Aviation topics Flashcards
Practice Technical SDEA Questions
What is CRM?
Corporate/Crew Resource Management is a
- Communication technique that
- Improves synergy and communication
- It is basically the use of all available resources to reduce power distance and
- Maintain a high safety standard among the crew
Remember to speak slowly
Why do pilots need a medical certificate and how is it conducted?
We need a medical certificate in order to ensure we are fit to fly.
- The medical exams help us identify any health problems or conditions.
- It is conducted in a specific clinic once a year or every 6 months.
- We go through a full body inspection
- If everything is ok, we get the certificate.
What are your obligations before a flight?
- Gather the Flight Documents
- Study the Weather Reports
- Read the Notams
- Do the Briefing
- Check the Flight planning
- Perform the Walkaround
- Prepare the cockpit
Remember to talk about YOUR REALITY
What is V1?
- Decision speed.
- Maximum speed to reject a takeoff.
- Below V1, we can reject the takeoff safely.
- However, after V1 we must continue.
What is a briefing?
A briefing is a Preflight conversation
about the most important aspects of the flight,
During the briefing we talk about the:
- flight duration;
- weather conditions;
- cockpit code;
- possible alternatives;
- evacuation procedure.
It’s a good moment to know the crew and answer questions to get everyone prepared for the flight.
What can cause a tail strike?
A tail strike can be caused by:
- early rotation
- excessive pitch
- cargo movement
- tail wind
- incorrect weight and balance
- mistrimmed stabilizer
What is the difference between a captain and a first officer?
They are both well-trained pilots
However, the captain has:
- complete responsibility (airplane, passengers and regulations);
- full authority, especially during emergencies.
- more experience in aviation, airplane or seniority in the company.
- copilot will assist the captain
How can bad weather affect flight safety?
Bad weather can cause:
- loss of controls
- panic onboard
- structural damage
- a cracked windshield
- system malfunction; or even
- a crash
It is very important to perform a good flight planning and maintain constant communication.
What kind of damages can a bird strike cause?
A bird strike can cause:
- a cracked windshield
- a fuel leak
- an engine failure
- loss of controls
- a weather radar malfunction
- injuries
- a landing gear issue
What are the company’s responsibilities in case of an accident?
In my opinion, companies have full responsibility in case of an accident.
I believe companies must:
- provide support for the victims and their families; and
- pay for ground damages; also,
- help investigators by providing the logbooks, documents and maintenance records;
- create new guidelines to avoid the same problem in the future.
finish with a comment
What is liftoff?
A liftoff is the moment the airplane becomes airborne.
- It happens after the rotation speed
- It’s the exact moment the landing gear leaves the ground and the flight starts.
How can companies improve flight safety?
I believe that companies can do many things to improve flight safety.
They can improve flight safety by:
- Providing continuous training programs and simulator sessions;
- Following the maintenance calendar and safety protocols;
- Updating their manuals and SOPs so we know what to do during the flight.
When companies invest in safety, it helps us as pilots operate in a safe environment, reducing the risk of accidents.
What would you do in case of a depressurization?
In case of a depressurization, I would:
- First, put on the oxygen mask
- After that, establish communication and start an emergency descent
- Then, Inform ATC about the problem and declare an emergency
- And finally, I would land in the nearest suitable airport with medical services waiting.
For which reasons would you cancel a flight?
I would cancel a flight for many reasons, for example:
- Bad weather, like strong winds or poor visibility;
- Structural damage;
- System malfunction;
- NOTAM in my origin or destination airport;
- Medical problem with a crew member.
How can pilots avoid bad weather?
We can avoid bad weather with:
- A Good flight planning;
- The correct use of the weather radar.
- Visual deviations; and
- Constant communication with ATC or other pilots.
What’s V2?
Takeoff Safety Speed in case of an engine failure during the takeoff roll.
- V2 will provide a good climb rate and obstacle clearance,
- and this speed also guarantees a safe margin from the stall speed.
How can CRM avoid accidents?
CRM focuses on improving crew coordination to reduce risks.
- It encourages clear communication and problem-solving; and
- Helps to avoid misunderstandings;
- Moreover, CRM ensures all crew members contribute with the decision-making during critical situations; It also
- Guarantees that Checklists and procedures are performed correctly.
CRM helps create a safety culture that can prevent accidents caused by human error.
What is a driftdown procedure?
A Driftdown procedure is a series of maneuvers pilots perform when a multi-engine aircraft suffers an engine failure,
And can’t sustain its flight on the current flight level.
So, the pilot needs to descend to a better altitude,
Deviating from obstacles along the flight path.
What are your obligations during cruise?
Today, I am flying a/an __________ and I have many different responsibilities during cruise, for example:
- I have to configure the autopilot;
- Oversee the engine parameters;
- Communicate with ATC;
- Deviate from bad weather;
- Talk to the flight attendants;
- Check the remaining fuel;
- Make sure the airplane is following the correct route;
- and Coordinate the approach time.
This is a simple part of the flight but it requires lots of attention.
Use your reality
When do pilots need to perform an emergency landing?
We need to perform an emergency landing when there is a situation that makes continuing the flight unsafe.
This could happen due to:
- System malfunction;
- Engine failure;
- Fire or smoke onboard.
- Severe weather;
- Control problems;
- Structural damage;
- Fuel leak that caused an engine flameout;
We are well-trained and can make emergency landings safely.
When do pilots need to go around?
Pilots will need to go around, due to anything that could compromise flight safety, such as:
- an unstabilized approach
- incorrect configuration
- birds/drone on their flight path
- controller’s request
- runway incursion
- windshear warning.
Which problems can pilots have during taxi?
We can have an array of problems during taxi, including:
- A tire blowout;
- A brake failure;
- An engine malfunction
- A ground collision; or even cause a
- runway incursion if we are not careful.
What can cause a runway overrun?
A runway overrun can be caused by:
- a deep landing
- an overspeed during approach
- brake failure
- or a contaminated runway
- We could make incorrect calculations;
- suffer a tire blowout
- or even lose our situational awareness
What is the importance of GPS for aviation?
The GPS is our main navigation system, because it is very accurate, precise and easy to operate.
It is important, because it:
- Reduces our workload;
- Provides direct routes;
- Enhances flight safety; and
- Decreases flight time and operational costs;
In conclusion, I believe the GPS is the best and most reliable navigation equipment today.
How can airport authorities increase runway safety?
To the best of my knowledge, airport authorities can improve runway safety by:
- investing in better pavement;
- Performing periodical inspections along the day;
- Protecting the movement area;
- Installing perimeter fences and security cameras;
- Creating a report system to communicate with the operators.
What’s the importance of the missed approach profile?
As a pilot, I think that the missed approach profile is important, because it:
- Provides standardized maneuvers and procedures;
- Guarantees obstacle clearance;
- Ensures Traffic separation;
- Reinstates aircraft in a safe holding.
What is D.A?
Based on my experience,
D.A stands for Decision Altitude and it’s the
minimum altitude pilots can descend
without having visual contact with the runway or the approach lights. - If at DA, the pilots don’t have the airport’s visual cues in sight,
- they cannot continue with their landing and must initiate a missed approach procedure.
What is RVSM?
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums
- Layer of airspace (FL290 to FL410)
- Vertical separation is reduced from 2000ft to 1000ft
- Increases airspace capacity
What is your opinion about the autopilot?
The autopilot is one of the best systems onboard, because it:
- Reduces our workload;
- The autopilot controls the altitude, heading and speed;
- It also gives pilots more time to manage other aspects of the flight, like the navigation, communication and the flight paperwork;
- The autopilot is mandatory in some airspaces.
When can pilots use the autopilot?
It depends on the airplane, company, SOP and flight, but we basically:
- Engage the autopilot at around 400ft,
- we use it during climb, cruise and descent.
- Disengage it at the Decision Altitude for touchdown.
Can you define an engine overheat?
An engine overheat happens when the engine’s temperature exceeds the normal operational parameters.
It can cause:
- Permanent Damages;
- Engine Fire;
- Engine Explosion;
- Loss of controls;
- Crash.
How do pilots determine V1, V2 and VR?
These speeds are calculated before the flight.
And, we normally consider many variables, such as:
- The runway’s length and conditions,
- Runway Slope
- Outside air temperature and
- Air density
- Aircraft’s weight and configuration
What do you normally do after landing?
After landing, we need to:
- Rollout;
- Contact Ground Control;
- Follow ATC Instructions;
- Taxi to the Assigned position;
- Park the Aircraft;
- Perform the Shutdown Checklist;
- Fill out the Logs;
- Talk to the Mechanics;
- Secure the Airplane;
What’s the procedure to reject a takeoff?
To reject a takeoff, I have to:
- Reduce throttle to Idle;
- Apply necessary brakes;
- Autobrake kick in;
- Control Aircraft;
- Inform ATC;
- Request instructions or assistance.
What’s the procedure for loss of communication?
In case we lose communication, we need to:
- FIRST, change the frequency and radio equipment;
- AFTER THAT, squawk 7600 and continue blind transmission;
- THEN, continue on our assigned route to our destination;
- FINALLY, wait for the tower’s light signal and land at our destination airport.
What kind of problems can pilots face during takeoff?
During takeoff, pilots can suffer:
- A tire blowout;
- An engine failure;
- A windshear warning;
- A bird ingestion;
- A Master warning;
Or even a runway excursion.
The examples are not limited to these.
How can you define radar vectors?
Radar vectors are:
- Instructions issued by ATC to facilitate and expedite the flow of traffic.
- Controllers will provide altitude, heading and airspeed limitations
- ATC will also be responsible for traffic separation and obstacle clearance
What can cause loss of controls?
Loss of controls can be caused by:
- Severe turbulence
- Ice accretion
- Hydraulic malfunction
- Airframe damage
- Bird Strike
- Cable line rupture
- Mishandling
The examples are not limited to these.
What does unreliable airspeed mean?
Unreliable airspeed happens when the pilots have
conflicting information regarding the aircraft’s real airspeed at a given time.
This could happen between both instruments or the indication and reality
How do pilots normally handle emergency situations?
Every emergency is different and has a different procedure.
- However, I’d follow some basic rules:
- First, I would control the aircraft;
- After that, identify the problem and work the appropriate checklist;
- Then, I would see if the problem was solved;
- If not, I would declare an emergency and land in the nearest airport.
What is a Microburst? How can it affect flight safety?
A microburst is a Strong downdraft from a CB
It is very dangerous in low altitudes, because it can cause:
* Loss of controls
* Airframe damage
* Injuries
* Crash
What’s the importance of English Phraseology for aviation?
English phraseology is one of the most important elements in modern aviation,
because it is the standard aviation language;
So, it is very important for pilots to speak and understand it very well.
English phraseology has some advantages, such as:
* A Clear and precise communication
* It improves situational awareness and
* Increases flight safety; Finally,
* It reduces chances of a mid-air collision or runway incursion
What is a TCAS?
TCAS stands for Traffic Collision Avoidance System
It is an Onboard system that informs pilots about nearby traffic;
and offers descent or climb instructions in order to avoid a mid-air collision.
Do you think flying is always safe?
❌ No.
- Flying will only be safe if the pilots respect and follow the regulations and standard procedures.
- The companies also have to follow the standard maintenance schedule and respect the crew’s rest period.
- Pilots have to be alert and well-trained for every flight, regardless of their experience as captains.
- Every flight is a different flight and we must always keep that in mind if we want to keep a good safety margin and avoid accidents.
✅ Yes
Flying is always safe, because we have training to control the aircraft;
- Modern aircraft have great systems;
- And we always check the weather and NOTAMS;
- We also make the inspections before the flight.
This is just an opinion, you can answer “yes” and justify your answer.
What are the possible threats during landing?
We could have many different problems during landing, Including:
- Windshear, strong crosswinds;
- Poor visibility
- Overspeed during approach
- Unstable approach
- Birds on final
- Runway incursion
Pilots must always be ready to initiate a go around in these cases.
How can fatigue affect a pilot’s performance?
Fatigue is very dangerous for a pilot’s performance because it can:
- Reduce their reflexes and their situational awareness;
- Resulting in poor decisions during the flight.
The pilots could also commit a mistake in the aircraft’s configuration;
- Forget a checklist,
- Insert a wrong frequency on the radios or misunderstand the controller’s instructions
Why are checklists important?
Checklists are very important because they’ll
provide the necessary steps for the airplane’s correct configuration,
and the pilots won’t have to rely on their memory
since they can read and confirm each step and this will also contribute to a safer flight.
Checklists are mandatory and we use them on every phase of the flight from engine startup to engine shutdown,
especially in an abnormal or emergency situation.
What can cause the lack of a pilot’s Situational Awareness?
Lack of situational awareness can be caused by:
- Fatigue;
- Stress;
- Lack of experience;
- Insufficient training;
- Bad weather conditions; or even
- Unfamiliarity with the route or airport.
Tell me about the relationship between the Controllers and the Pilots.
The relationship between pilots and controllers is very professional and respectful.
- We always try to help each other during the operations.
- Pilots must understand that controllers have to take care of an entire area and sometimes can’t give them a direct heading or any kind of priority.
In my opinion, the relationship is very good and the goal is always to elevate our safety standards.
What are you doing to keep your flying skills up to date?
As most pilots, I study very hard because regulations and laws are always being updated.
- I also undergo simulator training sessions twice a year
- and return to the classroom for refreshment classes every year.
So, I basically, study, fly and train as much as I can.
What are volcanic ash?
- Volcanic Ash are suspended minerals that get blown into the air due to volcanic activity.
They are extremely dangerous, because they can cause an:
- Engine explosion;
- Unreliable indications;
- Loss of controls;
- or even a Crash.
Authorities must close the airspace when there’s evidence of volcanic ash in the area
How can airline companies improve the pilot’s working conditions?
I believe that improving working conditions for pilots is crucial for efficiency.
I think companies can improve our working conditions by:
- Ensuring we can have proper rest between flights in order to prevent fatigue.
- Providing a communication channel so we can report problems and talk to management.
- Keeping us up to date with the latest technology
- Offering training opportunities for our career.
When our working conditions are good, we can perform at our best, which directly contributes to safer operations.
Os verbos estao no _____ing por causa do “by”
What could be added in the cockpit?
- Chosse a system or technology you don’t have in your aircraft.
(GPS, PFD, TCAS, DATALINK, FMC) - Say that in YOUR cockpit, you would like to see it.
- Mention Benefits
- Today, I’m flying a ________. And I would like to have DATALINK,
Because the datalink:
- Reduces radio congestion;
- Helps me send an receive written messages;
- Eliminates misunderstandings;
- Improves situational awareness.
How can the aviation industry help reduce environmental pollution?
I think the aviation industry is working very hard to reduce pollution.
- Airlines are investing in more fuel-efficient aircraft and
- developing alternative fuels, like the SAF, to reduce carbon emissions.
- We are adopting more efficient flight routes and focusing on fuel efficieny through advanced navigation systems.
- Initiatives like reducing noise pollution through procedures also help.
That’s my opinion
Why do pilots need to discuss meterology during a briefing?
We discuss the weather conditions during a briefing, because weather affects our operation.
- Weather conditions can affect visibility, turbulence, wind speeds, and overall flight performance.
- Weather discussions also help us determine if alternative airports are necessary in case the destination weather deteriorates.
Use weather, because it’s easier to pronounce
What do you think about automation in the future?
I believe automation in the future will be even better than today.
I think that, The autopilot will be more precise and intuitive.
And the airplanes will be able to taxi, takeoff and land automatically
This will:
- Reduce the workload;
- Improve the precision;
- Enhance Flight safety.
Compare these 2 aircraft.
The Cessna 152 is a high-wing, single-engine airplane powered by propeller.
This aircraft has capacity for 2 people and maximum altitude of 12.000ft.
The A380 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world.
It is a low-wing, quad-jet engine airliner with capacity for over 550 passengers.
The A380 is faster, bigger and safer than the Cessna.
The cessna152 is cheaper and easier to operate than the A380.
Which technology had the biggest impact in aviation?
I believe the technology that had the biggest impact in aviation was the GPS.
The GPS:
- Reduces flight time;
- Improves the precision;
- Optimizes the routes;
- Provides direct flight paths;
- Decreases operational costs;
- Increases the safety standards.
What is datalink communication?
Based on my knowledge, Datalink communication is a system in which the pilots
send and receive written messages to the ATC and the company, instead of conventional radio communication from the cockpit,
Today, we have the ACARS and CPDLC and they are very good,
Because they:
- Avoid misunderstandings;
- Accent problems; and
- May also eliminate radio congestion.
I think datalink is the future of aeronautical communication.
What do you think will change in flight instruction in the future?
I believe there will be many changes in flight instruction in the future, because technology is improving.
- I think that, in the future the use of advanced flight simulators with virtual reality (VR) will become more common, because they will be more realistic.
This will:
- Reduce training costs;
- Improve our airmanship and proficiency;
- Help us understand procedures and checklists better.
Therefore, I believe that better simulators will improve the safety standards and efficiency in the future.