Autonomics Flashcards
divisions of ANS
sympathetic and parasympathetics
Autonomic plexus
sympathetisc, parasympathetics, and probaby some visceral afferents as well
GVE go to what?
cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and gland cells
is a visceral efferent system
collection of wires
a collection of nerve cell bodies in the CNS
collection of nerve cell bodies in the PNS
path from CNS to effector organ
takes 2 neurons, a pre-ganglionic and a post-ganglionic
“rest and digest,” craniosacral system (conserve energy, replenish nutrient stores)
“fight or flight,” thoracolumbar system (reaction to emergencies. ALL pre-ganglionic nerve cell bodies are in spinal cord between T1 and L2.
sympathetic trunk
the location of some (not all) post-ganglionic sympathetic nerve cell bodies. Like a string of pearls.
Preganglionic sympathetic nerve cell processes
Preganglionic nerve cell bodies arise from the intermedio-lateral column of the spinal cord
Their nerve cell processes pass out the ventral root and join the spinal nerve.
They leave the spinal nerve as a white ramus communicans and go to the sympathetic chain ganglion
At this point they have 4 options
1) synapse at the chain ganglion, return to the spinal nerve via a gray ramus communicans and distribute with the spinal nerve
2) go up or down the chain ganglion, synapse, then go back to the spinal nerve via a gray ramus communicans at that higher or lower level to be distributed with the spinal nerve
3) synapse (at their initial level) and go to the heart, lungs and other organs directly from the chain ganglion as a cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerve. (nearly all other splanchnic nerves are PREganglionic)
4) Go through the chain ganglion WITHOUT synapsing as a splanchnic nerve and go to a ganglion near their effector organ (in a prevertebral ganglion)
Greater Splanchnic nerve cord levels
Lesser Splanchnic nerve cord levels
T10, T11
Least Splanchnic nerve cord level