If no supervisor is present on-scene and if a press inquiry does not interfere with
Department operations, members may respond to press inquiries only for the
following non-confidential information: What kind of info may be released when it comes to patients or victims ?
A. Type of incident or event;
B. Number of patients or victims, if known; and
C. The hospital(s) to which the patient(s) or victim(s) are being transported.
Members shall not discuss the condition of patient(s) or victim(s), the care
provided or other confidential information indicated in Section 3.3.
Sec 3.4.3
3.5.1 All requests to ride in Fire Department vehicles by any individual not authorized
to be present in a Fire Department vehicle, must be forwarded to and approved by whom ?
the Chief of Operations.
Sec 3.5.1
Any member who is involved in a newsworthy incident is encouraged to report such
incident to the Office of Public Information, via the chain of command, as follows: Complete what form and fax it where ?
Complete the Newsworthy Item Report (Appendix A) and fax it to the Office of
Public Information at (718) 999-0033.
Sec 5.1.1
3.3.1 All members are prohibited from making statements that are disruptive to the
operations of the Department, or that would disclose confidential information
including, but not limited to, statements about:
A. Non-final Department policies; B. Investigations; C. Legal proceedings; D. Security precautions; E. Medical information F. Other information protected from disclosure by law. Sec 3.3.1