Asset Works and More Flashcards
Goes into AW or not? All blanket orders
Yes, all blanket orders go into AW
Goes into AW or not? Specifics that originated and were generated in AW.
Yes, it if came from AW it goes to AW.
Goes to AW? SPECIFICS, non-work-order
No, SPECIFICS, non-WO don’t go to AW
SPECIFICS work order Goes to AW? Ask Suzanne this one.
I think that NO SPECIFICS go to AW.
Ask Suzanne.
Ref #19-9900, 17-5367, or alphabet soup. Is it a SPECIFIC or a blanket order?
It’s a contract or non-contract blanket order.
All POs are Specific or Blanket and what else>
specific - blanket, then blanket contract or blanket non-contract.
Specifics always go where?
Specifics NEVER go to AW
Blankets (both contract and non-contract) do they go to AW or not?
Blankets always go to AW
Non work-order if there is a release number….does it go into AW?? ASK SUZANNE
Check with Suzanne
Where do all POs go?
POs go to the Q drive.
If there is a specific there must be a __________ added.
If there is a specific there must be a QUOTE attached.
What does BA stand for?
blanket order
If the REFERENT # is 21-9900 what does that tell you?
21-9900 is a waiver, not a contract number, so it’s a NON-CONTRACT blanket order.
Bob Barker dates means….
Range of dates means it’s a blanket order.
What is XC
Contract order.
What if there is an alphabet soup?
Contract blanket order
Range of dates? Specific or blanket?
NOT a specific
Trying to figure out where something goes depends on WHAT?
Type of PO determines where it gets distributed.
What are the two types of blanket orders?
Contract and non-contract
21-9900 means contract or NON-contract?
21-9900 = NON-contract
Specifics have end user or not?
Yes, specifics have end users
Quote – specific or blanket?
ALL specifics must have a quote, but there can be quotes with blanket orders too.
No date range
It’s a specific.