Autonomic Nervous System drugs Flashcards
Works mainly through neurotransmitters, through small electrical impulses that happens all throughout your body
Nervous system
Works through hormones and it has different target cells all over your body where the hormones travel not through the neurons, not through the cells but through your circulation, through the blood.
Endocrine System
Process and Integrate the environmental changes determined to respond.
Function of Nervous system
Are nerves, it a composition of different nerves in your body provides voluntary control of your skeletal muscle
Somatic Nervous System
Dominated purely by adrenaline
Sympathetic/Adrenergic Nervous system
Involuntary control when it comes to the heart (cardio), your digestion, respiratory, and etc.
Autonomic Nervous System
Four (4) receptor organ cells of Sympathetic Nervous System
Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta 1, Beta 2
Will release Epinephrine and also synthesize, store and transmit Norepinephrine going to cell receptor.
Adrenergic terminal nerve ending
Form of low blood pressure that develops after sitting or lying down and occurs upon standing
Orthostatic Hypotension
Pharmacologic class of Prazosin
Alpha Blocker
How many receptors in muscarinic ?
How many receptors in nicotinic?
How many receptors in muscarinic ?
5 receptors
How many receptors in nicotinic?
2 receptors
True or False: Pilocarpine increase muscle tone in bladder ang GIT
True or False: Pilocarpine constricts pupil, increase IOP for acute glaucoma