Autoimmune disease Flashcards
What are the features of systemic sclerosis?
Internal organ fibrosis
Microvascular abnormalities
What are the two main patterns of systemic sclerosis and which autoantibodies are they associated with?
90% of both types are ANA positive
- Limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis - associated with anti centromere antibody - sclerodema tends to involve face, hands and feet
- Diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis - associated with anti-topoisomerase antibodies (SCL 70) - scleroderma affects the trunk and proximal limbs predominently, Hypertension, lung fibrosis and renal involvement
What is the management for systemic sclerosis?
No cure
For organ involvement use IV cyclophosphamide
Monitor BP and renal function
Regular ACE-i or ARBs reduce the risk of renal crisis
IV iloprost or lantoprost causes dilation for raynaud’s
What antibodies are sensitive and specific for rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid factor is sensitive
Anticyclic citrullinated peptide is 96% specific
What is the autoantibody associated with SLE?
There is anti nuclear antibody in >95% of cases
Anti-double stranded DNA is not as senstitive but is highly specific
What autoantibodies are present in antiphospholipid syndrome?
Anticardiolipin antibody
What autoantibodies are present in Sjogren’s syndrome?
There is ANA in 70%
Anti Ra and Anti La are often present
What autoantibodies are present in primary biliary cholangitis?
These are antimitochondrial antibodies