Autism Spectrum Disorder Flashcards
Autism (IDEA)
developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and non verbal communication, generally evident befoe age 3; adversely affects child’s educational performance. other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, unsusal response to sensory experiences. does not apply if child’s educational performance is adversely affected primarily because child has emotional disturbance
myths+misconceptions (ASD)
- people with autism do not talk
- people with autism do not interact with others
- people with autism do not show attachment to others
- people with autism do not have specialized abilities
- deficient mothering is cause of autism
frontal lobe
manage social and cognitive functions
control motor, coordination, balance, cognition
temporal lobe
understand facial expressions, social cues
social-emotional reciprocity
deficits in nonverbal communicative behavior for social interaction; deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships
3 aspects of ASD
communication, behavior, social interaction
repetitive behavior patterns
stereotyped/repetitive motor movements, insistence on sameness, highly restricted and fixated interests, hyper/hypo reactivity to sensory input, or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment
biological factors
multiple genetic factors
environmental factors
may affect the severity of symptoms
ex-MMR shot, no evidence
cognitive characteristics
rote memory, theory of mind, problem-solving
social+emotional characteristics
communication problems, immaturity, communicative intent, echolalia, prosody
communicative intent
do not communicate to get others attention
lack the ability to think about others and their behavior