Attitude Media Language Flashcards
What are men on the website represented as?
Quite powerful and successful to appeal to a male audience
What are the men they choose to feature like?
Wealthy, successful, middle class etc. This fits with the aspirational branding.
What helps represent the men in a conventional “heroic” way?
Lots of semi-naked images of men designed to highlight their muscles and strength representing them in a conventional “heroic” type way.
What do the articles lack?
Lack emotional content which reflects stereotype that men are supposed to be emotionally detached. Some content does represent men as more emotionally vulnerable in terms of issues like homophobic abuse and discrimination.
What representations challenge the dominant ideologies?
Representations of men as victimised clearly challenges dominant ideologies of gender but would be identifiable for gay men who may have been through similar abuse.
What representations help reflect the alternative genre?
Quite a few representations of men who don’t adhere to “gender norms” wearing makeup and drag etc. Reflecting the alternative genre on their online site.
What is regular of representations of men on Attitude?
Reasonably unusual for men to be sexualised but it is regular on attitude website reflecting the gay audience.
What is the focus on the website?
The focus is gay men and whilst other members of the LGBTQ community are featured they are given less space than gay men.
What representations help fill a gap in the market?
Representations of gay men in a regular positive and normalised light fills a niche gap in the market where gay men are often misrepresented in the media.
What are many of the stories about other cultures like?
Many of the stories about other cultures are negative representing them as homophobic, discriminatory and places to be avoided. - Some may say Attitude creates a post colonialist view of the world with non-white cultures shown as aggressive, violent, intolerable etc
What countries are shown as more tolerant?
Western countries shown as more tolerant and positive creating an ethnocentric window on the world. Appeals to British argent audience also reflects cultural and political contexts of gay rights in some countries.
What is significant about the staff at Attitude?
-The staff that work at Attitude are almost all part of the LGBTQ community which may explain why the representations of sexuality are sympathetic and diverse.
-Main staff are almost all male which might explain why men are represented in a positive and dominating way.
What is the style of the online magazine?
Factual, with short paragraphing, yet informal, colloquial - less formal than the print magazine
What is the lighting like in many pictures on the website?
High exposure, high key lighting for posed shots; natural or ambient lighting for candid shots.
Wheat type of layout does Attitude online have?
Conventional layout for online newspaper/magazine. Grid layout with dominance of images over text. Use of click bait. Sensationalised (more like a tabloid newspaper). Maintains connections, through branding and formatting, to the print edition to support audience recognition.
What is constructed through ‘The masculinity issue’’ cover of Attitude?
-The cover constructs a subversive version of masculinity that challenges heteronormative stereotypes. The performative presentation of the model wearing army costume, mascara and nail varnish presents deliberately confused images juxtaposing stereotypical masculine and feminine signifiers to suggest that gender identification can move beyond simple gender binaries.
-The feminised ‘hand on hip’ pose further contributes to the sense of ‘gender trouble’ constructed by the imagery, supplemented by an aggressive fourth wall brake that is both provocative and confident. The sell lines surrounding the main image reinforce a sense of acceptance of the characters androgyny.
What does Attitude online use stereotypes to do?
To construct audeinces and maximise profits.
What are gay men represented as on the website?
-Camp, and enjoying camp culture
-Proud, strong and fierce
-Vulnerable and oppressed
-Hyper sexualised and hyper masculine.
Why does Attitude present stereotypical representations?
To not insult or denigrate, but to celebrate gay culture. Ultimately Attitude online presents a positive but stereotypical, straightforward and reductive representation of gay men for its target audience.
What is Stuart Hall’s theory?
The power of media representations play an important role in defining the ideological thinking of audiences regarding specific social groups. Focusing on stereotypes by the media.
Applying Stuart Hall’s theory to Attitude
Attitude magazine constructs a media product that purposefully deconstructs traditional stereotypes. Attitude offers it audeinces a steady diet of gay celebrity icons who defy negative stereotypes.
What does the active choice made by producers to separate the magazine from the website suggest?
They are deliberately formatting the media product to suit distinct audience groups in order to maximise revenue.
Who are they appealing to by having a high-end, high production value, glossy magazine?
Directly appealing to a group of people who are likely to identify as employed and successful with disposable income. ABC1 gay men.
Who does Attitude format its website to attract?
Gay men from other demographic groups, who identify as more resigned or strugglers and have less money to spend. Encouraging them to visit the website, meaning they can stay monetised with advertising and maximise their online revenue but not at the cost to their audience.