Auto flight, Navigation, Flight Instruments Flashcards
What components make the EFIS?
- 3 Symbol Generators
- 2 HSIs
- 2 EFIS Control Panels
- 2 ADIs
How do you know a Symbol Generator has failed?
Both HSI and ADI Screens Blank. (If one blanks, its a CRT Failure)
Where does the Symbol Generator get information?
- FCCs
- IRSs
- FMCs
- ADCs, A/Ps, Auto Nav Tuning
What does the ALTN EFI Switch do?
- Selects ALTN / Center
- Symbol Generator,
- ILS receiver, and
- RA.
- If both CA and FO use the ALTN / C SG, the Left EFIS Control Panel will control both.
What does the FLT DIR Switch do on the INST SOURCE SEL Panel?
- Selects which FCC (L,C, or R) commands the respective FD.
What does the NAV source select switch do on the INST SOURCE SEL Panel?
- Selects which FMC is used by the L/R Symbol Generator and FCC.
- In ALTN config., you use the opposite side.
- CDU R/L is used to provide information to the SG during ALTN NAV.
Describe the Alternate Navigation System.
- Used in case of Dual FMC Failure.
- Two Pages left: IRS LEGS and IRS PROG
- No LNAV, VNAV, efficiency information…
- Must go to Perf. Inflight Chapter for V speeds / Power
- Only Position relative to Existing Waypoints, and IRS (LAT/LONG) information.
- Conditional waypoints, offsets, and holds are dropped.
- Old waypoints can still be referenced by their IDs, new waypoints must be entered as LAT/LONG.
- Existing/CDU Stored course is great circle; new courses are direct.
- CDUs operate independently, but can be X-displayed.
- Uses IRS data for navigation.
When is the FD automatically displayed?
- Go Around
- A/S greater than 80
- Flaps Not Retracted.
Which buttons on the MCP will command a thrust modes?
- SPD (when pitch mode is ALT HOLD, V/S, or G/S)
- GA
Describe the Auto Thrust Modes
- N1 - trying to maintain N1
- THR HLD - Servos discon., holds whatever you set.
- SPD - Maintains commanded speed on FMA or in FMC
- FLCH - 2 Minute rule
- GA - goes for 2000fpm.
- IDLE - Thrust reduced to idle, as in VNAV descent, or with pitch mode FLARE.
Describe the Pitch Modes.
- TO - On TO, commands greater of V2+15 / Liftoff+15.
- SPD - commanded from FMC or SPD Intervene.
- VNAV PTH - AFDS will pitch to maintain VNAV profile
- VNAV SPD - maintains speed to climb to selected ALT.
- VNAV ALT - when FMC and MCP disagree.
- ALT HOLD - it will take snapshot and return to ALT where selected. Also activated when ALT reached as commanded by FLCH or V/S
- G/S
- FLARE - at 50’
- GA - pitch to MCP / Current Speed (whichever is higher).
Describe the Roll Modes.
- TO - activates at liftoff, to track flight path (extended CL)
- LNAV - Activates when in position to turn onto active leg, within 2.5 miles.
- HDG HOLD - holds present heading, or rollout heading if pressed while in a bank.
- HDG SEL - holds selected heading.
- ATT - Default mode. Holds bank.
- LOC - will capture within 120degrees of course
- ROLLOUT - arms below 1500’ and activates below 5’
- GA - no annunciation when active; commands flight path when selected.
What happens during active operations if an autopilot fails.
- Attitude Stabilizing Mode
- Amber line is drawn through the affected mode.
Walk through a normal AFDS TO and CLMB Profile
B4 80kts - N1/TO/TO/FD at 80kts - THR HLD/TO/TO/FD at Rotation - thrust for greater of V2+15 or Current +15 at LNAV Selection - THR HLD/TO/LNAV/FD at FRA - SPD, VNAV SPD, LNAV, CMD
Automatic Flight Windshear Recovery
- Normal GA pitch and roll modes.
- pitch ~15 or slightly below limit, whichever lower.
What does arming APP do?
- Arm LOC/GS
- Arms all three A/Ps
- Isolates Power Distribution (C A/P to HOT BATT BUS)
Describe ASA (Autoland Status Anuciator) Display
- Displays below 1500’
- LAND 3 - Fail Operational - 3 A/Ps
- LAND 2 - Fail Passive - Redundancy Reduced
- NO LAND 3 - Results in ^^ / Inhibited < 200’
- NO AUTOLAND - Go-Around, AUTOLAND unable.
Describe GA Mode.
- Armed (not displayed) with Flaps Ext. / G/S Cap.
- Annuciated in FMA when Engaged.
- Maintains higher of Current A/S or MCP Speed
- Maintains 2000 fpm
- Maintains ground track.
- From Arming to GA & 400’, cannot get rid of it = turn off both FDs and A/P.
What is a key difference of the ILS / VOR Modes (on the HSI)?
It is heading up, not TRACK UP.
Describe the FMS.
- 2 CDUs
- 2 FMCs
- Cross Communicate
- L FMC Primary / Actually provides NAV
Describe an FMC Failure
- Respective CDU Blanks
- EICAS Message
- MAP and VTK Flags on HSI (no course info)
- R FMC automatically takes over if L fails.
- Requires QRH (New YORK New York NO)
- Selecting Other FMC will bring back CDU
Describe the Inertial Reference System
- 60S to 73N, some 82S to 82N
- 3 IRUs - L,C,R
- 1 IRS Panel
- Provides HDG/ATT, PPOS, TK/GS, Wind info.
- Normally A/C Power, HOT BATT BUS / DC Backup
Describe the IRS Alignment Process
- Full Alignment takes about 10 minutes.
- Must align every 18 hours.
- To align, select ALIGN;
- ON DC flash to test, ALIGN light steady illuminated
- ALIGN Flashing = “NO BAD MOVE”
- NO PPOS info, BAD PPOS info, A/C MOVEd
What are the different PPOS you can give the IRSs, in order of priority?
- GPS postion.
- Last Position
- Airport Coordinates
- Gate Coordinates