Atypical gender development Flashcards
What is gender dysphoria?
A psychiatric condition listed in the DSM-V. Individuals experience confusion/ psychological distress because they have strong persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender
What is the Transsexual gene?
- Hare et al looked at DNA of 112 MtF transexuals and found they have longer version of androgen receptor
- result is reduced action of testosterone
- may have effect on gender-development in the womb
What is the brain sex theory?
- male and females brains are different, transexuals brain don’t match their genetic sex
- BSTc (bed nucleus of the stria terminalis) in thalamus
- size of BSTc correlates with the preferred sex than biological
- Zhou et al found the number of neurones in the BSTc in MtF were similar to females
What is the environmental effects on gender?
- external cause pollution
- pesticide DDT contains oestrogen which may mean males are prenatally exposed to female hormones
What is phantom limb theory?
- Ramachandran suggest gender dysphoria because of innate form of phantom limb syndrome
What is mental illness in regards to gender?
- gender dysphoria = mental illness
- related to childhood trauma or maladaptive upbringing
- Coats et al- studied boy who have gender dysphoria because of mother’s depression after abortion
- occurred at 3 when child sensitive to gender
- said trauma lead to cross-gender fantasy to resolve anxiety
What is the mother-son relationship?
- Stoller saiss gender dysphoria arises from distorted parental attitudes
- over close relationship between mother son
- enmeshed
- greater female identification confused gender identity
What is the father daughter relationship?
- Zucker say that FtM because of paternal rejection
- if they turn into males they may be accepted by their father
A03 Support comes from other evidence of brain differences associated with GD
- Rametti et al studies sexually dimorphic aspects of brain ( white and grey matter)
- regional differences in proportion of white matter in males and females
- analysed brains of m/f transgenders before they began hormone therapy
- white matter closely look like to preferred gender
- supports that gender dysphoria has biological origin
A03 Research to support cross wiring
- Ramachandran and McGeoch compared gender dysphoria patients and non gender dysphoria patients who had sex organs removed
- 60% of non gender patients experience phantom penis
- 30% of GD has such experiences
- suggests that there is no penis wiring
- 10% of FtM experience phantom breast
- GD people have differently wired brains compared to those without
A03 Support for social explanation comes from disordered attachment
- Owen-Anderson found high levels of over emotional over-involvement in mothers of boys with GD, supporting psychodynamic approach
A03 Not all research supports social explanation
- Cole studied 435 individuals experiencing GD and reported a range of psychiatric conditions displayed was no greater than normal population
- suggests that GD unrelated to trauma of pathological families
A03 Knowing there is a biological explanation is a relief
- Classifying as medical category requiring treatment removes the responsibility from the person
- less likely to feel as if it’s their fault
A03 Label of mental disorder
- Labels stigmatising those who are subject to it characterising them as ill or sick rather than different