what is the definition of automatism?
Lord Denning in BRATTY - “An act done by the muscles without any control of the mind”
• It is caused by externally affected conditions.
what are some examples of automatism?
Examples of automatism:
• Reacting to a swarm of bees/spasm/reflex/sneezing ~ HILL v BAXTER
• Diabetes (hypoglycaemia - low blood sugar from a lack of eating) ~ QUICK
• Concussion - from a blow to the head
• Hypnotism
• Effects of medication such as anaesthetic
what is stage 1 of automatism?
Stage 1: D must have lost FULL CONTROL of their actions. This means the D did the actus reus of the crime INVOLUNTARILY ~ BROOME v PERKINS.
what is the side rule for stage 1 of automatism?
SIDE RULE: Self-induced automatism - If the D was aware that their actions or omission would result
in an automatic state ~ BAILEY
The defence works differently depending on the TYPE OF OFFENCE the D has committed:
• The defence CAN be used for SPECIFIC intent crimes (as the D cannot form the intention as they are not in control).
• The defence CANNOT be used for BASIC intent crimes as the fact the D has got into a self-induced automatic state is evidence of recklessness and the crime will be complete.
what is stage 2 of automatism?
Stage 2: The D must have NO MENS REA for the crime.