Auburn Muscle (AH) Flashcards
Case 1: A red angus calf was found dead at pasture with suspected poisoning. Lesions: Rt. shoulder lesion – black. Crepitus emphysema. Fibrinous pleuritis and carditis.
Blackleg. Ingested bact. Spores of C. chauvei → cross gut wall → damage to tissue → anaerobic conditions → activation of spores. Did not receive Vx.?
What should you do when you suspect blackleg?
Inspect lots of muscles.
Case 2: Canine Blood hound. Male. 5Mo old. One of five puppies, only one affected. Presented with ascending paralysis (rear to fore), spasticity, severe mm atrophy in rear limbs leading to fixed joints as well as mm atrophy in head muscles. Findings: stomach prolapsed into thoracic cavity.
Neosporum caninum? Inherited Myopathy?
Case 3: Bovine, Brangus, F, 6yrs. Recently worked. Weight loss. Lameness in left rear limb. Suspected gastric rupture. Findings: Green/tan discoloration in SQ tissue. Large area of necrosis and edema. Ventral abdomen – SQ muscles severely expanded due to edema. Mixed culture, no external injury.
Possible contaminated Vx.
Case 4. Equine, 12yrs. Seen dropping feed, diarrhea, weight loss. Endoscopy: masses seen on tongue. Liver: firm, congested. Tongue: Ulcerative lesions.
Ddx: Chronic inflammation or squamous cell carcinoma. Pyrollizine alkaloid toxicity.
Case 5: Equine, 12yrs. History of colic. In shock, HR 160, purple mucus membranes. Euth. Plant material noted in abdominal fluid. Ragged edges around serosal area with evidence of hemorrhage (not post mortem). Tear was on greater curvature of stomach. No obstructions found.
Ruptured stomach possibly from overeating.
Case 6: Equine. 22Yrs. Colic for several days. Abdominocentesis: brown colored fluid with many inflammatory cells and digesta = rupture. Euth. Incidental Findings: caudal esophageal muscle hypertrophy. (ileal hypertrophy could have been an incidental finding, just not in this horse)
Peritonitis. Cecal impaction → cecal rupture.
Case 7: Canine, F, 2yrs. Bitten by a snake, collapsed and presented for critical care. Ventral edema, died of cardiac arrest. Creatinine: 10. BUN:200. Hyperphophatemia, hyperkalemia. Findings: Left and rt. Hind limbs edematous with tan/pink fluid. 2 open wounds. Small area of necrosis, hemorrhage and edema. Left and right kidney look the same: capsule hard to remove on both. Mottled appearance, multifocal pinpoint regions throughout capsular surface. Cortex red pinpoints. Renal pelvis slightly dilated. Bladder: multifocal areas. Adult heartworms found. Edema in abdomen and vulva.
Possible PLN?