Augustine On Human Nature Flashcards
What is the meaning of Theology?
The study of God
When was Augustine alive?
4th / 5th century AD
What did Augustine criticise?
What were the two cities that Augustine proposed?
The city of men
The city of God
What is the city of men?
The flawed society we live in
What is the city of God?
The ideal world
How does Augustine view salvation?
It cannot be achieved by our own human actions, only through the Grace of God
The Fall
The moment when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit.
Human nature
The essential sense of what all humans are like; shared characteristics
Turning away from God
The idea that our natural perfected state has been wounded so that we are not but but always inclining toward sin
Human will
Given to humans by God at creation and used to make choices.
Original sin
The state that humans were brought into by the fall, which was the first sin
God’s generous, undeserved and free act of love for the world through Jesus
Summum bonum
Highest or greatest good