August 15 Spanish Flashcards
He’s a prisoner in his own house.
Es un recluso en su propia casa.
I always arrive early.
Siempre llego con antelacion.
This time it’s different.
Esta vez es distinta.
I’m not used to eating at 5.
No suelo comer a las 5.
I went up the steps. There were three flights.
Monte’ las escaleras. Habia 3 tramos.
Dawn is exhausted.
Dawn esta’ agobiada.
Despite the rain we went out.
Pese a la lluvia salimos.
I had to fill out 5 forms.
Tuve que rellenar 5 impresos.
My belly is huge.
Mi panza esta’ enorme.
I wasn’t mad, rather I was sad.
No estaba enojada, mas bien estaba triste.
I’m not going to accept defeat at FPM.
No acceptare’ la derrota a FPM.
I feel discouraged about my belly.
Me siento desanimada en cuanto a mi panza.
I insisted on paying the bill.
Me empenye en pagar la cuenta.
The food was very satisfying.
La comida fue muy satisfactoria.
I turned on the faucet but there was no water.
Abri’ el grifo pero no habia agua.