aw Flashcards
WDU-42/B Warhead
J1000 Class – 1000 lbBlast / Frag (~ MK-83)Penetrator (~ BLU-109)
FMU-156/B Fuze Parameters:-arms 60 seconds prior to impact
Pre-planned zone releases, in range only for in flight planned
Power up and fully aligned in 13 min (plan for 15 min), last 3 minutes gets all 8 initial DMPI assignments
Chooses target last 3 seconds
Maximum of eight DMPI’s per preplanned target
jassm-non throttle control profile
The non throttle control profile flies at 22K after engine start and flies a constant mach .75mach. The inflight time of flight is only accurate to within a minute.
Do not exceed 330 KCAS with AGM-158/A on C ring using C+ PI fitting.
The JASSM will normally be planned as a way point flyer (zone launch) with a prescribed launch zone
This launch zone is defined from the first way point similar to how the Truman MOA is defined off of SGF
JASSM- Target Of Oppurtunity weapons will fly direct to the targets and can be given an attack heading plane
If a weapon is launched inside of 72 NM it will initially turn away from the target before turning back towards the DMPI.
flies at 15k’
JASSM-The Throttle controlled profile cruises at 12K and adjust the speed to make its time of flight accurate to within 5 seconds
This does not control to a set TOT
+/- 500’ MSL and at 50’ increments
The mission planned terminal area model (TAM) must be imported into the AFMSS mission to take advantage of JASSM’s ______.
a. Capability to hit targets of opportunity (TOO
b. IR seeker for terminal updates to the target
c. Ability to fly waypointsd.
GPS/INS endgame maneuver
b. IR seeker for terminal updates to the target
. The WDU-42/B is a J-1000 class warhead and has similar penetration capability to the ________.
a. BLU109
b. LU-113
c. Mk-83
d. UK-1000
- ALL preplanned B-2 JASSM missions are IZ-LAR releases.
For a preplanned throttle controlled (ETE) profile, the default mid-course cruise altitude is _______
a. 12,000’ MSL ± 500’
b. 15,000’ AGL
c. 22,000’ AGL ± 200’
d. 22,000’ MSL ± 500’
a.12,000’ MSL ± 500’
. For a preplanned, non-throttle controlled profile, the default mid-course cruise altitude is _____.
a. 12,000’ MSL ± 500’
b. 15,000’ AGL
c. 22,000’ AGL ± 200’
d. 22,000’ MSL ± 500’
d.22,000’ MSL ± 500’
The default above target altitude (ATL) for the final segment before the terminal maneuver is_____.
a. 5,000’ MSL
b. 5,000’ AGL
c. 6,500’ AGL
d. 10,000’ MSL
c.6,500’ AGL
When does final arming occur on the FMU-156/B fuze?
a. 25 seconds after release●
b. 60 seconds prior to target impact●
c. 90 seconds after release●
d. As the fuze senses it’s altitude is below 10,000’ MSL
b.60 seconds prior to target impact●
>200 nm range cruise missile
All Weather (1500/3)
Low Observable Launch and leave INS / GPS Autonomous, precision strike Active IR Sensor Removes Target Location Error (TLE)
16 JASSMs per Aircraft
8 DMPIs per TGT Max Bomb Impact Assessment (BIA)
ØFMU-156/B Fuze Parameters:
Crush Switch: fuze sensor used for soft targets
G-Sensor: fuze sensor used for hard target
Delay Time: delay time initiated by either the crush switch or G-sensor dependent upon selection, values range from 0 to 120 msec
Fuze setting adjustable in the DEP DMPI format
ØTransfer Alignment (TAL) not required - weapon received 20 sec of TAL data from the aircraft
ØAlmanac Data must be less than 2 weeks old
JASSM engine start
If below 16k at 8 seconds
22k MSL - Non-throttle controlled
12k MSL - Throttle Controled
JASSM ATL altitude
6.5k AGL
Max JASSM employment altitude is 36,000 MSL (Exceeding this altitude can result in weapon fatally exceeding aerodynamic load
B-2 Zone Launch Parameters:
Airspeed: + - .05M
Altitude: + - 1500’
Heading: + - 10 degrees
tuna can 3k’
Preplanned In-ZONE; launched
In-RANGE, but INSIDE the Zone LAR, but out of B-2 Zone Lar
the weapon will most likely still fly all the preplanned waypoints.
Preplanned In-ZONE; launched
In-RANGE, But OUTSIDE the JASSM and B-2 Zone LAR<!--EndFragment-->
JASSM will fly Direct to Target
°White within track tolerance°Yellow indicates out of tolerance
Periodic Pattern Management<!--EndFragment-->
Uses actual aircraft data
20 JDAMS per Rack Configuration (2 racks per bay, 2 bays per jet)
20 JDAMS per Rack Configuration (2 racks per bay, 2 bays per jet)
ØDesignated the GBU-38/B the JDAM 82 uses the 500# class MK-82 bomb body (No power on time limit)
Linked Target Complex - LTC<!--EndFragment-->
A super target with up to 8 traditional targets
80 DMPIS per LTC, 16 per target, 8 targets per LTC – max target file parameters global for all targets within the LTC
LTC can be created only during mission planning process
Only the first target (headlink) is GAT capable
HLINK - the Headlink - the first target of the LTC - 7000
FLINK – Forwardlink - the next target(s) in the LTC - 7001
BLINK – Backlink - the previous target in the LTC - if you are looking at target 7003, the BLNK is 7002
If a weapon fatal faults for LCD hold or Hung Weapon the DMPI will not be prosecuted by a subsequent weapon (In RLA weapons it will)
ØPM calculations may be as far back as 5.4 sec before the first release
ØNav data used by the PM may also be an additional 5.4 sec stale at the end of a PM solution
ØThis means the last Navigational update may be as far back as 10.8 sec before the release of the first weapon
Must be straight and level prior to the start of the last PM iteration to prevent the wrong ground track being used
°DMPI(s) could be unachievable when they should have been achievable
°Or: DMPI(s) could be achievable when they should NOT be!
Plan straight and level NLT 30 sec prior to release
ØWeapons Selection Priority
GOOD ONLY – failed or degraded weapons may be released ballistically (armed or unarmed) or they may be withheld
GOOD FIRST/ALL EQUAL – degraded weapons are targetable
ØFailed Weapons are either:
Release armed
Release unarmed
ØFailed weapons cannot be targeted
Ø109.375 msec (7 mf) Release Interval - double bay
218 foe single bay
ØDeleting an individual linked target in the LTC causes the loss of the entire LTC
ØDeleting the last target on a branch causes an SMP failure
ØDeleting a LTC on a branch that has other targets will be successful until you create 2 targets
Creating the 2nd target will cause SMP failure
ØEditing REL SEQ with WIU’s powered can cause SMP’s to fail
ØHighly recommended not to delete targets in SBRA
Bomb rack stores
weight and moment are only valid after the
weapons interface units are powered.
Top Row – Weapons that are
°unpowered °malfunctioned °not assigned ° never zero°
Bottom Row – Zeroes are present until weapons are Aligned & Assigned
ØThe Failed Weapon Release Mode Is Shown As The Parameter “FAILED WPN” With the Following Options:RA – Release ArmedRU – Release UnarmedWD– Withhold
- When SBRA’s are loaded on the aircraft, powering the WIUs will cause the OFP of each Smart Bomb Rack Controller to be displayed on the __.
a. MDU
b. TSD Targeting Format
c. SMP AVIN level 3 format
d. DEP Weapons Inventory Format
c.SMP AVIN level 3 format
- The maximum number of GAT DMPIs in a Linked Target Complex is ____.
a. 16
b. 12
c. 10
d. 8
. The SMP will process more than 80 DMPI’s, strike and no-strike, in a linked target complex ___.
- In the Weapons Strike Display Format, the top and bottom row numbers will __.
a. provide power status
b. provide fault status
c. display the rack text
d. always total the weapons remaining in the column
d.always total the weapons remaining in the column
- Only the ____ SBRC in each weapons bay is active and provides electronics to monitor and control the CARE and M functions.
a. Left
b. Right
c. Aft
d. Fwd
M release is controlled by _____ and executed by the ______.
M LARs are similar to that of GBU-38
In the Weapons Strike Display Format, the top and bottom row numbers will __.
a. provide power status
b. provide fault status
c. display the rack text
d. always total the weapons remaining in the column
d.always total the weapons remaining in the column