Augmented Feedback (L13 and 14) Flashcards
what are the 2 main types of feedback?
- task intrinsic –> visual, auditory, proprioceptive, tactile.
- augmented–> knowledge of results (KR), knowledge of performance (KP)
Task-intrinsic feedback
sensory information that is naturally available during
performance (also known as intrinsic or internal feedback)
Augmented feedback
performance-related information (from external
source) that supplements task-intrinsic feedback (also known as extrinsic or
external feedback)
After practice, ___________ __________ is most
important factor that enhances motor learning.
augmented feedback
- Provides information that facilitates
achievement of the goal of the skill - Motivates the learner to continue
striving toward a goal
Augmented Feedback
Can be essential for skill acquisition when?
When the learner cannot use intrinsic feedback (not available, cannot use it, or because injury/disease disrupts sensory processing)
how can Augmented Feedback can enhance skill acquisition?
*Learn more quickly, and/or perform skills at higher level
*Simple skills (Movement time)
*Complex skills (Coordination)
why may augmented feedback not be needed for skill acquisition?
Task intrinsic information is enough
how can augmented feedback hinder skill acquisition?
*Creates a dependence
*Problem if sensory information is not available at ’test’ situation
what is knowledge of results(KR) augmented feedback?
Externally presented information about the outcome (end
performance) of a movement
what is knowledge of performance(KP) augmented feedback?
*Externally presented information about movement
characteristics that led to the performance outcome
*Quality of movement, how movement was performed
types of knowledge performance (KP)
*Descriptive feedback: describes the error made
*Prescriptive feedback: describes error and states what should be
*Which to provide may depend on stage of learning (beginner versus
2. Video recording (Visual)
*Know what to observe (instructor highlights key information), be
able to clearly observe it (accuracy versus speed), and figure out
how to correct
Kinematic (e.g. patterns of coordination)
4. Kinetic (e.g. force)
3. Biofeedback (e.g. EMG, EEG, ECG)
*Feedback related to activity of physiological processes
4. Physical/manual guidance
what are Five issues related to feedback content
- Knowledge of results vs. Knowledge of performance
- Information about errors vs. correct aspects of performance
- Augmented feedback based on error size
- Erroneous augmented feedback
- Qualitative vs. quantitative information
what are Five issues related to feedback content
- Knowledge of results vs. Knowledge of performance
- Information about errors vs. correct aspects of performance
- Augmented feedback based on error size
- Erroneous augmented feedback
- Qualitative vs. quantitative information
Do we provide KR or KP?
*Helps learner adopt an external focus of attention
*Helps establish discovery learning; encourages problem solving
*Motivates learner
*Confirms the learner’s assessment of performance
*Helps learner acquire specific movement characteristics of skill, (i.e.
gymnastics routine, springboard dive) = > coordination
*Helps learner achieve goal of action, when the goal is to produce
specific kinematic, kinetic, or muscle activity profile
wich improves moement pattern? kp or kr
Should feedback relay information about mistakes
made or aspects of performance that are correct?
Information about mistakes/errors:
*More effective to facilitate learning
*Tells learner what aspects of performance they have to improve on
Information about correct performance:
*More effective to motivate learner
*Confirms to learner they are on track, encourages learner to
continue trying
*Role of self-selected feedback
- What is the appropriate error size feedback?
Performance bandwidth (BW): Range of acceptable performance error;
feedback is only given when amount of error is greater than this range
0% BW: KR every trial regardless of error amount
5% BW: KR only when error exceeds 5%
10% BW: KR only when error exceeds 10%
- Do we provide qualitative or quantitative feedback?
Qualitative feedback:
*Feedback that describes performance (i.e. you walked further today than
yesterday, the ball you pitched was too slow, your shoulder is too stiff)
*May be more useful in early stages of learning – to get the ‘ballpark’ idea of
what they need to do
Quantitative feedback:
*feedback that includes a numerical value related to performance (i.e.
distance walked, speed of pitched ball, range of motion of joints)
*May be more useful in later stages of learning to help learner refine
what are the 2 times to give AF?
a) Concurrent: AF provided whilethe learner is performing the skill
b) Terminal: AF provided after the learner completes performing the
How soon after performance do you give AF?
KR delay interval: How soon after
performance do you
give feedback?
Post-KR interval: How long do you wait
after feedback to start the next trial?
KR-delay interval
Length of KR-delay interval:
*Delaying does not have negative effect
Activity during KR-delay interval:
*No effect
*May hinder learning; interference if perform a motor or cognitive task
*Can help learning:
oSubjective performance evaluation
ØEstimate outcome of own performance
ØEstimate characteristics of own performance
oLearner is actively engaged in problem solving; understanding task-
intrinsic feedback and establishing error detection and correction
Post-KR interval
Length of post-KR interval:
*Learner develops plan of action, strategy for next trial
*No limit
Activity during post-KR interval:
*Mixed results (no effect, may help or hinder learning)
*Interference if learner engages in a cognitive activity (i.e.solving
math problem)
Too much augmented feedback => results in
*Guidance hypothesis
*AF guides the learner to the correct response during performance;
however, frequent AF can cause the learner to depend on it and
perform poorly when it is not available
*No feedback trials:
*learn using own internal feedback system
*integrate information from feedback trials
Ways to reduce augmented feedback frequency
- Performance-bandwidth feedback
- Summary and averaged augmented feedback
- Self-selected frequency
Performance bandwidth feedback
Performance bandwidth (BW): Range of acceptable performance error;
feedback is only given when amount of error is greater than this range
way to reduce the
frequency of AF and improve learning
summary of average AF
Self-selected frequency
Ask for feedback after “good” trials (KR)
*confirmation of performance success
Ask for feedback after “good and bad” trials (KP)
*Technical flaws
Engage in own problem solving, source of motivation
Effect notonlydueto areducedfrequencyoffeedback