AWS Storage Flashcards
what are the 7 Primary Storage Related Services in AWS?
- Amazon S3
- Amazon Glacier
- Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
- Amazon Fix
- AWS Storage Gateway
- AWS Snow Family
- AWS DataSync
What is AWS Simple Storage Service (S3)?
An object storage service which provides inexpensive and reliable storage that can be integrated with operations ran within and external to AWS.
What is an object storage service?
Provides a flat surface on which to store data and data metadata without managing the complexity of an underlying operating system.
What is a block storage service?
Provides a chunked data management scheme using a file system and and underlying operating system to serve and retrieve data.
How do you create folder structures within AWS S3?
Folders can be created in this block storage service by adding a “/” delineator to the file path of a desired file at the point of creation. You also need a prefix (folder name) before the delineator.
What is the maximum file size for AWS S3?
Individual files in this object storage service may not be larger than 5 terabytes.
What is the maximum bucket size for AWS S3?
There is no maximum total dataset size for this object storage service.
What is AWS S3 Multipart Upload?
This tool provides a safe mechanism to upload large files into the object storage service.
What is Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration?
This tool routes uploads to AWS Object Storage services using a geographically proximate AWS edge location to improve performance.
What are the Primary Server Side encryption models for AWS S3?
- Server Side Encryption with AWS KMS Managed Keys
- Server Side Encryption with AWS S3 Managed Keys
- Server Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Keys
What is AWS S3 Server Side Encryption with AWS KMS Managed Keys (SSE-S3)?
This is a platform where AWS uses AWS S3 Managed Keys, with the addition of an envelope key is added for additional security, along with a full audit trail tracking key usage.
What is AWS S3 Server Side Encryption with AWS S3 Managed Keys (SSE-KMS)?
This is a platform where AWS uses its own enterprise standard keys to manage every step of the encryption and decryption process.
What is AWS S3 Server Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Keys (SSE-C)?
This is a process which lets you bring your own keys for S3 to use when applying encryption.
What is AWS S3 SSE-S3?
This is Server Side Encryption with AWS S3 Managed Keys
What is AWS S3 SSE-KMS?
This is Server Side Encryption with AWS KMS Managed Keys
What is AWS S3 SSE-C?
This is Server Side Encryption with customer maintained keys.
What is AWS S3 Client Side Encryption?
A platform for encrypting data prior to its transfer to S3.
How is AWS S3 Client Side Encryption Managed?
Client Side Encryption for S3 is managed using a KMS-Managed Customer Master Key. Which you provide through the AWS S3 encryption client.
How are AWS S3 Events logged?
By default, they are not logged. But if needed, they can be turned on. This is managed by deploying logs to a designated S3 Bucket
What actions does AWS S3 Logging track?
- The Account and IP Address of the requestor
- The Source Bucket Name
- The Action requested
- The Time the request was issued
- The Response Status (including error code)
What are the two standards of Durability for AWS S3?
- S3 and Glacier promise 11 nines of durability.
- S3 One-Zone-IA promises 9 nines of durability.
What is AWS S3 Durability a measure of?
This is a measure of the integrity of files within AWS S3. Essentially a statistic which measures the percent chance that the files will not be corrupted or destroyed.
What is AWS S3 Availability a measure of?
This is a measure of the ability to access files within AWS S3. Essentially a statistic which measures the percent chance that the files will be retrieved at any given time of request.
What are the 4 standards for AWS S3 Availability?
- S3 Standard - 99.99% Available
- S3 Standard-IA 99.9% Available
- S3 One Zone-IA 99.5% Available
- S3 Intelligent-Tiering 99.9% Available
What is Eventually Consistent Data?
The process by which AWS S3 replicates data across multiple locations, resulting in brief delays while updating or deleting existing objects while data propagates across the AWS S3 service.
This process does not affect new files.
What is AWS S3 Object Versioning?
A process that allows access to previous editions of an object stored in an S3 bucket. These previous editions are stored indefinitely by default.
What is AWS S3 Life Cycle Management?
A process that allows older S3 objects to be moved to slower performance bulk storage and then eventually deleted over time based off of frequency of object access requests.
What is AWS S3 Access Control?
The permissions assigned to an S3 bucket, allowing the account that generated the bucket permission to objects, while limiting or denying other accounts and web requests.
What are the three mechanisms for AWS S3 Access Control
- Access Control Lists
- S3 Bucket Policies
- Identity And Access Management (IAM) Policies
What is an AWS S3 Access Control List?
A now deprecated tool for assigning permissions line by line to an AWS S3 bucket.
What is an AWS S3 Bucket Policy?
A JSON formatted text document attached to an S3 bucket which defines who can and can not access an S3 bucket.
What is an AWS S3 IAM Policy?
An extension of the AWS IAM roles and policies which provide users with inherited access to an AWS S3 bucket.
What is an AWS S3 Pre-signed URL?
A URL which allows temporary access to an object in an S3 bucket that is otherwise private.
What is AWS S3 Glacier?
A service for cheaper, long term storage than traditional S3 object storage. Generally considered archival storage.
What are the 3 Tiers of AWS S3 Glacier?
- Glacier Instant
- Glacier Flexible
- Deep Archive
What is S3 Storage Rotation?
As data becomes less frequently accessed, it is dynamically moved from one tier of storage to a less performative tier, and over time is moved into a deep archive, and potentially even deleted.
What is Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)?
A service providing automatically scalable and sharable file storage accessible from Linux instances. Intended to be accessed within a VPC via NFS mounts on an EC2 Linux instance.
What is Amazon FSx?
A collection of services which provide file network file storage for a variety of use cases
What is AWS Storage Gateway?
A platform providing the ability backup and archive data within a local datacenter to cloud storage services. Appears on the network as a network attached tape drive array, and the data is stored in S3 or EBS. Can also be maintained in a local cache to make data locally available as well.
What is AWS SNOW?
A platform which allows physical data transfer from a local data center to an AWS data center.
What are the three tiers of AWS Snow?
- Snowcone
- Snowball
- Snowmobile
What is AWS DataSync?
A platform providing a simple method to move on-premises data to an AWS Account. Can drop many kinds of data dynamically into any service within AWS.
How many S3 buckets are allowed per account?
100 S3 Buckets
What are the constraints of the AWS S3 Durability Promise?
Durability covers the physical infrastructure
What is an S3 IAM Principal?
The S3 entity to which bucket access is assigned.
What is the default life of a pre-signed S3 URL?
The pre-signed URL duration is 3,600 seconds (one Hour)
How long does Deep Glacier Access Take?
Data retrieval should take no longer than 12 hours.