Automatic Flight Control and Augmentation System (AFCAS) Flashcards
How many flight control computers are there on the aircraft?
Either two or three, depending on configuration.
How many flight augmentation computers?
Which FCC serves which side?
FCC 1 serves the left side, FCC 2 serves the right side. FCC 3, if available, acts as a backup.
What is the effect of an FCC failure?
- onside autopilot disconnects
- On side FD bars disappear
- Fault light on onside FD Source P/B
- Level 1 alert
Steering guidance from off-side FD source can be obtained by pushing the Source P/B. Engaging the of-side AP remains possible.
How many IRS’s are required for autopilot engagement?
At least two IRS’s are required for auto-flight. They must be in NAV or ATT modes.
How can you disengage the AP?
- push disconnect button on the control yoke (preferred)
- Pull down the disconnect bar on the FMP
- pressing both stab trim switches for > 2.5 sec
- Automatically in case of a failure
Using the heading knob, how can you obtain a new heading?
- HDG HOLD - push the heading knob to maintain current heading.
- HDG SELECT - - rotate knob to desired heading and pull knob to obtain a new heading.
How do you activate V/S mode?
rotate pitch wheel or by selecting AP on while not in TO mode.
How can you activate LVLCH?
target altitude on the FMP then push LVLCH P/B or pull the ALT knob (not in PROF).
In ALT HOLD mode, how do you achieve a new altitude?
ALT HOLD mode - push ALT knob to level off slightly below/above the altitude at which push occured.
Rotate ALT knob to desired altitude then use LVLCH or PROF to climb or descend to the new altitude.
What is the difference in aircraft reaction between V/S and LVLCH?
Reaction to LVLCH is slow to ensure passenger comfort. V/S ensures a faster aircraft response.
What does pushing the ALT knob achieve?
Push ALT knob to engage ALT HOLD. Aircraft will level off slightly below/above the altitude at which push occured.
In V/L mode, when does VOR capture occur?
at approximately 1/2 a dot
In APP mode (LAND), when does localizer capture occur?
approx 2 dots
How can you set up an FMS NAV capture?
- Set up an intercept heading using HDG SELECT
- Once on the intercept path select NAV
When cruising in PROF mode what must you do to initiate descent?
- set target altitude on the FMP
- Arm descent by pulling the ALT knob.
In LAND mode, what is the significance of LAND 2 or LAND 3?
These modes indicate the aircraft’s autoland capability.
LAND 2 indicates two FCC’s are engaged and controlling the aircraft (Fail-Passive Automatic automatic flight control. system which, upon occurrence of any single failure, should not cause significant displacement of the aircraft from its approach path or altitude loss below the nominal glidepath. A manual landing or go around can then be made. Suitable for CAT II approach and auto land).
LAND 3 indicates there are three FCC’s engaged and controlling the aircraft. (fail-operational system where in the event of a failure, the approach, flare and landing can be completed by the remaining part of the automatic system. Suitable for CAT III approach)
How do you arm LAND mode?
- Select ILS frequency at the ILS panel.
- Select APP on the APP/VOR P/B on the EFIS panel
- Use HDG SELECT or NAV top establish an intercept on the localizer.
- When with 15 degrees of the LOC, push the LAND P/B at the FMP.
What limit is there on LOC and G/S capture?
- LOC intercept not greater than 90 degrees
- G/S capture will not occur before LOC capture and not below 1000 ft AGL.
How do you selct GA mode? What should happen?
- Pull both TOGA trigger for at least 1 second
- ATS will advance thrust levers to TOGA
- Airspeed limit 200 kts
- V/S limit 2000 fpm (1000 fpm OEI)
On take-off, how do you engage TOGA? How should the aircraft be aligned?
- Pull both TOGA trigger for at least 1 second
- aircraft must be aligned with RWY centerline
What pitch angles will be displayed during takeoff?
- Before TOGA triggers are pulled 0 deg.
- When TOGA triggers are pulled 10 deg.
- After rotation - V2 + 10 kts limited to 18 deg.
How many autothrottle (ATS) channels are there and what do they drive?
- 2 separate auto-throttle channels drive each associated thrust levers
What happens if one channel fails?
Thrust levers are tied by a clutch and move together.
How is ATS engaged? Disengaged?
- Armed on the ground by pressing the ATS P/B on the FMP
- Engaged by pulling the TOGA triggers for at least 1 second
- Normally disengaged by pressing the disengage buttons on the sides of the thrust lever handles.
Can you override the ATS?
The ATS can be overridden at anytime.
Why does the ATS declutch at 80 knots? How do you know this has occurred?
The ATS de-clutches at 80 knots to prevent inadvertent thrust lever retardation during take-off due to a fault.
ATS declutch is indicated by two white D’s adjacent to the EPR speed tape at the EPR TO position.
What precautions should you take with the ATS if taking off into a strong headwind?
Advance thrust levers to 1.3 EPR before pulling the TOGA triggers to ensure TO EPR is reached before 80 knots (declutch speed)
How is the stabilizer trimmed a) automatically, b) manually, and c) if both FAC channels fail?
a. automatically when AP selected in response to AP commands.
b. Manually using the STAB TRIM switches on the control yoke.
c. Using the STAB TRIM WHEEL if both FAC’s fail
What is the effect of operating only 1 half of the stab trim switch?
Moving only 1/2 of the stab trim switch momentarily will have no effect. If 1/2 of the stab trim switch is held for > 15 seconds the stab trim is disconnected + Alert + non resettable fault.
What happens if the pilots operate the stab trim switches in opposite directions?
Trim does not move