Autonomic Nervous System drugs Flashcards
The _______ is the master controller of the body that works with neuro transmitters.
a. Never system
b. Nervous system
c. Hormones
Answer: B
Autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts. The sympathetic/_______ and parasympathetic/________.
a. Adregeneric and cholinergic
b. Adregeneric and cholilergic
c. Adrenergic and cholinergic
Answer: C
The ______ neurons will detect the changes outside of our body. The impulses are going inward.
a. Appointment
b. Apparent
c. Afferent
Amswer: C
It is also known as motor neurons that will send out the response based on the analyzed stimulus.
a. Efferent
b. Effector
c. Efficascent
Answer: A
A complex set of neurons that mediate internal homeostasis. It regulates the rate of breathing, heart rate, and maintaining blood pressure
a. Autonomic Nervous System
b. Automatic Neurotransmitter
c. Somatic Nervous System
Answer: A
It is the opposite of the description of the autonomic nervous system.
a. Somatic Nervous System
b. Sympathetic Nervous System
c. Cholinergic nerves
Answer: A
What is the UK term for epinephrine?
a. Adregeneric
b. Adrenaline
c. Apphrine
Answer: B
It is the gap between the central nervous system and the autonomic ganglion.
a. Preganglionic
b. Postganglionic
c. Effector organ
Answer: A
It is the gap between the autonomic ganglion and eefector organ.
a. Central nervous system
b. Postganglionic
c. Effector organ
Answer: B
NE stands for ______. It is more used than epinephrine and made from adrenal medulla.
a. Nervous System
b. Never Enough
c. Norepinephrine
Answer: C
There 5 steps in synaptic transmission. Arrange the following:
1. Storage
2. Termination of transmission
3. Synthesis of neurotransmitter
4. Action at the receptor
5. Release of the neurotransmitter
a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
b. 2, 4, 1, 5, 3
c. 3, 1, 5, 4, 2
Answer: C
Parasympathetic is _______ than sympathetic when it comes to effects.
a. Slower
b. The same
c. Faster
Answer: A
The following are the characteristics of the Sympathetic Nervous System except:
a. Origin from thoracolumbar
b. Fight or flight general response
c. Short post ganglionic nerves
Answer: C
The following are the characteristics of the Parasympathetic Nervous System except:
a. Rest and digest general response
b. Fight or flight general response
c. Short post ganglionic nerves
Answer: B
It is the role of the antagonist is to _______ normal receptor activity regulated by endogenous compounds.
a. Block
b. Stimulate
c. Mimic
Answer: A
Dilates pupils
a. Nervous System
b. Parasympathetic Nervous System
c. Sympathetic Nervous System
Answer: C
Increases salivation
a. Nervous System
b. Parasympathetic Nervous System
c. Sympathetic Nervous System
Answer: B
Decreases heart rate
a. Parasympathetic Nervous System
b. Nervous System
c. Sympathetic Nervous System
Answer: A
Relaxes smooth muscles of the GI and uterine muscles.
a. Nervous System
b. Parasympathetic Nervous System
c. Sympathetic Nervous System
Answer: C
The prefix of alpha and beta blockers are:
a. Sin & lol
b. Zosin & olol
c. Zosin & Ol
Answer: B