AWS Compute Services Flashcards
Which of the following offers persistent storage?
Network Interface Card Central Processing Unit (CPU) Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Random Access Memory (RAM)
Had Disk Drive (HDD)
- Persistent storage
- Files/data are loaded into memory
- When you turn off computer the files are stored
- Measured in Gigabyte (GB)
Which of the following offers non-persistent storage?
Network Interface Card Central Processing Unit (CPU) Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Random Access Memory (RAM)
Random Access Memory (RAM)
- Non-persistent storage
- Only used for data that needs high speed for the operating system (meaning when you turn off computer the memory is wiped out)
- Measured in Gigabyte (GB)
Which of the following allows your computer to talk to the outside world?
Network Interface Card Central Processing Unit (CPU) Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Random Access Memory (RAM)
Network Interface Card (NIC)
- Needed so computer can talk to outside world
- Wireless adaptor or adaptor connected to cable
- Talks to Network/Switch/Router to get to internet
- Measured in Megabits per second (Mbps) or Gigabits per second (Gbps)
- Amount of data per second that it can either send or receive
Designed to be used by many users over a network consisting of specialized hardware (computer w/ CPU, Memory, Network, etc) and includes redundancy (if one component fails this will still work)?
- Computer w/ CPU, Memory, Network, etc
- Designed to be used by many users over a network
- Hardware is more specialized and expensive than laptop/desktop
- Includes more redundancy - so if one component fails the server will still work (laptop/desktop likely would not work)
Client Server Computing is used to connect a client device (ie: laptop or phone) TO a server. What are three ways to connect via Client Server Computing?
Web Server:
- Client application finds the server by its IP address
- —>Talk via a Protocol (HTTP)
- ——->Then connect to a Port - like a door into the server (typically Port: 80 or Port: 443 for web server)
Email Server:
- Client application finds the server by its IP addr
- —>Talk via a Protocol (SMTP)
- ——->Then connect to a Port (door) through Port: 25
File Server:
- Client application finds server through a different Protocol (SMD) - NOT by an IP addr
- —>Connect to Port (door) through 445
Server Virtualization VS NO Server Virtualization
- Server (hardware) with Hypervisor as a layer between Server and OS which is referred to as a Virtual Machine/Virtual Server/Instance (EC2)
- —>Hypervisor creates a layer of abstraction
- Virtual Machine(VM) has virtual hardware that presents to its operating system
- —>Multiple VMs can be run on the same physical hardware (server)
- —>VMs can move from one physical server to a different one very easily (helps when a physical server goes down - easily move everything to diff server
WITHOUT Server Virtualization:
- Server (hardware) with operating system (OS) like windows stacked on that and then an application (website) stacked on that
- OS - tied to hardware (no portability)
- Hardware resources may be underutilized
What would you use to run virtual server instances in the cloud?
- Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service with which you can run virtual server “instances” in the cloud
- Amazon has a pool of physical hardware (servers) which we can run Instances ‘on top’ of
- EC2 host (server) is managed by AWS
- Company(user) manages theEC2 Instances (which is a virtual server w/ a certain amount of CPU, RAM, storage and network capability assigned to it)
The Operating System sits on top of the EC2 instance THEN you install applications on top of that and run whatever you need to on that virtual server
Metadata VS User Data
- data that is supplied by the user at instance launch in the form of a script
- Ability to run commands when the system is starting
Instance METADTA
- returns information about the instance that’s recorded locally
- data about your instance that you can use to configure or manage the running instance
Instance Type
Chosen when instances are launched and provide diff combinations of CPU, memory, storage and networking (diff performance/cost for each)
Launch EC2 Instance–>select instance type–>AMI(Amazon Machine Image)
What is required to launch an EC2 instance?
Amazon Beanstalk AWS Metadata Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
- Provides the information required to launch an EC2 instance
- Contains the operating system and any configuration of the instance
- Can be created from EBS (elastic block store) snapshot
EBS Snapshot is a point in time backup of an instance that you can use to create another EC2 instance in the future w/ the same configurations of EBS (Elastic Block Store) snapshot, permissions, and configuration
What is a point in time backup of an instance that you can use to create another EC2 instance in the future w/ the same permissions, and configurations?
EBS Snapshot PMS Cache Edge Location Snapchat
Elastic Bock Store (EBS) Snapshot
Which of the following is a benefit of EC2? (choose 2)
Flexible Secure Expensive Controlled by AWS
Elastic computing
-Easily launch hundreds to thousands of EC2instances within minutes
Complete control
-Full root/admin access
-Choice of instance types, OS and software packages that come pre-installed
-Offers very high levels of availability and instances can be rapidly commissioned and replaced
-Fully integrated w/ Amazon VPC and security features
-Low cost, pay for what you use
What is he man difference between a Public and Private Subnet?
Public Subnet
-Able to connect from internet to EC2 instances
- Inside of a region is a VPC (virtual private cloud) that contains your private resources (resources are private but accessibility can be public)
- —>Inside the VPC is an Availability Zone which has a Public Subnet
Private cannot connect from the internet
Three things every EC2 Instance has?
Each EC2 instance has:
- Hard drive where data is stored
- —>virtual hard drive is called EBS Volume) - Security group
- —>Determines which Ports, Protocols and IP address are allowed
- —>Acts as a firewall securing access to the instance
- —>Controls inbound and outbound traffic - Internet Gateway
- —>Attached to a VPC to connect to internet
- —>To get to EC2 instance need to connect to Internet Gateway which takes you to the EC2 Instance
Multiple Ways to Connect to EC2 Instance….
- EC2 Instance Connect
-Just click connect
-Will get command prompt to update the software on the instance
- - Secure Shell (SSH) Client Instance Connect
-Need to copy to command prompt
-Search for command prompt and enter copied text and enter
- Now you have ability to run SSH commands
-SSH Key Pairs are used to securely connect to EC2 instances - Remote Desktop (RDP) to Widows Instance
Associated with a user and can be used on EC2 instances to gain permissions to other AWS services.
Amazon Lightsail Security Group Access Keys IAM
Access Keys
- Can be used on EC2 instances to gain permissions to other AWS services
- Associated w/ a user
- Are stored in plaintext on the instance itself which is not secure
- Better to use IAM roles whenever possible and avoid access keys
- The role is then assumed by the EC2 instance and the permissions for the instance will match the role
This service will launch, manage and terminate resources as required (can be run as managed or unmanaged - your choice). Allows users to easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of jobs on AWS.
CloudFront Amazon Aurora OpsWorks AWS Batch
AWS Batch
- Batch will launch, manage and terminate resources as required (can be run as managed or unmanaged - your choice)
- Enables users to easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of batch computing jobs on AWS
- Dynamically provisions the optimal quantity and type of compute resources
Simple management interface that is great for users with no deep AWS technical experience and makes it easy to provision compute services.
Amazon ECS Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Management Console Amazon Lightsail
Amazon LightSail
- Similar to EC2 but interface is much simpler
- Great for users with no deep AWS technical experience, makes it easy to provision compute services
- Provides compute, storage, and networking capacity and capabilities to deploy and manage websites, web applications, and databases in the cloud
- Best for projects with a few dozen instances or fewer
- Simple management interface
- Good for blogs, websites, e-commerce sites, etc
- Can deploy load balancers and attach block storage
What service is used to run Docker Containers in the Cloud?
Amazon CloudFront Amazon EC2 Amazon ECS Amazon Umbrella
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)
- Used for running Docker Containers on the cloud
- Containers are known as tasks
Docker Containers
—->A DOCKER ENGINE is used in place of Hypervisor layer to ‘share’ an operating system
- —>A container sits on top of the Docker Engine and contains all the code, settings, and dependencies for running the application
- —>Each container is isolated from other containers and multiple containers can run on same operating system
—->Containers start quickly b/c they are small
—->Don’t use a lot of power/memory in each container
Monolithic Application VS Microservices Application/Architecture
MONOLITHIC Application
-User interface, business logic and data access layer are all combined on a single platform
-Updates to, or failures of any single component can take down the whole application
MICROSERVICES Application/Architecture
-Application components are separated and the way they talk to each other is simplified
- Each microservice is an independently deployable unit of code
- Typically organized around business capabilities
- Many instances of each microservice can run on each host
- Can also be spread across multiple hosts
- Deployed by a Docker Container
Logical grouping of tasks or services is called?
Fargate ECS Service Cluster EBS Volume Amazon Task Manager
Elastic Container Service (ECS) Cluster
- —>Logical grouping of tasks or services
- —>Task = running Docker Container
- —>Task is created from a TASK DEFINITION
Task Definition
- —>describes the task configuration and the name of the image that is stored in the Registry
- —>When task starts it pulls image from Registry and runs that code
Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a private container image registry
A private container image registry.
Amazon ECR Amazon Azure Amazon ECS DynamoDB
Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a private container image registry