Aviation weather Flashcards
What is CCN
Cloud condensation Nuclei - Solids, dust, volcanic ash, sands pollutants needed to encourage clouds to form.
How many feet does it take for a pressure change of 1hpa (below 20,000ft)
30 feet.
Standard pressure setting
Explain the dew point
Where the air is holding as much water as possible, it is saturated. If temp and dew point are close together you get a low cloud base.
Explain what happens with high humidity
Air is less dense and therefore has less lift as oxygen molecules are replaced with H2O.
DALR - 3c per 1000ft
SALR - 1.5c per 1000ft
What direction does wind flow around high pressure and low pressure
High pressure - Clockwise
Low pressure - Anticlockwise
Backing and veering winds
Winds backed at surface due to surface friction, can be expected up to 2000ft.
Stable and unstable air
Stable - Warm air cooled from below
Unstable - Cool air heated from below
Pressure systems
Low pressure =
High pressure =
Low pressure - rising air, encourages weather formation.
High pressure - sinking air, suppresses weather.
Isobaric chart - Lows
Anti-clockwise direction
Referred to as depression or cyclone
Expect more poor weather
Isobaric chart - high
Clockwise direction
Isobars more widely spread (light wind)
sinking air, suppresses weather
Isobaric chart - Trough
‘T’ or bold black line
Extension of low pressure
Poor weather
Name the four kinds of icing
Run-back ice
Rime ice
Clear ice
Hoar frost
Define run-back ice
Flows back from heated surface
Back of wing
Define rime ice
Opaque - air pockets
Define clear ice
(Most dangerous, hard to see, hard to clear)
Define hoar frost
METAR and when issued
Meteorological aerodrome report - H:20 & H:50
TAF and when issued
Terminal aerodrome forecast - Every three hours at military airfield, nine hour forecast.
When a trend is added to a METAR how long is it valid for?
2 hours
The QNH is always rounded…
What does it mean if cloud is coloured green on a cross section
Temp in cloud is above freezing
Height of the tropopause