authoritarian states Flashcards
origins - economic - Germany
ToV reperations 6.6b
lost Alsace Lorraine, Rhineland was demilitarised = limits resources and trade
wall street crash 1929
occupation of the Ruhr = hyperinflation 1923
origins - economic - Cuba
heavily reliant on one crop farming which was the major employer
cuba dependend on US imports of their sugar
US owned 3/4 of the sugar industry
many Cubans felt that the reliance on the US was holding them back o
origins - impact of war - Germany
- lack of trust with government = november criminals
Tov - LAMB - dolschtoss (stab in the back)
Kaizer had abdicated
social loss
origins- impact of war - Cuba
- under colonial rule by Spain
1898 Spanish American war led to Spain giving up all claims to Cuba
Platt Ammendments 1901+1903 - intervene militarily
- leasing Guanatanmo Bay
- could not enter agreements with foreign nations without USA
origins - force - Germany
- SA (1921) ‘brownshirts’ - disrupts political opponents
- SS (1925) = symbols of terror, scare people into supporting
Munich Putsch - forced leaders to rebel and police got involved
origins - force - Cuba
Moncada Barracks - Castro wanted to fight against Batista so he led an attack on military garrsons
Castro lost control of the car but rebels open fired
Anti Batista riots and protesrs broke out
origins - social divisions - Germany
= many were angry at government with ToV after many soldiers were left dead and wounded
= Spanish Flu = only affected lower classes
= communism - Spartactist Uprising ( workers demonstrated but Freikorps stopped them)
= facism - Kapp Putsch (in reaction to army reducing and Freikorps reducing, workers refused to support them) 1920
origins - social divisons - Cuba
Cuba was wealthy in Latin America but wealthy class took most of the riches
Batista’s policies favoured rich
racially divided = spanish and white cubans enjoyed priviledges whilst black Cubans lived in poverty
farm workers vs plantation owners
socialism vs communism
origins - political system - Germany
- Kaizer abdicated
- proportional representation
- lack of trust
- article 48
origins - political system - Cuba
- Batista took power through a military coup
- favoured rich
- corruption increased
- US mafia connections - gambling, drugs, prostitution
- government repressive of civil liberties
origins - propaganda - Germany
- show trial
- mein kampf
- goebells
- posters and newspapers
- targeted specific groups through propaganda, rich and middle classes
origins - propaganda - Cuba
- interviews painted him in a positive light compared to Batista
- CBS news interviews ‘jungle fighter’
- revolutionary appeal
- El Cubano Libre
- radio broadcasts
methods - legal - Germany
= used democratic and legal elections to get elected
= negotiated with Catholic Church
= Enabling Act = marked end of weimar republic as it allowed Hitler to pass laws without Reichstag
methods - legal - Cuba
= Castro wanted to depersonalise revolution and redistributed responsibilities so it ran more effectively
= Communist Party was the only recognised party
= legal system was streamlined
= trade unions entitled to sit on tribunals with workers rights
methods - opposition - Germany
= concentration camps - eliminate enemies (Dachau 1933)
= white rose group 1947 - distributed leaflets - sentenced to death
= edelweiss pirates - catholic associations - killed a Gestapo so they were hung
= Clemens Von Galen = Catholic arch bishop condemned racial laws and so was sent to concentration camos
= Trade unions banned in 1933
methods - opposition - Cuba
= many of Castro’s opposition fled to US
= Comittee for Defense of Revolution (CDP) was set up in 1960 to ensure neighbourhoods adhered to revolutionary ideas
= Mariel Boatlift = thousands of Cubans fled to US
= Ladies in White = 2003 event where mass arrests of opposition
= close knit society made it easy to monitor
methods - leadership - Germany
= speeches
= berlin olympics - he went everyday
= Reichstag Fire 1933 - Hindenburg wasn’t at the scene but Hitler was
= Hidenburg was old and fragile
methods - leadership - Cuba
= Castro removed military leaders who were anticommunists and replaced with pro-castro communists
= went to many different countries to support Marxist and different independence movements
methods - force - Germany
= night of long knives 1934 - SA, under Rohm, was seen as a threat so leaders were murdered
= SS - civillian police network which worked on military lines and in charge of concentration camps
= Gestapo - no legal restriction of arrests
methods - force - Cuba
= Batista’s supporters were imprisoned and government officials
= land and property held by B supporters were confiscated
= Cuban Missile Crisis - USSR missiles were kept in Cuba, JFK installed blockade
= Bay of Pigs - covert CIA programme to use Guantanamo Bay to train emigres but failed to support and Castro had his forces waiting
methods - propaganda - Germany
= Berlin Olympics 1936 - mass outbursts of affection
= Press - newspapers were under Nazi control and in 1939, 1/3 remained independent
= censorship
= arts - only allowed to glorify Germany
= radio - banned foreign broadcasts, in 1933, reich radio was created to spread Nazi propaganda
methods - propaganda - Cuba
= University of Havana - lost autonomy and came under government control
= public show trials of Batista’s ministers and officials
= limited press freedoms
= used radio broadcasts to maintain high profile and public perceotion
Ian Kershaw - origins - “it’s less about what hitler was …
“It’s less about what Hitler actually wad than what he seemed to be to millions of Germans”
- propaganda
- force
what did determinists think in origins of Germany
Hitler’s rise was inevitable and product of authoritarian history
- impact of war
- force
what did structuralists think in origins of Germany
he was propelled into power by historical ‘crisis’ conditions in which Germany was looking for a savour’
- economic
- poltical systems
what did left wing scholars think of origins of Cuba
- economic exploitation and dependence on the US was an underlying cause that invited revolution
- economic
- political system
Susan Echstein - origins of Cuba - “social and economic problems….”
“social and economic problems provided necessary conditions but Castro provided the spark”
- social divisions
- economic problems
what did A.Capacia say - origins of cuba - “Castro gained popular support by…”
“castro gained popular support by following wishes of people”
- weakness of political systems
- social divisons
methods - Germany - Catherine Epstein - “The Fuhrer had both….”
“The Fuhrer had both admiration and universal respect”
- leadership
- legal means
methods - Germany - Bracher - “in the end, Hitler had….”
“in the end, Hitler had made himself a master of the third Reich”
- leadership
- propaganda
methods - Germany - what did internationalists think?
Hitler knowingly manipulated masses to establish dictatorship
- leadership
- propaganda
methods - Cuba - Paul Lewis - “even moderate opposition….”
“even moderate opposition from teachers were not tolerated…some were even tortured”
- opposition
- force
methods - Cuba - Kesley Vidaillet - “Castro regime used media selectively…”
“Castro regime used media selectively to ensure the only successful newspapers were voices of the government”
- propaganda
- legal means
methods - Cuba - Jorge Dominiguez “show trial left Cuba’s….”
“show trail left Cuba’s army officers unmotivated to revolt”
- opposition
- propaganda
foreign policies in Germany
= able to get armament so there army could develop
= able to retake land they lost
= still had to accept blame and opposition
- 1935: Saarland was returned to Germany from France due to popular vote
- 1935: Germany has expansion of the army and conscription introduced
- Troops sent back into Rhineland
= got Austria back 1938
= increased German land to increase German speaking population
= remove non Aryans
= doesn’t get Poland
Oct - 1930 - Britain, France and Italy vote in favour of Hitler to keep Sudentenland
1939 - demanded return of former German terriorties and poland
Britain and France declare war
August 1939 - Nazi-Soviet War - Hitler wouldn’t need to worry about war in Russia
- the treaty would have to delay war on two forms - Hitler broke this treaty cause he wanted to seize Russian territory
- October 1933: Withdraw from League of Nations
why was this successful? Britain and France didn’t respond due to appeasement
sends troops to support Franco in Spanish Civil War
1936- work closely with Mussolini and militorist government of Japan
functionalist/structuralist debate - as Hitler couldn’t predict this.
social and cultural policies in Germany
- Kraft Durch Freude
= organised leisure for masses
= provided holidays for workers - women
= birth rate was dropping
= fewer women in education
= 1939: land year program: unattached women had to spend a year working on farms
= 1942: encouraged women to go in factories
= birth control and abortion stopped
= mothers had campaigns - education
= curriculum changes
= subjects reflected German superiority - disabilities
= 1933: those who had heredity diseases were sterilised
= 1939: T4 programme eliminiated ‘defectives’ - Jews
= Nuremberg Laws in 1935: deprived Jews of legal and civil rights
= kristalnacht - over 100 jews killed
= 1942: concentration camps - Young People
= league of German maidens
= hitler youth
= political conformity
economic policies in Germany
aims: austerity, rearmament, employment
Scacht (minister of economics)
- introduced mefo bills where companies that supplied government goods would exchange for cash
- ‘new plan’ 1934: controls exports which had to be approved by government and trade agreements which allowed Germany to pay with reichmarks
- put money into autobahms, public buildings, and reforestation
- Reich Labour Service in 1935: unemployed men had to do 6 months in farming or reconstruction
- Guns vs Butter: government could start rearmament but there was a food shortage
Goering (economic minister)
- 4 year plan: focuses on economic austerity to prepare for war
- only 3/4 of industrial development came from war prep = boosted employment
- shortage of raw materials
- workers income was still low
Speers (minister of armaments and war production)
- transport was streamlined so materials ran on time
- doubled armament production
- massively used slave labour
foreign policies in Cuba
= 1963 = soviet assisstance would be given to help Cuba to concentrate on sugar production
= 1968 = increasingly dependent on them
= 1970 = cuba in debt
- seizes assets and expells US companies from Cuba e.g coca-cola
- removed diplomatic recognition of Cuba (see as a communist state)
- makes agreements with leader of USSR
= Bay of Pigs, 1961 - leads to Cuba declaring themselves as a communist state - USSR increases aid and supplies to Castro
- Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 - USA spot nuclear missiles and puts a blockade on Cuba - Kruschev agrees to remove missiles - Castro is a bystander but claims ‘moral’ victory (failure-ish)
- support of independent and revolutionary movements
1971 - supports Salvador Allende in Chile (overthrown 2 years later)
1975-7 : visits multiple countries across Africa e.g Tanzania
1979 - secretory general is not alligned with the movement
1980s - warming of relations between USSR and USA - Cuba was more diplomatically isolated
social and cultural policies in Cuba
- living standards
= government provided subsidised housing, electricity, healthcare and education
= housing increased in availability - healthcare
= became free
= aimed to increase doctors: patient ratio
= infant morality rates dropped - education
= nationalised all education institutions
= marixt ideologies
= literacy campaigns - women
= many women were forced to work as maids or sex workers as they excluded from education
= FMC established schools for women to learn skills to obtain higher education - arts
= distributed films related to the revolution
= used as propaganda
= heavy censorship based on nationalistic ideals - racism
= outlawed all forms
= increased Afro-Cubans political representation
political policies in Cuba
- treatment of Batista’s supporters
= treated as outsiders and placed on trial for treason - treatment of opposition
= encouraged criminals to leave
= put restrictions in place to stop skilled workers from leaving - elections
= no elections until 70s
= Castro needed time before allowing an election to maintain power
= didnt allow - 1976 consitution
= PCC was only party allowed
= police was now armed forces
= july 26 and PCC was now one
economic policies in Cuba
- new currency
= cuban peso was introduced to remove funding from rebellions
= when soviet union collapsed, needed a new way to trade internationally so they legalised the dollar
= in 2004, this was illegal again - 10 million ton harvest 1970
= a year to focus on sugar production
= pay off debts and diversify economy
= machines were overused and only got 8.5m - revolutionary offensive 1968
= nationalise remaining small buisnesses
= nightclubs and bars are closed
= bans on self employment
= aimed to move to communism - collective farms
= farmers were encouraged to sell land to state - special period 1991
= SV provided Cuba with subsidies and military/political support
= sold at cheaper rates