Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
What does the autonoic nervous sytem control?
the visceral organs
What is the goal of the autonomic nervous system?
Concerned with the maintenance of homeostasis
What are the three division of the autonomic nervous system?
- Sympathetic system
- Parasympathetic system
- Enteric System
How ar ethe parasympathetic and sympathetic systems related?
Both of these systems are outputs that come out from the CNS and work together to maintain homeostasis
T/F:The parasympathetic and sympathetic systems typically do the opposite?
Where is the enteric system and what does it do?
Lines the entire digestive tract and controls the contractions of the GI tract and secretion of susbtances into the GI tract
When is the sympathetic system activated?
During fight or flight situations
When is the parasympathetic system activated?
When you are resting
What does the sympathetic system cause?
-Increased heart rate
-Pupil dilation
What does the parasympathetic system cause?
-Increased contraction in the digestive tract
-Slows down heart rate
-Slows breathing
Are the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems always active?
Yes, but one can be more active during specific situations
What are the two neurons of the sympathetic system?
- Preganglionic neuron
- Postganglionic neuron
Where does the preganglionic neuron of the sympathetic system originate and where deos its axon exit?
-Originates in the middle of the gray matter of the spinal cord
-Axon exits through the ventral root of the spinal cord and then synapses with the postganglionic neuron
Where is the postganglionic neuron of the sympathetic system located and describe the axon?
-Originates just outside the spinal cord
-Long axon extend to the target
What is a ganglion?
Organized cluster of neuron cell bodies in the PNS
What is the sympathetic ganglia and where is it located?
Located at the postganglionic neuron
What portions of the spinal cord are the preganglionic sympathetic neurons located?
Lumbar and thoracic
WHat axons share the ventral root with the axons of the preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic system?
Motor neuron axons
Describe the sympathetic ganglia
-Run along either side of the spinal cord
-Have connections between them which results in the sympathetic system getting activated all together
Describe what happens when the preganglionic neuron of the sympathetic system fires an action potential?
- Preganglionic neuron fires an action potential
- This will release acetylcholine which will activate nicotinic receptors on the postganglionic neuron dendrites(excitatory)
- Ion channels will open and Na+ will flow in and depolarize the neuron and then it will fire an action potential
- Action potential will cause the release of norepinephrine on the target.
- Norepinephrine will activate adrenergic receptors on the target and affects the physiology of the target cell
What are the two types of adrenergic receptors?
- Alpha-adrenergic receptors
- Beta-adrenergic receptors
What type of receptors are the adrenergic receptors?
Metabotropic since they trigger a biochemical event inside the heart that produces secondary messenger molecules