Augustine's Rule Vocab Flashcards
abscēdō -ere -cessī -cessum v
to depart
abstinentia -ae f
abstinence; self-restraint; fasting
accēdō -ere -cessī -cessum v
to approach
adhibeō -ēre -uī -itum v
to extend; apply; summon
admoneō -ēre -uī -itum v
to remember; admonish; warn; advise
aegrōtō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to be sick
aequaliter adv
aestimō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to assess; value; judge
agō -ere ēgī actum v
to do; drive; lead; give (thanks)
agnōscō -ere -nōvī -nitum v
to recognize
alacritās -tātis f
alacrity; cheerfulness
alius -a -um adj
other (of 3+)
alimentum -ī n
food; nourishment
aliquis -quae -quid pn
someone; something
alter -era -erum adj
other (of 2)
amplius adv
moreover; anymore; besides
antepōnō -ere -posuī -positum v
to put in front; prefer
anterior -iōris adj
before; forward; previous
appetō -ere -tīvī -tītum v
to strive for; desire
arbitrium -ī n
judgment; decision
sīve conj
on the other hand; but if
sīve… sīve… conj
whether… or…
ārēscō -ere āruī v
to become dry; wither
aspiciō -ere -pexī -pectum v
to look at; behold
auctōritās -tātis f
credibility; prestige; importance; authority
audeō, -ēre ausus sum
to dare; venture; risk
calcamentum -ī n
cantō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to sing
carō carnis f
caveō -ēre cāvī cautum v
to beware; guard against
cervīx -vīcis f
cēterī -ae -a adj
the rest
cītius adv
cōdex -dicis m
book; tree trunk
coërceō -ēre -uī -itum v
to encompass; restrain; control
cōgitō -āre āvī -ātum v
to think
compellō -ere -pulī -pulsum v
to gather; compel
concorditer adv
cōnsilium -ī n
plan; counsel; council
cōnsōlor -ārī -ātus sum v
to console
cōnsuētūdō -dinis f
habituation; custom
contentiō -iōnis f
rivalry; dispute; tension
contrahō -ere -trāxī -tractum v
to collect; accomplish
conferō -ferre -tulī collātum v
to bring together; unite; confer
convīcium -ī n
outcry; reproof
convincō -ere -vīcī -victum v
to convince; convict
corrigō -ere -rēxī -rēctum v
to correct
corripiō -ere -uī -reptum v
to catch; grasp; rob; accuse
crēber -bra -brum adj
thick; numerous; frequent
crēscō -ere crēvī crētum v
to grow; become
quisquam quidquam pn
anyone; anything
cūnctus -a -um adj
all together; the whole
cupiditās -tātis f
desire; lust; passion
cūrō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to arrange; take care of; cure; govern
custōs -tōdis f
dēbitum -ī n
debt; obligation
decet decēre decuit v
it is fitting
dēsum -esse -fuī -futūrum v
to be lacking; fall short
dēlectō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to delight; charm; please
dēnegō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to deny; reject; refuse
dīlēctiō -iōnis f
dīmittō -ere -mīsī -missum v
to send away
disceptātiō -iōnis f
distribuō -ere -uī -ūtum v
to divide; distribute
dīs dītis adj
dīves -vitis adj
dolor -ōris m
domō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to tame
dominor -ārī -ātus sum v
to be lord over
dubitātiō -iōnis f
dūrus -a -um adj
ēmendō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to correct; improve
ēmittō -ere -mīsī -missum v
to send forth; throw
ērigō -ere -rēxī -rēctum v
to raise up
ēsca -ae f
ēsuriō -īre -īvī -ītum v
to be hungry
excēdō -ere -cessī -cessum v
to go out
excutiō -ere -cussī -cussum v
to shake out; discard
exigō -ere -ēgī -āctum v
to drive out; expel
exīstimō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to think; estimate; judge
famulus -ī m
fēlīx -līcis adj
lucky; fortunate
festīnō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to hasten
festūca -ae f
straw; rod
fīgō -ere -xī -xum v
to fasten
fīniō -īre -īvī -ītum v
to finish
forīs adv
frangō -ere frēgī frāctum v
to break
frequēns -ntis adj
fullō -ōnis m
fuller (a person who fulls cloth)
grātulor -ārī -ātus sum v
to congratulate
gravō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to burden; aggravate
homicīda -ae mf
a murderer
humillis -e adj
low; humble
ibi adv
incessus -ūs m
bearing; walk; gait
ideō adv
ieiūnium -ī n
fast (day); fasting
illīc adv
imbēcillitās -tātis f
weakness; illness
impetrō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to accomplish
impudīcus -a -um adj
inde adv
thence; from there
indicō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to indicate
indūcō -ere -dūxī -ductum v
to lead in
induō -ere -uī -ūtum v
to put on (clothes)
indūmentum -ī n
īnfirmitās -tātis f
īnfirmus -a -um adj
ingredior -gredī -gressus sum v
to go in
iniungō -ere -iūnxī -iūnctum v
to join; fasten; unite
iniūria -ae f
injury; injustice
iniūstus -a -um adj
inquiētus -a -um adj
īnstō -āre -stitī -stātūrus v
to stand upon; be near; harass
inveniō -īre -vēnī -ventum v
to find
ipse -a -um pn
s/he; they; that very one
iste -a -ud adj
that; those (pejoritive in classical Latin)
iubeō -ēre iussī iussum v
to command
laedō -ere laesī laesum v
to strike
largitor -tōris m
lavācrum -ī n
levō -āre -āvī-ātum v
to raise
libellus -ī m
little book
līs lītis f
strife; contention
magis adv
medicāmentum -ī n
medicine; drug
medicīna -ae f
medicine; remedy
metus -ūs m
miseror -ārī -ātus sum v
to have mercy
molestus -a -um adj
mōtus -ūs m
motion; movement
mūnusculum -ī n
little service
murmur murmuris n
nam conj
for; because; since
necessārius -a -um adj
neglegō -ere -glēxī -glēctum v
to neglect
nēmō -minis mf
no one
nimius -a -um adj
nisi conj
if not; unless; except
nōlō nōlle nōluī v
to be unwilling; not want; refuse
notābilis -e adj
nōscō -ere nōvī nōtum v
to learn; know
oblīviō -iōnis f
forgetting; forgetfulness
oboediō -īre -īvī -ītum v
to obey
ōs ōris n
parcō -ere pepercī parsī v
to spare; forgive
pāscō -ere pāvī pāstum v
to feed; nourish; support
patior patī passus sum v
to suffer; allow
paupertās -tātis f
perīculum -ī n
pereō -īre -īvī -itum v
to go through; perish; vanish
permittō -ere -mīsī -missum v
to let go; throw; allow
perniciōsus -a -um adj
pertineō -ēre -uī v
to extend; belong to
pestifer-era -erum adj
disease-bearing; destructive
petō -ere -īvī -ītum v
to seek; ask for
pigeō -ēre -uī -itum v
to feel annoyance at
placet placēre placuī v
to be pleasing to
postulō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to demand; claim
potius adv
rather than
pōtus -ūs m
praebeō -ēre -uī -itum v
to offer; provide
praeceptum -ī n
precept; command
praecipuē adv
chiefly; especially
praesum -esse -fuī -futūrum v
to be before; preside; lead
praeferō -ferre -tulī -lātum v
to carry forth; offer
praepositus -a -um adj
placed in front; placed in command
praetereō -īre -iī -itum v
to pass by; surpass; neglect
presbyter -erī m
elder; presbyter; priest
prīstinus -a -um adj
former; old; early; original
prōdō -ere -didī -ditum v
to exhibit; reveal; give forth
prōsum prōdesse prōfuī prōfutūrus v
to be useful
prōficiō -ere -fēcī -fectum v
to advance; make progress; benefit; help
prōferō -ferre -tulī -lātum v
to bring forth; make known; offer
prohibeō -ēre -uī -itum v
to hold back; forbid; preserve
prōiciō -ere -iēcī -iectum v
to throw forth; porject; cast out
proinde adv
proprius -a -um adj
proper; (one’s) own
pudīcus -a -um adj
chaste; pure
pulchritūdō -dinis f
pusillanimis -e adj
quīlibet quaelibet quodlibet pn
anyone; anything
quaerō -ere quaesīvī quaesītum v
to seek; ask
quamvīs adv
as much as you like; although
quantus -a -um adj
how much; how many
quantōcius adv
to sooner the better
quemadmodum? adv
recēns -ntis adj
new; recent; fresh; young
redeō -īre -iī -itum v
to go back; return
reficiō -ere -fēcī -fectum v
to make again; restore; reinvigorate
regō -ere rēxī rēctum v
to rule; govern
relaxō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to relax; slacken; loosen
reparō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to recover; repair; renew
salūtō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to greet; preserve
sānō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to heal; cure
sānus -a -um adj
healthy; well; sane
semel adv
sentiō -īre sēnsī sēnsum v
to feel; sense; perceive
septimāna -ae f
suī sibi sē sē pn
him/her/itself; themselves
sileō -ēre -uī v
to be silent
sociō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to unite; associate
speculum -ī n
stō -āre stetī statum v
to stand
statim adv
substratus -a -um adj
sūrsum adv
upwards; up
sustineō -ēre -uī -tentum v
to hold up; sustain
taceō -ēre -uī -itum v
to be silent
tamen conj
however; nevertheless
tamquam adv
as much as; just as
tardus -a -um adj
late; slow
tegūmentum -ī n
terrēnus -a -um adj
tinea -ae f
destructive larva
trabs -bis f
timber; log
tractō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to tug; handle; practice; debate
tribuō -ere -uī -ūtum v
to grant; bestow; divide; allow
tumultus -ūs m
uproar; storm
ultrō adv
to the farther side; beyond; away
ūnanimis -e adj
unde? adv
whence; from where
ūnusquisque ūnaquaeque ūnumquodque pn
each one
ūtor ūtī ūsus sum v
to use
vacātiō -iōnis f
freedom; privilege
valeō -ēre -uī -itum v
to be strong; be healthy
valētūdō -dinis f
health; illness
vānus -a -um adj
empty; vain
vegetus -a -um adj
lively; vigorous
volō velle voluī v
to want; wish
vestis -is f
vestiārium -ī n
wardrobe; closet
vester -tra -trum adj
vindicō -āre -āvī -ātum v
to avenge; vindicate; rescue
violātiō -iōnis f
vulnus -eris n