Attributes Flashcards
(blockquote) cite
the URL of the cited content
(li) value
provides a number for an li in an ol
(ol) reversed
numbers the list in reverse order
(ol) start
provides the starting number for the list
(del) cite
the URL of cited content
(del) datetime
specifies the date and time of a change
(ins) cite
the URL of cited content
(ins) datetime
specifies the date and time of a change
(q) cite
the URL of the cited content
(time) datetime
provides machine readable date/time
(time) pubdate
indicates the time refers to publication
(a) href=”URL”
location of the target file
(a) target=”text string”
targets a browser window by name
(img) alt=”text”
alternative text
(img) src=”URL”
the location of the image file
(img) srcset=”list of urls with descriptors”
images to use in different situations
(img) sizes=”list media conditions and layout sizes”
image sizes for different layouts
(img) width=”number”
width of the graphic
(img) height=”number”
height of the graphic
(img) usemap=”usemap”
indicates the client-side image map to use
(source) src=”URL”
address of the image resource
(source) srcset=”URL”
images to use in different situations
(source) sizes=”source size list”
image sizes for different page layouts
(source) media=”media query”
query to determine applicable media
(source) type=”media type”
media (MIME) type of embedded image file
(td) colspan=”number”
number of columns the cell should span
(td) rowspan=”number”
number of rows the cell should span
(td) headers=”header name”
associates the data cell with a header
(th) abbr=”text”
alternative label for when the header cell is referenced in other contexts
(th) colspan=”number”
number of columns the cell should span
(th) rowspan=”number”
number of rows the cell should span
(th) headers=”header name”
associates a header with another header
(th) scope=”row|col|rowgroup|colgroup”
associates the header with a row, row group, column, or column group
(colgroup) span=”number”
number of columns he column group spans; may not be used with the colgroup contains col elements
(col) span=”number”
number of columns the column spans
(button) autofocus
automatically focuses the form control when the page is loaded
(button) name=”text”
supplies a unique variable name for the control
(button) disabled
disables the input so it cannot be selected
(button) type=”submit|reset|button”
the type of custom button
(button) value=”text”
specifies the value to be sent to the server
(button) menu=”idvalue”
specifies a designated pop-up menu
(button) form, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget
form submission-related attributes used for submit and reset type buttons
(fieldset) disabled
disables all the inputs in the fieldset so they cannot be selected, edited, or submitted
(fieldset) form=”idvalue”
associates the element with a specific form
(fieldset) name=”text”
supplies a unique variable name for the control
(form) action=”url”
location of forms processing program (required)
(form) method=”get|post”
the method used to submit the form data
(form) enctype=”content type”
the encoding method, generally either application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default) or multipart/form-data
(form) accept-charset=”characterset”
character encodings to use
(form) autocomplete
default setting for autofill feature for controls in the form
(form) name=”text”
name of the form to use in the document.forms API
(form) novalidate
bypasses form control validation for this form
(form) target=”text|_blank|_self|_parent|_top”
sets the browsing context
(input) autofocus
indicates the control should be ready for input when the document loads
(input) type=”submit|reset|button|text|password|checkbox|radio|image|file|hidden|email|tel|search|url|date|time|datetime-local|month|week|number|rage|color”
the type of input
(input) disabled
disables the input so it cannot be selected, edited, or submitted
(input) form=”form id value”
associates the control with a specified form
(label) for=”text”
identifies the associated control by its id reference
(meter) high=”number”
indicates the range that is considered “high” for the gauge
(meter) low=”number”
inidcates the range that is considered “low” for the gauge
(meter) max=”number”
specifies the highest value for the range
(meter) min=”number”
specifies the lowest value for the range
(meter) optimum=”number”
indicates the number considered to be “optimum”
(meter) value=”number”
specifies the actual or measured value
(optgroup) disabled
disables the optgroup so it cannot be selected
(optgroup) label=”text”
supplies a label for a group of options
(option) disabled
disables the option so it cannot be selected
(option) label=”text”
supplies an alternate label for the option
(option) selected
preselects the option
(option) value=”text”
supplies an alternate value for the option
(output) for=”text”
creates a relationship between output and another element
(output) form=”form id value”
associates the control with a specified form
(output) name=”text”
supplies a unique variable name for the control
(progress) max=”number”
specifies the total value or final size of the task
(progress) value=”number”
specifies how much of the task has been completed
(select) autofocus
indicates the control should be highlighted and ready for input when the document loads
(select) disabled
indicates the control is nonfunctional; can be activated with a script
(select) form=”form id value”
associates the control with a specified form
(select) multiple
allows multiple selections in a scrolling list
(select) name=”text”
supplies a unique variable name for the control
(select) required
indicates the user input is required for this control
(select) size=”number”
the height of the scrolling list in text lines
(textarea) autocomplete
hint for form autofill feature
(textarea) autofocus
indicates the control should be highlighted and ready for input when the document loads
(textarea) cols=”number”
the width of the text area in characters
(textarea) dirname=”text”
allows text directionally to be submitted
(textarea) disabled
disables the control so it cannot be selected
(textarea) form=”form id value”
associates the control with a specified form
(textarea) inputmode
hint for selecting an input modality
(textarea) maxlength=”number”
specifies the maximum number of characters the user can enter
(textarea) minlength=”number”
specifies the minimum number of characters the user can enter
(textarea) name=”text”
supplies a unique variable name for the control
(textarea) placeholder=”text”
provides a short hint to help the user enter the correct data
(textarea) readonly
makes the control unalterable by the user
(textarea) required
indicates user input is required for this control
(textarea) rows=”number”
the height of the text area in text lines
(textarea) wrap=”hard|soft”
controls whether line breaks in the text input are returned in the data; hard preserves line breaks, while soft does not