automation Flashcards
salesforce flow
it is product which provides declarative automation for every salesforce app, experience and portal - two tools which provides point and click automation tools: Process Builder which lets you build process and Flow Builder which lets you build flows
what you can do with salesforce flow tools ?
- create a guided tutorial
- set up automated tasks and processes
- connect to external systems
- add automation to pages and apps
- reuse what already build
when use process builder ?
when you need to start a behind the scenes process automatically, process can start when:
- a record is created
- record updated
- platform event occurs
when use flow builder ?
- to automate a guided visual experience
- add more functionality for process
- start behind the scenes process:
- when user click sth like button
- when record created
- when record updated
- event occurs in platform
- at specific time
when use apex ?
when you need more functionality than is available in process or flow builder
approval process
is not included in salesforce flow but it offers a declarative way to automate sth that salesforce doesn’t cover
components of process
every process consists of trigger, at leat one criteria node and at least one action
trigger actions
- trigger - identifies when the process should run, the trigger determines which object and which changes the process should pay attention to
criteria actions
while the process gets one trigger, you can add many criteria nodes, criteria node controls whether or not the process executes the associated actions
after a criteria node evaluates to true, the process executes the actions or wait until a scheduled time;
- you can create records with actions
- update the records that started the process
- submit that record
- send email using a template
- post to chatter feed
process types:
- record change
- invocable - it is called by another process
- platform event - a platform event message is received
approval process
automates how salesforce records are approved in org
the flow builder user interface elements
toolbox - contains elements and resources you use to build flow
- canvas - working are
- button bar - provides info about flow
flow building blocks
elements - appear on the canvas
- connectors - define the path that the flow takes at runtime
- resources - containers that represent a given value, such as fields values or formulas