AWS Storage Service Flashcards
Three types of AWS Storage Services
Block Storage = Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
File Storage = Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
Object Storage Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Block Based Storage System
Operating System(OS) reads/writes at the block level (looking at a disc).
OS can be used to create volumes
Volumes can be partitioned and formatted (C: drive, D: drive, etc)
You can create multiple volumes and partition volumes
—->Ex. c: drive is a volume THEN add’l partitions is an add’l drive like the d: drive
Disks can be internal or network attached
Ex. Hard drive
File Based Storage System
File Based Storage System
- A filesystem is ‘mounted’ to the OS using a network share (remote drive)
- —>A filesystem can be shared by many users/computers
Network Attached Storage System (NAS)
- –>File Based storage systems
- —–>Connected by a network to a storage server
- ——–>Server has block based storage in it and it ‘shares’ filesystems over the network
- Ex. StateFarm ‘n’ drive
User can NOT create add’l volumes/partitions in this type of storage system
Object Based Storage System
Object Based Storage System
-User uploads objects using a web browser to an object storage container
- Data moves from user to storage container via the web so HTTP protocol
- —>The HTTP protocol is used with REST API (eg. GET, PUT, POST, SELECT, DELETE) to upload data, download data, delete data, etc
- Anything you put in a file system can be put in Object Based storage system
- There is NO hierarchy of objects in the container (as opposed to file system that has layers of directories in a hierarchy where files are stored
- Scalable and LOW COST
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
-Storage service used by EC2 instances for root volume
- EBS volume data persists independently of the life of the instance
- —>Volumes do not need to be attached to an instance
- Can attach multiple EBS volumes to an instance
- EBS volumes must be in the same Availability Zone (AZ) as the instance they are attached to
- Root EBS volumes are deleted on termination by default
- —>Extra non-boot volumes are not deleted on termination by default
Elastic Block Store HDD (Hard Disk Drive) Backed Volumes
Elastic Block Store SSD (Solid State Drive) Backed Volumes
EBS HDD (Hard Disk Drive) - Backed Volumes
- Lower performance than SSD - Cheaper
EBS SSD (Solid State Drives)- Backed Volumes -Similar to hard disk drives but they are 'solid' state (chips in a disk) -Higher performance -More expensive -Examples: -Gp2 - General Purpose SSD -Good performance -Up to 16,000 IOPS IOPS = IO operations per second -Io1 - Provisioned iops Can provision the IOPS vs having an assigned number of iOPS Better performance More expensive
- Capture a point-in-time state of an instance which can be used in the future w/ the same configurations
- Are stored in S3 (regional service)
- Snapshots are incremental if you make periodic snapshots of a volume
- EBS volumes are Availability Zone (AZ) specific, where snapshots are region specific
- Can use a snapshot to create volumes in different Availability Zones (since snapshots exist in the region outside Availability Zones)
- —>Great way to move a specific volume from one Availability zone to another
-Snapshots can be used to create an AMI
Automates the creation, retention, and deletion of EBS snapshots and EBS- backed AMI’s:
Amazon Machine Image Amazon CloudFront Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM) Amazon Workspace
Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM)
-Automates the creation, retention, and deletion of EBS snapshots and EBS- backed AMI’s
- Protects valuable data by enforcing a regular backup schedule
- Create standardized AMIs that can be refreshed at regular intervals
- Retain backups as required by auditors or internal compliance
- Reduce storage costs b/c you can delete outdated backups
- Create disaster recovery backup policies that backup data to isolated accounts
High performance local disks that are physically attached to the host computer on which an EC2 instance runs:
Elastic Block Store Volumes Instance Store Volumes Operating System Amazon ELB
Instance Store Volumes
- High performance local disks that are physically attached to the host computer on which an EC2 instance runs
- —>As opposed to an EBS volume that is accessed via the internet/network)
- Data is ephemeral which means data is lost when powered off (non-persistent)
- —>As opposed to EBS which is persistent storage
-Ideal for temporary storage of information that changes frequently, like buffers, caches, or scratch data
Community AMI VS AWS Marketplace AMI VS My AMI
Community AMIs - free to use, generally you just select the OS you want
AWS Marketplace AMIs - pay to use, generally come packaged with additional, licensed software
My AMIs - AIs that you create yourself
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
- File-based storage system
- Uses the NFS (Network File System) protocol
- Used by Linux instances to mount file system over the network
- Can connect many EC2 instances concurrently (thousands)
- EC2 instances can be connected from multiple AZ’s
- Only available for Linux instances (not Windows)
- Can connect instances from other VPC’s (Virtual Private Clouds) or an on-premises datacenter
Object Based storage system:
EBS EC2 Amazon S3 EFS
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) - COVERED IN DETAIL ON THE EXAM
- Object based storage system
- We create a container(bucket) in S3 to upload objects (files)
- —>Basically S3 is a bucket/container that stores objects
- ——>Connect over HTTP
- ——>Key = name of the object
- ——>Value = actual data
- Can store any type of file in S3 -Unlimited storage available
- Files can be any size from 0 bytes to 5 TB
- S3 is a universal namespace so bucket names must be unique globally
- —>Buckets are created within a Region
- –>Choose regions closer to your end users to improve performance
- Transfer Acceleration- speeds up uploads using CloudFront
- Requester pays- the account requesting the objects pays
- Events can trigger notifications to SNS, SQS, and Lambda
- Encryption- encrypt objects in the bucket
- Replication- replicate within across region
A way to connect from your VPC using the private interfaces of your instances instead of connecting over the public internet:
S3 Gateway Endpoint NFS Amazon Gateway Access Keys
S3 Gateway Endpoint
A way to connect from your VPC using the private interfaces of your instances instead of connecting over the public internet
Good if worried about data moving over internet
Availability VS Durability
- Measures how readily available the service is
- Measured as percentage
- SLA varies between storage classes
- Measures likelihood of data loss
- All storage classes offer 99.99999999% durability
S3 Storage Classes
- Durable, immediately available, frequently accessed
- Good for data that you don’t need for very long
- ALL OTHER CLASSES BELOW will be charged for 30 days even if you don’t use them
-Automatically moves data to the most cost effective tier
S3 STANDARD-IA (IA=infrequently accessed)
-Durable, immediately available, infrequently accessed
-Lower cost for infrequently accessed data with less resilience
-Archived data, retrieval times in minutes or hours
S3 GLACIER DEEP ARCHIVE -Lowest cost storage class for long term retention
A way to keep multiple variants of an object in the same bucket:
S3 Glacier S3 Replication S3 Versioning Snapshot
S3 Versioning
A way to keep multiple variants of an object in the same bucket
To preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in your Amazon S3 bucket
Versioning-enabled buckets enable you to recover objects from accidental deletion or overwrite
A way to replicate data from one bucket to another:
S3 Glacier S3 Replication S3 Versioning Snapshot
S3 Replication
Replicating data from one bucket to another
Versioning must be enabled to do this
Cross-Region Replication (CRR)
—->Replicate to a bucket in another region
Same-Region Replication
—->Replicate to a bucket in the same region
Rules applied to automatically update object by moving it to a different storage area (transition action) or deleting it (expiration action) when object reaches a certain age.
Amazon Auto Tune S3 Replication Lifecycle Configuration Rules EC2 Auto Scaling
Lifecycle Configuration Rules
Rules applied to automatically update the objects
- TRANSITION Actions - move object to a diff storage class once it reaches a certain age
- EXPIRATIONS Actions - automatically delete objects after they reach a certain age
What should you use to host a static website?
EC2 Instance EBS Amazon S3 Amazon Gateway
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
- Create a S3 bucket
- Configure it for static website hosting
- Update the web assets that contain the content you want to serve
S3 Glacier
S3 Glacier Deep Archive
- Used for Archiving
- Low cost and pay for what you need
- No commitments of upfront fees
Two classes: GLACIER ---->Expedited 1-5 minutes ---->Standard 3-5 hours ---->Bulk 5-12 hours
- —>-Expedited - not available
- —>Standard 12 hours
- —>Bulk 48 hours
What are the three options to access Glacier archives?
Fastest to Slowest:
- Expedited
- Standard
- Bulk
S3 Object Lock
S3 Glacier Vault Lock
S3 Object Lock
- Store objects using a write-once-read-many (WORM)
- Prevent objects from being deleted or overwritten for a fixed time or indefinitely
S3 Glacier Vault lock
- Also used to enforce the WORM model
- Can apply a policy and lock the policy from future edits
- Use for compliance objectives and data retention