Attitudes Flashcards
Boys own paper began in
Girls own paper began in
How many copies did girls own and boys own sell weekly
By 1914 how many copies were the boys own and the girls own selling
But when did the children aimed proparganada and memorabilia take off
When did red maps come around
What made boys own and girls own so widely read
The education act of 1870
Stats on literacy rates of 1870 and 1900
England and Wales: 80% to 97%
Scotland: 90% to 98%
When was Empire day held
Queen Victoria’s birthday
When did Empire day begin
Rhyme of Empire day
Remember remember, Empire day, the 24th may
Who wld celebrarte it
All school kids
Also sang god save the queen and Jerusalem
Daily mail founded in
How many copies did the daily mail sell a day in 1898
400,000 copies
How many copies did daily mail sell a day in 1900
Almost 1.5 million
Who founded daily m
Alfred Harmsworth
What did Alfred Harmsworth believe
He was prop imperial and a big supporter of Cecil Rhodes
What did Alfred Harmsworth call empire
The greatest organisation the world ever saw
Who did the public pay to have a statue of in Trafalgar Square
Major-General Henry Havelock who recaptured Cawnpore following Indian mutiny, the press heroised him and transformed him into a national hero
The wide readership meant that when it questioned ??? It would have had an impact on the people’s imperialist views
Daily mail published articles questioning the patriotism of British citizens who were against the boer war
How did the daily telegraph report what happened during Arabi Pashas Egyptian nationalist revolt
Wrote that rebels had killed “all the christians they could find”
WHAT did the evening news report
Europeans had beef killed and “further massacres were imminent”
WHAT rudyard Kipling write that spurred on imperialists
White man’s burden
When was white mans burden written
WHAT was “Kim” about
A young European boy in India, paints a picture of an India where its people are in total support of British rule
WHAT was there an adventure novel set on abt real life events
Set during British military expedition under Lord Kitchener and detailed destruction of the Mahdist rebellion
Story of “true English gentleman”
White man burden quote on ppl
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child
WHAT did queen Victoria write in her diary abt the jubilee abt the people
“No-one ever, I believe, has met with such an ovation as was given to me”
“Their enthusiasm truly marvellous and deeply touching”
How did QUEEN Victoria describe enthusiasm of her jubilee as her
THEIR enthusiasm truly marvellous and deeply touching
WHAT did pulling say abt enthusiasm towards empire
Polling claimed that there is s telling distinction to be made between the small number of times the working class danced in the streets in support of empire - such as on Disraeli’s return from Berlin, compared with the request participation of the middle and upper class I. Support of public patriotic celebrations
WHAT cld ve the real reason for the publics enthusiasm for the diamond jubilee
Tea magnate sir Thomas Lipton sponsoring the London event providing free ale and pipe tobacco
& street feasts for 400,000 of London’s poorest residents and 100,000 of manchester’s
BUT why cld queen vics diary entry be quite telling and accurate
She wrote this about her procession thru the steers for 6 MILES
No one had to come to that
How did missionaries affect atttitudes to empire
Missionaries reported back on their evangelical work and their dispatches were used for missionary pamphlets, newspapers and Sunday school stories which were avidly read and consumed
Livingstone gained celebrity status
How did missionaries affect atttitudes to empire
Missionaries reported back on their evangelical work and their dispatches were used for missionary pamphlets, newspapers and Sunday school stories which were avidly read and consumed
Livingstone gained celebrity status
How did missionaries affect atttitudes to empire
Missionaries reported back on their evangelical work and their dispatches were used for missionary pamphlets, newspapers and Sunday school stories which were avidly read and consumed
Livingstone gained celebrity status
the universities mission to central Africa founded as a direct response to
David Livingstone
Scientific racism
Darwin’s Origin of the species 1859 inspired quasi-scientific beliefs of white superiority over aboriginals
WHAT happened the 1867 and 1884
Reforms act of 1867 and 1884 that extended the vote made public more politically aware
WHY extension of the vote in reform acts of 1867 and 1884 change politics
Ppl more politically aware and Disraeli chose to position the Tories as the party of the empire, this strategy shows that their must have been a wide reception for imperially orientatwf politics and beliefs
WHAT happened in 1862
THE international exhibition held in South Kensington
WHAT did the international exhibition have
Industry technology and art
7000 exhibits from India alone
WHAT did students get on Empire day
Half a day off to to celebrate the institution
WHAT was the aim of “Boys of the Empire”
“To promote and strengthen a worthy imperial spirit in British-born boys.”
Boys organisation that promoted empire
Boy Scouts, Boys Brigade and Lads Drill Association
How many Boy Scouts were there in1910
THE boys empire league had how many members
1877 exhibitions of who from Sudan
1877 Nubian villagers of Sudan put on display
Proof that Disraeli framed te Conservative party from a strategic viewpoint based on public
I’m 1852 Disraeli described the colonies as “wretched” and said “they are a millstone around our necks”
General opinion of the colonial office
Regarded as lowly until the end of the 19th century and wasn’t founded till 1854
THE liberals era
1906 TO 1914
Liberal beliefs
Despite being more critical of empire they were reluctant to bring an end to empire aimed at education and improvement and self rule
John Hobson
Economist who was a strong critic and wrote Imperislidm in 1902
WHAT did John Hobson conclude
THAT imperial expansion was a ‘capitalist plot’
Emily Hobhouse
Welfare campaigner who created a series of reports detailing horrendous condition me of concentration camps in South Africa during Boer War
WHAT did hobhouses reports cause
MUCH criticism from liberal MPs and figures within church
More importantly it tarnished the reputation and allure of the ‘civilising mission’ that made imperialism so popular
Leo Amery
Gained a high profile reporting on the Boer War as a correspondent for The Times nd propagated imperialist values
Proof of support for empire and war in 1914
Britain was the only major protagonist not to require conscription
Didn’t need to till 2 years in
Uganda punch
1894 punch depicted Uganda as a baby abandoned on the door step of John Bull who says “what, another! Well I suppose I must take it in!”
Conservatives hadn’t won since ? But did in?
Disraeli made tories
Party of empire
1884 reforms allowed for how many new voters
5.5 million males
How much did Disraeli spend on shares in 1875 in sues
£4 million worth of share
Also made Victoria empress
Poet who wrote opposition to white man vurden
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
What did Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
“The white man’s burden, lord, is the burden of his cash”
National efficiency result of fear of being eclipsed by