Authentication, Writings, Real evidence Flashcards
What is the general rule around when a writing or any secondary evidence of its content will be received into evidence?
It will not be received unless:
1) Writing is authenticated
2) by proof
3) that shows the writing is what its proponent claims it is
In order for a writing to be received what must be true about its proof?
Proof must be:
1)sufficient to support a jury finding
2) of genuineness
In order for a writing to be received what must be true about its proof in plain english?
Proof must be enough that a reasonable juror could conclude the writing is genuine.
What are the methods for a party to authenticate a document?
1) by pleadings
2) by stipulation
3) other evidence
What other evidence can authenticate a document?
1) Opponent’s admission
2) Eye witness testimony
3) Handwriting verifications
4) Ancient document status
5) Reply letter doctrine
6) Photos and video
How can a document be authenticated by opponent’s admission?
By providing evidence that Party against whom it’s offered has:
1)either admitted its authenticity
2) acted upon it as authentic
How can a document be authenticated by eyewitness testimony?
By testimony of anyone:
1) who saw it executed
2) heard it acknowledged
Who can authenticate a document by eyewitness testimony?
Does a subscribing witness have to authenticate a document by eyewitness testimony?
No, unless by state statute.
Who can authenticate a document by handwriting verifications?
Opinion of a non expert lay witness who has familarity with the writer’s handwriting
What must a laywitness/non expert have experience with to properly authenticate a document?
The writer’s handwriting.
How must a laywitness/non expert have come about their experience to properly authenticate a document?
In the normal course of affairs
What does in the normal course of affairs mean for handwriting authentication by a non-expert?
Familiarity can not be acquired for purposes of the current litigation
Can a non-expert/lay person come about their familarity with a document their testifying about for purposes of testiying?
What must an expert who seeks to give opinion on authentication of a document base their opinion on?
Samples of the alleged writer’s hand writing
How can a jury/fact-finder properly authenticate a document?
1) By comparing writing
2) to samples of the alleged writer’s writing
What must evidence seeking to authenticate a purportedly ancient document establish it’s authenticity?
Evidence must show:
1) Document was AT LEAST 20 years old when offered into evidence
2) Is in a condition that is not suspicious to authenticity
3) Was found in a place where a document like it would be kept.
For FRE purposes, what does Ancient Document rule apply to? What does it not just apply to?
1) Ancient document applies to all writings
2) Not just dispositive writings (deeds/wills)
What is the difference between the rule of authentication for ancient documents and the hearsay exception for ancient documents?
Authentication – documents must be 20 years old
Hear say exception – only applies if document prepared before 1998
How can a document be authenticated by a reply letter doctrine?
By evidence that it was
1) written in response
2) to a communication sent
3) to the alleged author
What is the general rule around photo/video admissibility?
Only admissible if:
1) identified by a witness as a portrayal of certain facts relevant to the issue
2) wirtness verifies that the photos/videos are a fair and accurate representation
For a photo/video to be admissible, must photag, videog come in and authenticate it?
No, a witness familiar with the scene/object/person is sufficient.
Is a photo or video that is taken when no person who could authenticate the scene is present, is it admissible? What must be shown?
Is a photo or video that is taken when no person who could authenticate the scene is present, what must be shown to admit it?
1) Camera/video was properly operating at relevant time
2) Photo/video was downloaded/developed from that camera/video
Can an X-ray be authenticated by the testimony of a witness stating it is a correct representation of facts?
What must be shown to authenticate an X-ray?
1) the process used is accurate
2) the machine was in working order
3) the operator was qualified to operate it.
4) A proper custodial chain to refute tampering notions
If a statement is admissible only if said by a particular person, what authentication is required?
The identity of the speaker.
What is an example of a statement that is admissible only if said by a particular person?
Statement by an opposing party
How can voice identification be identified?
1) by opinion of ANYONE
2) who has heard the voice at ANY TIME
At what time can someone become familiar with a voice so as to do voice identification?
At any time – including after litigation has begun and for the sole purpose of testifying.
who can authenticate statements made during telephone conversations?
1) By any party to the call
2) who testifies that:
1) they recognized other party’s voice
2) speaker had knowledge of certain facts that only a particular person would have
3) They called a particular person’s number and a voice answered as the person/ or that person’s residence
4) They called a business and spoke with someone at the business with matter relevant to the business
What is said about self authenticating documents?
They prove themselves.