Attention Flashcards
Attentional shift
Directing attention to a point increases how efficiently the point is processed
What is the posner cueing task?
A task in which valid and invalid cues appear and people are quick to respond to objects that have been previously cued
Divided Attention
The ability to focus on tow or more things at once
inattentional blindness
Not seeing something because of divided attention
What are the attentional symptoms of ADHD
inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity
Selective attention
the ability to focus on some info while blocking out other
Cocktail Party Effect
The ability to separate one conversation from several other conversations
Dichotic listening studies
Participants are made to listen to two different messages simultaneously, with one message in each ear and asked to repeat one of the messages
Dichotic listening studies results
participants can repeat back one of the messages and tell if the other voice was masculine or feminine but not the contents of said message.
Broadbent Filter Model
The filter only allows information from one (left) ear to undergo perceptual analysis and become a part of short term memory
late selection model
suggested that all the information in the unattended ear gets processed on the basis of meaning. However only the information that is relevant for the task response gets into conscious awareness
Treisman attenuation model
Posits that information in one ear is weaker than the other one
sustained attention
The ability to focus on a stimulus for a long period of time
Subliminal Perception
You do not have to be aware or attending a message for it to be fully processed for meaning.
Inhibitory control
ignoring or suppressing irrelevant stimuli
Stroop Task
When the color of a word did not match the semantics (meaning of the word)
Significance of the Stroop task
We use inhibitory control to ignore irrelevant information
Inhibitory control example
ignoring the tv while completing an assignment
Sustained attention example
concentrating in class