NW
A1 to scramble DRAG to conduct backstop <btwn>
WEAV to conc XXX and conduct radar flooding to pressure ssk against surfacing for coord w remaining enemy force and targeting
Surf TW white subsurf TW now yellow, ac policy passive</btwn>
(Broadcast time for NH to paint surpic 50nm up MLA to fight in info certainty, and time to exit TDA)
Can do gun engagement or msl depending (see other flashcard)
PAcq btwn 0.5 and 0.9
HEC can be not fulfilled if own force under CDZ and under attack + backgrd shipping is hostile
All PH hugging/in cover
B2 DE A1
STW SSTW white hush L
Holding enemy combatants str X all within cover
P MAC in cover of XXX SLOC and rain cloud
P FAC in cover of QF
Assess enemy force priority force preservation
Own force within SA
Expect enemy force to cue air raids with XXX as TRU or cue SSK engagement
To disorientate own force
For surf combatants to break cover and close in
All units watch bruiser TA XXX bulldog TA XXX SSTA XXX
Limited mission time, need enter PA deliberately
Choose PA of PH/hos that we can engage
Force priority maintain within max 1 PA for superior RCP
To make mission time, surf units to deliberately enter PA of XXX to advance weapon range towards edges of AO
Priority Max readiness while accelerating engagement of hos (or I and E of PH)
- hug for counterE
- A1/B2 up ATA
- NH/WEAV saga plan G on MAC, A1/B2 plan XX bulldog on MAC
(make sure MLA dont put MFR blind arc towards MAC)
NH resolve ID MAC/VOLK
Any NH on deck, rotor spinning?
p. MAR pop up
FCS EO, OOW check visual from bridge
Active raids or EO/IR raide
OOW come hard left/right <ASMD> increase 27kn (or 22kn for TDA)
FCS A gun engage 2nm
(note bean count, adjust weapon plan/priority)</ASMD>
Passive raids
If negate line F - no need alter course/spd
If never negate
- alter course 90deg/away from AM
Note bean count, adjust weapon plan/priority
EMERG T conc with air raids
All stations PWO
Priority for ship manoeuvres TCM
AAW defence by hard kill
B2 DE A1
A1 conducting TCM
B2 to maintain MLA XXX, keep air threats within MFR arc
Force in TDA, PA of MACs closing in
B2 DE A1
Force maintain max spd 17/22kn
Assess unable to exit PA of MACXXX
Surf units to maximise air defence against bulldog TA XXX while accelerating engagement on MAC XX
ships to hug AM for counter-E where opportune
Make MLA XXX spd 17/22 to draw MAC out of cover
A1/B2 sb engage once break cover
LRM cont assess Pacq HEC
SPC AC report when break cover
If all cannot then breakfast seacat, broadcast TOT, while finding opp to engage by ship
Mission brief
Mission brief..
Not holding any indicator of MAS assets or surf tru in range
Force ID not compromised
Priority air assets paint surpic N
Surf assets make MLA 020 spd 27kn gain ground
Surf subsurf tw white hush M
Initially breakout NE but suddenly
TDA or subthreat in center
B2 DE A1
Surf tw white subsurf tw yellow
Datum/sc xxx in force
Given ssk indicator, assess enemy disposition now 1E
Subsurf threat priority
Weaker axis now NW
Surf forces make MLA 330 spd 27kn
Deliberately enter PA of possible MAC XXX with max AAW readiness by positioning A1 (or whatever SAM carrier NW up ATA)
B2 to scramble DRAG for backstop NE of force
Subsurf tw yellow surf tw white datum XX in force
Initially break out NE but some indicator (e.g. new p MAC NW) cant tell clear weaker axis
B2 DE A1
Surf subsurf tw white
Assess now weaker axis unclear
Surf forces make MLA 270 to allow flexibility for swinging NW for breakout once more info is obtained, without losing ground
Priority WEAV/LION resolve ID XXX
(Once u know is non-MAC, that is the weaker axis. If its MAC than its the stronger axis)