ASW Flashcards
Air asset hold riser.. riser become sinker
AC report NH..
Roger NH to close in, report once visual riser
SPC plot manual track for last riser
(if within range) FCS, OOW check visual
AC report riser now sinker
Roger SPC create datum for last riser sinker; Sonar establish datum 01
<if> Sonar, PWO, intend tactical upgrade datum 01 to PSXX based on XX
intend scramble DRAG, for DRAG to conduct backstop for surf assets
Surf units to make MLA NE/NW thru TDA w max ASW readiness to make good mission time
Sonar: recommend DRAG backstop XXX rg XX from surf forces, surf forces conduct SLZZ, MLA XXX spd 17/22
PWO concur, going external
B2 DE A1
SSTW red (make sure subseq ATW red), Ac policy passive, D01 now in force
Tactical upgrade D01 to XXX based on XXX
Assess SSK surfaced to conduct targeting on force/ in coord w remaining enemy force to impede own force breakout
Surf forces to decisively punch NE/NW to avoid being limited by FOC
A1 B2 conduct SLZZ MLA XXX spd XX
Scramble DRAG to conduct backstop for surf forces
WEAV to commence radar flooding to deter SSK from further surfacing
SSTW red, ac policy passive, D01 in force
AC, PWO you have hammer for DRAG first and subseq dips
Wanna full force search datum 01 that is nearer to air assets
Sonar, PWO
Intend D01 in force,
For <air> form air SAU to search D01 and A1, B2 make dir approach to D01</air>
Sonar: recommend air SAU execute plan BLACK CORDON, sectors XX for XX, XX for XX
A1 B2 rec MLA XX spd XX
PWO concur, going external
B2 DE A1
SSTW red, ac pol passive, D01 in force
<air> to form air SAU with XX as SAUC to search D01
(Bcos SAUC will b AOPS, we give?) Sector allocation 0 for XX, XX for XX
A1 B2 conduct dir appr to D01
Make MLA XX spd XX
Sb reduce speed \_\_ once PSR overlaps FOC, ETA \_\_
SSTW red, ac pol passive, D01 in force
you have hammer for <air> first and subsequent dips
When reaching
B2 DE A1
SSTW red, ac pol now active, plan BLACK CORDON by air SAU on D01 in force
Intend A1 B2 <air> form mixed SAU with A1 as SAUC to search D01
SSTW red, ac pol now active,
<air> DE A1
COWBOYS joining from the S,
weapons avail 12 COBRA
Intend swop time XXXX (or now)
//SAUC Intention
SSTW red, ac pol active, D01 in force
A1 B2 <air> execute plan black cordon on D01
Sector allocation...
Assess SSK likely heading N/S/E/W to evade detection by own force
SSTW red, ac pol active, D01 in force
Conduct engagement
W0 DE A1
SSTW RED, Ac policy active, plan RED CORDON on SCXX in force
No change to sector allocation
<If> One cobra in water, dogboxXX expire min XX
(next) attack intention
<To solicit reaction for PSL2, 8.2nm first launch crit met> A1/B2 engage to solicit intention/ NH take ship for infotac; followed by \_\_\_
Expecting SC to conduct evasive manoeuvres in response to COBRA in water (then tactical upgrade)
<To destroy, either NH SELFTAC, or ship take NH for infotac, 2.9nm first launch crit met; or A1/B2 deliberate launch>; followed by \_\_\_
SSTW RED, Ac policy active
<For> AC, PWO you have ballbat
<sensor> to take <shooter> for INFOTAC on SCXX
PWO Sonar
INFOTAC completed
COBRA ready on SCXX
ISC (brg of SC), ISR 8400m
ACE (2000m lower than SC), MHP 90%/50%
Permission to engage SCXX
Sonar, engage SCXX with COBRA
Sonar holding raw video
Once sonar hold, shld report to PWO brg XXX, SB conducting chart check surf check (nav net?)
Altering course:
Info sonar first, as default tell OOW make v slow turns
Sonar may recommend MLA to hold btr
Based on raw vid can get NH to jump dip to other sector
Make dir appr to DXX/ SCXX
Immediate execute Fm STBD Y, dist apart <0.91.5PSR ard 5.4nm; or larger to maximise coverage over FOC> MLAXX
Max speed 22/17kn
2nd emerg T on A1when B2 alrdy conducted urgent launch with dogbox not expired
Negate urgent launch, COBRA still in water
CO sir permission conduct LOB engagement brg XXX
SSTW now red, SC/datum XX now in force, correlate with last emerg T brg. I tactical upgrade SC/datum to probsub
Assess SSK within engagement phase, own force IDed by SSK
Form Air SAU/asset to search datum in force/ prosecute SC in force
Execute < sector 0 for 1 NH, X for 2nd NH between SSK and surf force>
Intend NH to pressure SSK against subseq engagements while surf forces focus on TCM
A1/B2 (not doing TCM) to conduct LOB fire brg XXX (towards SSK) to further foul SSK firing solution
Feather sighted
FCR check holding skin
If yes - engage track XXX with bangers
If no - EO track, engage track XXX with bangers
Sonar check holding SC, check classification
If yes - (and 1st launch crit met) Engage with COBRA
B2 DE A1
SSTW red ac pol active
SC XXX in force/ feather sighted N/S/E/W rg XX
A1 engaging with bangers and COBRA to maximise pressure on SSK within both surf and subsurf domains
B2 to engage with bangers
SSTW red ac pol active
NH visual AM hit by torp
Check any info on type of AM - 1 or 2 shaftlines
Create and establish flaming datum
SSTW red, ac pol passive, d01 in force
<If> Assess SSK actively hunting MOW, likely own force. based on inacc hit on AM, assess loose roe, likely to engage beyond visual range 10nm
Assess <no> intend to continue../ skirt/ min time in TDA with max ASW readiness
A1 B2 reduce spd 22/17kn
SSTW red, ac pol passive, d01 in force
See other flashcard for if the FOC closes breakout axis
Datum management
Rmb to scrub datum
Tell SPC
Expect Sonar come in to concur/counter
2nd RS
Upgrade datum to PSL2 based on correlate with D01
(or if speed slightly more than 8kn can correlate then make assessment, can get sonar assess)
Sonar PWO
Assess D02 possible credible ssk if ssk had transited from D01 position at higher speed than 8kn, calculate and report required speed
Sonar report speed
SPC, sonar set subseq datum spd (e.g.) 9kn
Once determine credible
SSTW now red, ac pol passive
D02 now in force
Assess SSK likely conducting targeting during last 2 RS, expect emerg T from bearing XXX
Surf ships to conduct SLZZ, MLA XXX to foul firing solution and exit TDA
(and if applicable, Ask CO perm) A1 to conduct LOB engagement brg XXX to pressure SSK, foul SSK engagement process
Multiple RS but no engagement
DXX now non sub
Assess unlikely or SSK to conduct targeting multiple times without engagement of surf ships within TDA
Within TDA of SC but no engagement
Can consider:
Surf forces ID compromised (see range esp if transmitting or if kena TDA before), assess unlikely for SSK to not engage surf forces within TDA, as such SC XX NONSUB
CS report intercept of PCS
- TPS plot ref point ?
- Assess ID compromised, SSK within 10nm visual range (?)
- Likely to transit to engagement (or delay own force D&I) (depending on mission and assessed ECA)
- Alter CO and ask CO for LOB engagement to foul firing solution
Indicator of SSK going at 20ish kn
- Assess SSK likely to run out of batt and surface shortly
- All units scan <bearing> for possible feather or wolf</bearing>
- SB to engage with A gun and torp to apply max pressure once SSK surface